
Somali Disaster Resilience Institute

Mogadishu, Banaadir


About SDRISDRI is a Somalia-focused, independent think tank, multidisciplinary research and capacity development institute. The institute specializes on addressing complex resilience problems in Somalia. SDRI focuses on the study of disaster resilience, health systems, sustainable education, natural resources management and water, nutrition and food security, public financial management and media and governance. To achieve these, SDRI promotes innovation and resilience leadership, resilience programming, resilience knowledge management. SDRI has offices in Mogadishu, Kampala and Nairobi, partners in all federal member states, IGAD, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Turkey, United States, United Kingdom, Sweden, and full -time faculty, consultants and research fellows working in-country across the federal member states and regions in Somalia.Why SDRI and Why Now:SDRI Launched in 2015 to Fill a Crucial GapSDRI was established to act as a coordinating agent to facilitate multidisciplinary learning and knowledge transfer collaboration between existing institutes, centers, scholars, and practitioners within the universities in Somalia, regional and International Universities and centers of excellence. The primary objective of SDRI is to strengthen the capacity of people, infrastructure and systems to recurrent disasters both manmade and natural by applying rigorous scientific research, conducting advanced specialized capacity building programs and promoting robust learning between communities, government, NGOs, INGOs and donors. SDRI will bring together the resilience stakeholders (the communities, people and institutions) from a variety of disciplines to tackle complex resilience related problems with increasingly integrated understandings, methodologies, and solutions for advanced resilience learning that will inform successful disaster resilience leaders hip and programming.VISION STATEMENTTo be Africa's preeminent institute dedicated to excellence in disa

Tags : #HigherEducation

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Mogadishu, Banaadir
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