Thanks to BiFit I remain in good shape and health. Good trainers, friendly people and well organized activities. . [read more]
Powergym is a gym, located at Niddhastraat 5, Paramaribo. They can be contacted via phone at +597 817-7788 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Het Gewichten Huis is a gym, located at Mahonylaan, Paramaribo. They can be contacted via phone at +597 457-511 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Fysioclinic Paloeloestraat is a gym, located at paloeloeatraat, Paloeloeweg, Groningen. They can be contacted via phone at +597 404-789 for more detailed information. [read more]
House Of Pureness is a gym, located at Veldhuizenlaan, Paramaribo. They can be contacted via phone at +597 431-953 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Fitness Factory Suriname is a gym, located at cocobiacoweg 29, Paramaribo. They can be contacted via phone at +597 492-660 for more detailed information. [read more]
Dean's Gym is a gym, located at Dageraadweg. They can be contacted via phone at +597 857-8862 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Beschikt oude som niet werkende trainingsapperaten. . [read more]
Reservering plaatsen. Leuk plek om te gaan bowlen. . [read more]
BJJ Academy Suriname is a gym, located at Prinsessestraat 300, Paramaribo. They can be contacted via phone at +597 769-0726 for more detailed information. [read more]
Top!!!! Goeie vibe alleen maar genieten. . . . [read more]
De Dolfijn is een multifunctionele sport- en vrijetijdsclub gericht op gezinnen. Het complex bestaat uit twee zwembaden, drie tennisbanen en een sporthal. [read more]
Het Gewichtenhuis is een compleet fitness en weightlifting center in Suriname. Modern Fitness apparatuur en begeleiding. . [read more]
Inspanning, ontspanning en amusement. Inspanning: squash & fitness. Ontspanning: massage, fysio & sauna. Amusement: bowlen, poolbiljart, restaurant & bar. [read more]
Inschrijving: SRD 75 Contributie (per maand): SRD 90 Dag Training : SRD 20. [read more]
Fitnes centre work it out is opgericht om de samenleving fit te houden. Voel jij je dik worden of uw lijn behouden?Kom en schrijf u zo spoedig mogelijk in. [read more]
Parima Gym beschikt over 2 afdelingen t. w. : Fitness & Krachttraining. De Fitness lessen zijn van Ma. t/m Za. en zijn onderverdeeld in: - Taebo, Zumba, BBB (Buik Billen Benen), Step-Circuit,.. [read more]
SV Puwa Nani Sportcomplex Kamponglaan 1 Cultuurtuin Paramaribo Algemeen info : (+597) (0) 856-3708 Zaal info : (+597) (0) 876-1662. [read more]
NORTH FITNESS GYM Anamoestraat #72 Paramaribo-Noord. [read more]
One Fitness verzorgt verschillende Fitness lessen zoals Body Combat, Core X, HITT, Zumba Fitness, Dancelessen voor Kids & Adults. [read more]
When mind,body & soul work together in harmony to make you stronger, happier and healthier, we don’t just call it a better life, we call it a balanced life. [read more]
Sando Gym, the place to be❤️. [read more]
Bij Aryan's Fitness & Fighting bent u terecht voor cardio workouts, circuit trainingen, cardio boxing en nog veel meer! App +597 867-8940 voor meer info :D. [read more]
DAG TIJD ACTIVITEIT B-FIT Paramaribo en B-FIT Lelydorp B-FIT Paramaribo Maandag 8:00-9:00 Cardio Kicks 9:15-10:00 Zumba Sentao 16:00-16:45 nice and.. [read more]
De Taekwondoschool “Yeshua Warriors Taekwondo” is op maandag 19 augustus 2013 als officieël lid toegelaten tot de Surinaamse Taekwondo Associatie (STA). [read more]
Simson Gym kickboxing voor recreanten en top sporters. [read more]
Een sportschool speciaal voor dames!! We verzorgen Zumba, Pilates, Total Body en Strong Nation. [read more]
Join official Page for "Bodybuilding vs gym boys and more". [read more]
Losing weight healthily and responsibly? Call us today for an intake! Losing weight and getting healthy does not have to hard on you! Let us help. . . [read more]
Activiteiten voor sport, recreatie, cultuur, evenementen en nog veel meer!. [read more]
MK's Gym The mind is the limit As long as the mind Can envision the fact That you can do something You can do it As long as you really believe. [read more]
Pro-Fitness Nickerie Get Fit For Life , is a professional Fitness Center with all Fitness activities. . [read more]
Never let your circumstances define who you are,but let your ways of overcoming it all be your signature in life. Sam. K Conquer your Mind,Body and Soul. [read more]
Fitness, Cardio, Kracht Training en groepslessen. . [read more]
Fitness Gym Sur is a gym. They can be contacted via phone at 5978701236 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Fysiotherapeuten, MSU Echografist, de dietiste, de health educator en trainers die u optimaal begeleiden om uw leefkwaliteit te optimaliseren. [read more]