Prodimex is an innovative company that strives for more than just business success. We work with passion and inspire others to use our efficient office solutions. [read more]
𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 is a consultancy firm with core services dedicated to project management services catering to the STO (Shutdown, Turnaround, Outages) Business and Capital Projects. [read more]
Perfect matching is an international recruitment agency based in Suriname (South America). We assist companies with finding qualified staff at any level or in any field. [read more]
We Build your Dream Home. Planning , construction, interior exterior decoration. [read more]
Human Capital Management Solutions (HCMS N. V)We provide your HR solution. Wij bieden innovatieve oplossingen op het gebied van flexibel werk en kwalitatief hoogwaardige human resource diensten. [read more]
Paramaribo Focus Lions Club (LC) is a newly chartered club. The club is for ‘young professionals' between the ages of 25 to 40. Paramaribo FOCUS core belief is that by integrating.. [read more]
PRO GUTTER is een gevestigd loodgietersbedrijf welke werd opgericht op 29 april 2012. PRO GUTTER onderscheidt zich van overige loodgieters bedrijven door de kwaliteit welke wij leveren. [read more]
Proofreaders & Grammar Nerds N. V. stands for providing affordable, qualitative solutions in the language and data entry field. Our core services:• proofreading• data entry• copywriting. [read more]
Packed and ready Tours NV is a tour company that offers fully organized local and international tours and cruises that fit your budget. If you are addicted to cultural and nature, adventures.. [read more]
The fastest developing, safest and friendliest Casino in Suriname with a personal touch. We have something new and something better every day!WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!. [read more]
Professional Private Security N. V. – PPS Security, opgericht op 10 november 1990, is uitgegroeid tot de meest veelzijdige dienstverlener op het gebied van beveiliging in Suriname. [read more]
We Import goods from all around the world, mainly the United States of America. The duration for our air cargo (from US to Suriname) takes approximately 2 weeks and our ocean cargo.. [read more]
www. surfnshop. sr - Online Shopping and Delivery Solutions (Surf 'n Shop)www. centaur. sr - Home and Business Security Solutions (Centaur Security Systems & Solutions)www. [read more]
Places2Go Suriname is a company, located at Paramaribo, Paramaribo District. [read more]
Purity Tours & Services is een touroperatorbedrijf, met een verkoopkantoor te Paramaribo, dat klant- en servicegericht werkt. Wij bieden de volgende diensten en producten aan:- gratis.. [read more]
Jani Detachering & Constructions N. V. helpt graag bij het invullen van opdrachten voor een bepaalde tijd. Wat de reden van detachering ook is, wij zorgen voor de juiste professional die de klus.. [read more]
Jtat Photography is a company, located at 11 Havannastraat, Paramaribo, Paramaribo District. [read more]
Gemenelandsweg 6-10Paramaribo, Surinameinfo@jumbo-sr. com+597 479417 & +597 479418About UsJumbo Group of Companies was founded on September 20, 1970, as an import company under the name.. [read more]
Joy Of Julia Cupcakes is a company, located at 42 Commewijnestraat, Paramaribo, Paramaribo District. [read more]
We are Project Developers and Private Financiers for Smart and Sustainable Infrastructure and Wellness Real Estate projects. . [read more]
Welkom op de officiële pagina van Optiek Commewijne NV. Wij verkopen complete brillen en leveren alle diensten die betrekking hebben op uw ogen. Oogmetingen, Advies, Reparaties van monturen en.. [read more]
Omicron Seafood N. v. is a company, located at 48 Corantijnstraat, Paramaribo, Paramaribo District. [read more]
OMNI is specialized in helping organizations improve their resilience against cybercriminals and ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of their data/information/intellectual property. [read more]
Omadudu is a leading Managed Services company that focuses on enhancing security and productivity for its clients. The company provides comprehensive solutions for cyber security and.. [read more]
To achieve our mission OX88 sets high standards on the following aspects• Reliability, Security, Efficiency• Price and Quality• Expertise and Service Level. [read more]
NAKS in het kort:Vanaf haar oprichting, op 4 mei 1947, heeft NAKS de ontwikkeling van de artistieke en culturele tradities van Afro- Surinamers bevorderd. [read more]
ProgressICT N. V. is een ervaren, flexibel en out-of-the-box-denkend bedrijf dat kwalitatief hoogwaardige ICT-producten en diensten levert aan de private- en publieke sector. [read more]
Plantation Resort Frederiksdorp is the center of North Commewijne Island situated between Braamspunt and the Matapicacreek and the Atlantic ocean in the North and Commewijne river in the south,.. [read more]
Founded in 2009, Prako Trucks & Heavy Equipment, started as a small company and has been expanding ever since. We're specialized in the transportation of any kind of sand, stones from anywhere.. [read more]
Onze Missie is het ondersteunen van individuen en organisaties om effectief te zijn in hun professionele en persoonlijke ontwikkeling. Onze samenleving is voortdurend in ontwikkeling en dat.. [read more]
Pharmport is an importer and distributor for pharmaceuticals and herbal products in Suriname. Our office is located in Paramaribo, Suriname which is located in South America. [read more]
Het PTC, opgericht in 1997, is een hogere technische beroepsopleiding waar project- en praktijkgericht onderwijs, kennis én technische innovatie voorop staan. [read more]
The Pasha Global Group, with its' headquarter in Paramaribo, Suriname, was founded in 2003. Young professionals are part of the management of this international organization. [read more]
Parbode is een kritisch Surinaams maandblad met in elke editie opinie, reportages, interviews, cultuur en columns. Maandelijks worden 5. 000 exemplaren verkocht in Suriname en Nederland, waarmee.. [read more]
Commercieel bureau Pelatis N. V. , brandname ‘Pelatis', is a full service commercial company. We provide both marketing and sales services with the objective of preparing our customers for the future. [read more]
Wij zijn een jong Promotion, Marketing, Management & Communication bedrijf, met een flexibele houding en workflow. Je kunt bij ons terecht, voor al jouw marketing en communicatie materialen. [read more]