
Joyful Hearts Organization hereafter referred to as JHO is a Swazi based not for profit, non Governmental Organization

Tags : #NonGovernmentalOrganizationNgo, #CommunityCenter, #NonGovernmentalOrganization(ngo)

Location :
Manzini, P.O.Box 5056 Manzini


Joyful Hearts Organization hereafter referred to as JHO is a Swazi based not for profit, non Governmental Organization; it is non discriminatory formed in 2011, with strong a focus on rural communities and with refugees at Malindza refugee camp. The emphasis is on women affected with HIV/ AIDS and TB and vulnerable children at the grassroots to make them realize that their development cannot be some abstract but one's responsibility and their own. The organization was established by people whose ideas are to develop the lives and welfare for refugees from war tone countries in Africa, as well as to the local Swazis who are in need of help so as to complement government efforts in insuring that some MDGs are met by 2015
Organization is registered by the Swaziland Government-The Swaziland companies Act-No. 8 of 2009, Certificate No 1051 of 2011
i) To Create an enabling environment for people to improve their socio-economic status and personal development
ii) To Create a support system for refugees irrespective of their country of origin
iii) To Promote and advocate human rights and quench any form of violence in and around refugee camps and local communities
iv) To promote and support interventions that are aimed at preventing HIV/AIDS and TB and enhancing quality of life for people living with HIV and affected families especially orphans
v) To Create a support system for those affected and infected by HIV/AIDS, TB and any other pandemic that may threaten the life of the community
vi) To assist the needy, the elderly, widows, and the homeless through provision for their immediate needs while waiting for a more permanent solution
vii) To promote and encourage holy living through evangelism and healing crusades, education on peace and conflict management with different form of teaching that may promote a transformation from within the individual.
viii) To enhance traditional rulers knowledge of the basic human rights and skills to manage their affairs in a democratic and gender sensitive environment.