Hvezdáreň A Planetárium M. r. štefánika is a museum, located at Sládkovičova 41, 920 01 Hlohovec. [read more]
Záhorské Múzeum-Rodný Dom Jána Hollého is a museum, located at Jána Hollého 554/1, 908 77 Borský Mikuláš. They can be contacted via phone at +421 34/659 55 80 for more detailed information. [read more]
Slovenské Národné Múzeum-Hudobné Múzeum Kaštieľ Dolná Krupá is a museum, located at Hlavná 572, 919 65 Dolná Krupá. They can be contacted via phone at +421 33/245 31 31 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vlastivedné Múzeum v Hlohovci is a museum, located at Komenského 212/15, 920 01 Hlohovec. They can be contacted via phone at +421 33/730 03 37 for more detailed information. [read more]
Balneologické Múzeum Imricha Wintera-Vila Doktora Lisku is a museum, located at Štefánikova 1161/1, 92101 Piešťany. They can be contacted via phone at +421 33/772 28 75 for more detailed information. [read more]
Záhorské Múzeum-Družstevné Múzeum Samuela Jurkoviča is a museum, located at 906 05 Sobotište. They can be contacted via phone at +421 34/628 21 02 for more detailed information. [read more]
Balneologické Múzeum Imricha Wintera-Pamätná Izba Ivana Krasku is a museum, located at Nábrežie Ivana Krasku 2, 921 01 Piešťany. They can be contacted via phone at +421 33/772 28 75 for.. [read more]
Múzeum v Abraháme is a museum, located at 92545 Abrahám. [read more]
Záhorské Múzeum-Pamätná Izba Miloslava Hurbana is a museum, located at 1152, 90631 Hlboké. They can be contacted via phone at +421 34/654 87 18 for more detailed information. [read more]
Naftárske múzeum is a museum, located at Pionierska 697/17, 90845 Gbely. [read more]
Mestská galéria Holíč is a museum, located at Bernolákova 371/3, 90851 Holíč. They can be contacted via phone at +421 34/668 51 55 for more detailed information. [read more]
Špitálik is a museum, located at Kamenná 3489/6, 920 01 Hlohovec. [read more]
Galéria Kaštieľ is a museum, located at Parková, 92401 Galanta. [read more]
Múzeum Vojenských Objektov a Spojovacej Techniky ČSLA is a museum, located at Malokarpatská vínna cesta, 919 43 Cífer. [read more]
Mestská a Naftárska Expozícia is a museum, located at Pionierska 697/17, 90845 Gbely. [read more]
And gallery is a museum, located at Štefánikova 125/35, 917 01 Trnava. They can be contacted via phone at +421 33/534 06 09 for more detailed information. [read more]
Záhorské Múzeum-Rotunda Svätého Juraja is a museum, located at Potočná 209/1, 909 01 Skalica. They can be contacted via phone at +421 34/664 42 30 for more detailed information. [read more]
Záhorské Múzeum-Múzeum v Kopčanoch is a museum, located at Kollárova, 908 48 Kopčany. They can be contacted via phone at +421 34/664 42 30 for more detailed information. [read more]
Múzeum Molpír Smolenice is a museum, located at Cintorínska 3, 919 04 Smolenice. They can be contacted via phone at +421 33/557 11 00 for more detailed information. [read more]
Žitnoostrovné Múzeum-Mestský Vlastivedný Dom Šamorín is a museum, located at Bratislavská 92/15, 93101 Šamorín. They can be contacted via phone at +421 31/562 21 65 for more detailed information. [read more]
Galéria E. Pauloviča is a museum, located at Piešťanská 581/21, Leopoldov, 92041. [read more]
Renesančný Kaštieľ Galanta is a museum, located at Hlavná, Galanta, 92401. [read more]
Vojenske Múzeum is a museum, located at Žilinská cesta, 92101 Piešťany. [read more]
Obecné múzeum Veľká Mača is a museum, located at 92532 Veľká Mača. They can be contacted via phone at +421 31/785 81 21 for more detailed information. [read more]
SNM-Pamätník Ludwiga Van Beethovena is a museum, located at Hlavná, 919 65 Dolná Krupá. They can be contacted via phone at +421 33/245 31 30 for more detailed information. [read more]
Múzeum včelárstva na Slovensku is a museum, located at 90050 Kráľová pri Senci. They can be contacted via phone at +421 33/779 80 49 for more detailed information. [read more]
Galéria Súčastných Maďarských Umelcov-Vermesova Vila is a museum, located at Gyulu Szabóa 304/2, 929 01 Dunajská Streda. They can be contacted via phone at +421 31/552 93 84 for more.. [read more]
Kolový mlyn is a museum, located at 92504 Tomášikovo. They can be contacted via phone at +421 31/780 55 35 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Vlastivedné múzeum Hlohovec is a museum, located at Komenského 212/15, Hlohovec, 92001. They can be contacted via phone at +(421)-(33)-7300337 for more detailed information. [read more]
Múzeum vojenského bunkra is a museum, located at Malokarpatská vínna cesta, 919 43 Cífer. [read more]
Pamätná izba Ambroziánum is a museum, located at 51, 91905 Trstín. [read more]
Vlastivedné múzeum Hlohovec - výstavná sieň is a museum, located at Rázusova 797/6, 920 01 Hlohovec. They can be contacted via phone at +421 33/730 03 37 for more detailed information. [read more]
Múzeum veteránov is a museum, located at Športová 485/28, 924 01 Galanta. They can be contacted via phone at +421 905 455 176 for more detailed information. [read more]
Veľmožský dvorec-archeologická pamiatka is a museum, located at 922 21 Ducové. They can be contacted via phone at +421 33/772 28 75 for more detailed information. [read more]
Pamätná izba Jána Palárika is a museum, located at 1337, 91922 Majcichov. They can be contacted via phone at +421 33/558 31 36 for more detailed information. [read more]
Balneologické Múzeum Piešťany-Vila Doktora Lisku is a museum, located at Štefánikova 1161/1, Piešťany, 92101. They can be contacted via phone at +(421)-(33)-7722875 for more detailed information. [read more]