凯泽街清真寺是苏里南首都帕拉马里博的一座阿赫迈底亚派的清真寺,得名于她所在的凯泽街,该寺旁边即位纳维·沙洛姆犹太会堂。历史帕拉马里博的穆斯林社区建于1929年,9年后他们有了第一座清真寺,一座设有宣礼塔的木质长方形建筑,便是今日清真寺的前身。现在的清真寺建于1984年。外部链接Opening of Canjie Mosque in Guyana – The Canefield Ahmadiyya Culture Centre Mosque OpensSurinam - Una Cultura de Tolerancia, Diálogo, 14 marzo 2008City of Paramaribo, KeizerstraatCity of Paramaribo, Keizerstraat 88. [read more]
مسجد كيزيرسترات يقع المسجد في شارع كيزيرسترات في سورينام. التاريخاستقر المجتمع الإسلامي في مدينة باراماريبوعام 1929. أول مسجد، تم الانتهاء من بناء خشبي مستطيل مع المآذن، في عام 1932. [read more]
Masdjid Ulul Obsor is a mosque, located at Oost, Para. [read more]
Masdjid Darussalam is a mosque, located at Oost, Para. [read more]
Masdjid Rochmat Islam is a mosque, located at West Polders, Nickerie. [read more]
Masdjid Al Hidjroh is a mosque, located at Soemboredjostraat Totness, Coronie. [read more]
Masdjid Al-Burhaan is a mosque, located at Soekramsingstraat Nieuw-Nickerie, Nickerie. [read more]
Masdjid Nurul Huda is a mosque, located at Domburg, Wanica. [read more]
Masdjid Al Haq is a mosque, located at Gongerijpstraat Blauwgrond, Paramaribo. [read more]
Masdjid Baitur Rochim is a mosque, located at Rangoonrijstweg Groot Henar, Nickerie. [read more]
Masdjid Al Azhar is a mosque, located at Domburg Twaalfde Zijstraat Domburg, Wanica. [read more]
Hadji A. Siregar is a mosque, located at Lijnweg Moengo, Marowijne. [read more]
Djama'ah Anshorullah is a mosque, located at Jozef Israelstraat Blauwgrond, Paramaribo. [read more]
Sanggar Panuwun Jati is a mosque, located at Lust en Rust Serie B Nieuw-Amsterdam, Commewijne. [read more]
Mosque Khilafat Anjuman is a mosque, located at Crommelinstraat Rainville, Paramaribo. [read more]
Hello, I'm Jillian, a 17 year old from Hvolsfollur, Iceland. My hobbies include (but are not limited to) Amateur astronomy, Collecting cards and watching Two and a Half Men. [read more]
I'll never forget the years I have spent there with my father Ameer and Missionary Incharge , Maulana Muhammad Ashraf Ishaque from 1984 to 1989. Assalamualaikum wr wb from indonesian. [read more]
Lovely Masjid, i hav hardly seen colourful masjid. Allah is the greatest. A must see spot in Paramaribo. Unique in the world, a synagogue and a mosque besides each other. [read more]
Ahmadiyya Moskee Nasr is a mosque, located at Nieuwzorgweg, Paramaribo. They can be contacted via phone at +597 481-689 for more detailed information. [read more]
Masdjid Al Furqon is a mosque, located at East-West Connection. [read more]
Moskee Baitur Rochim is a mosque, located at 46,, Kasoedjieweg, Paramaribo. [read more]
assalamu'alaikum. . . salam soko jowo indonesia. [read more]
Al-Karam is a mosque, located at Mohamed Shaik Soeltanstraat. [read more]
De S. I. V. is de eerste Islamitische Vereniging in Suriname (opgericht op 17 nov. 1929). Website: http://www. sivsr. org/ Moederorganisatie: http://aaiil. [read more]
Deze Kennis is religie, kijk dus uit waar jullie je religie vandaan halen. [read more]
Deze page is speciaal gemaakt om QI leden op de hoogte te stellen van geplande activiteiten. . [read more]
Masdjid Tawakkal is a mosque, located at Nieuw Nickerie. [read more]
Mosque is a mosque, located at De Nieuwe Grond. [read more]
Salam kenal dari indonesia. Bangunan sudah mengarah kiblat. . [read more]