
A group under the Guidance of the Heroes Foundation which aims at empowering its members to be young people who makes a positive foundation for themselves.

Location :
#25 Nelson Street, City of Port-of-Spain

16 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    19 December 2013

    Meeting at City Gate KFC Entrance for 8:15.

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  • Anynomous
    19 December 2013

    Hi guys, does anybody have a contact for Queen-Hadiya Charles?? Inbox me. I need it urgently. Thanks. @Catalina Cute-Redz D'Labero: I need some of the contacts from in the Heroes Book urgently. Call me!!

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  • Anynomous
    19 December 2013

    Ok folks: We're almost set for Friday. We are meeting the maxi at 8:15 (please don't be late) at City Gate the entrance by KFC. Gyasi, and Natalie will meet you all there. You should be back in town by about 1:30 pm. The gifts are wrapped, the party bags have been put together and the refreshments for the home are being taken care of. Please remember to dress appropriately. Casual but not skimpy ok!!! If you want to wear your Heroes jerseys you can.

    Miss Parsadie

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  • Anynomous
    22 November 2013

    Hmm...we already got the tp rolls...

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  • Anynomous
    20 November 2013

    Attention Heroes: There will be an urgent meeting Thursday 21st after school at 2:15 pm in Room 33 to discuss Christmas Angels Project. Gyasi will be coming in so please make sure and attend.

    Just a quick reminder for Christmas Angels: Date: Wed 20th December Venue: Couva Children's Home (same place as last year)


    Actions: We decided to invite people to contribute towards the hampers. The first one we are working on is a food hamper so please bring in food/tin items by the end of this week.

    Please spread the word around and tell your friends/classmates that we need as much assistance as possible with getting $$/contributions for the event.

    Hope to see you all at the meeting: @Dominic Datt; @Catalina Cute-Redz D'Labero; @Sarah D Original Angel; @ BabygirlShani Lewis; @Theresa Sandy; @Menelik Goodboy Mckay; @D Lovely Akaylah Lucas; @Darling Chloe; @Shaquille Fly Noreiga; @Queenhadiya Charles; @Nikila Morris; @Renelle Frederick; @Teressa Mcewen

    Thanks guys.

    Miss Parsadie

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  • Anynomous
    15 November 2013

    Hope it goes well Natz Joseph

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  • Anynomous
    14 November 2013

    Something to try

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  • Anynomous
    01 November 2013

    Good day heroes! Hope everyone is having a great day thus far. Just another reminder, our fellow hero Natalie Joseph is required to put on a play for one of her courses and is looking for persons to volunteer to be part of the chorus, dances and musical section. She has chosen to do 'Ah Wanna Fall' written by Rawle Gibbons, part of his calypso trilogy. Anyone interested or willing to assist please contact her at 290-7611. She really will appreciate the help.

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  • Anynomous
    29 October 2013

    Good night heroes! Our fellow hero Natalie Joseph is required to put on a play for one of her courses and is looking for persons to volunteer to be part of the chorus, dances and musical section. She has chosen to do 'Ah Wanna Fall' written by Rawle Gibbons, part of his calypso trilogy. Anyone interested or willing to assist please contact her at 290-7611. She really will appreciate the help.

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  • Anynomous
    13 October 2013

    This is the winning performance. Sooo proud...

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  • Anynomous
    12 October 2013

    We won!!! Wooohooo....great great job guys. I'm sooo proud of you all. We worked hard and we delivered of our best. Keep it up!!

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  • Anynomous
    12 October 2013

    We won stage presentation!! Worked on this even while school has been out for weeks!

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  • Anynomous
    11 October 2013

    Great job today guys! Remember the maxi is picking you all up in school at 7:30 so don't be late. Those of you in the play remember to walk with your school uniform neatly pressed ok.

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  • Anynomous
    08 October 2013

    Hey sepos heroes...I hope you all are in gear for convention this week. I made a few of the lampshades already and will be making some more. Trying to come up with something using straws and/or clothespins. I will be doing some remodeling of old jerseys as well. Natalie is doing the beach bags. I went to school today but unfortunately we have lost the house, the checkerboard and the toilet paper rolls to the construction. Even though we can't meet in school we will still put on a splendid presentation come Friday. Please stay focused, keep your chins up and continue working. Remember each person should have an item to present.

    Have an enjoyable night. Miss Parsadie

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  • Anynomous
    08 October 2013

    Good night heroes! A gentle reminder of meeting tomorrow morning at 10 in NALIS. We are to assemble in front of the library on the side opposite the Red House.

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  • Anynomous
    05 October 2013


    Good evening heroes! Hope everyone had a great day. There will be a meeting tomorrow for 1pm concerning our stage presentation for convention. You are all to meet Natalie Joseph outside of NALIS (on the side opposite the red house) where she will lead you all. Do expect a call from her as she is expected to speak to your parents to obtain permission. If you do not get a call feel free to contact her

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