Kysucka Gallery is a museum, located at 023 01 Oščadnica. [read more]
Podtatranské múzeum is a museum, located at Sobotské námestie 33, 058 01 Poprad. They can be contacted via phone at +421 52/772 13 23 for more detailed information. [read more]
Pevnosť Komárno is a museum, located at Elektrárenská cesta, 945 01 Komárno. [read more]
Museum Of Aristocratic Coaches is a museum, located at 027 41 Oravský Podzámok. [read more]
Pamätný dom Martina Kukučína is a museum, located at 2255, 026 01 Jasenová. They can be contacted via phone at +421 43/586 47 80 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hvezdaren V Rimavskej Sobote is a museum, located at Tomašovská 57, 979 01 Rimavská Sobota. [read more]
Bunker Bs-8 is a museum, located at 851 01 Bratislava. [read more]
Museum Bunker B-S 4 Lany is a museum, located at 851 01 Bratislava (Bratislava-Petržalka). [read more]
Podzemie Pod Vežami-Expozícia Života Mince-Mincovníčkovo is a museum, located at Pod vežami 150, 032 03 Liptovský Ján. [read more]
Slovak Agricultural Museum is a museum, located at Dlhá 92, 949 01 Nitra (Nitriansky Region). [read more]
Mini Skanzen is a museum, located at Mierová 24, 068 01 Medzilaborce. [read more]
Lisov Muzeum is a museum, located at 962 71 Lišov. [read more]
Bajzíkov Mlyn-Závada is a museum, located at 955 01 Závada. [read more]
Kysucké Múzeum-Vychylovka is a museum, located at 023 05 Nová Bystrica. [read more]
Mestské Múzeum Jelsava is a museum, located at Námestie republiky, 049 16 Jelšava. They can be contacted via phone at +421 58/732 57 96 for more detailed information. [read more]
Nbs-Museum Of Coins And Medals is a museum, located at Štefánikovo námestie, 967 01 Kremnica. [read more]
Stála Expozícia Histórie Lyžovania is a museum, located at Štefánikovo námestie, 967 01 Kremnica. [read more]
Vojenské Historické Múzeum Svidník is a museum, located at Bardejovská 14, 089 01 Svidník. [read more]
Slovenské technické múzeum-Múzeum letectva Košice is a museum, located at 04017 Košice. They can be contacted via phone at +421 55/683 22 72 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kaštieľ A Múzeum Regiónu Bielych Karpát is a museum, located at 1919, 018 52 Bohunice (Trenčiansky Kraj). [read more]
Mining Museum Andrej Adit Kremnica is a museum, located at Banská cesta 27, 967 01 Kremnica. [read more]
Master Paul's House is a museum, located at Kláštorská, 054 01 Levoča. [read more]
Muzeum Snp is a museum, located at Hronská 1, 977 01 Brezno. [read more]
Kočiarové Múzeum Pavla Baláža is a museum, located at Popradská 653, 059 52 Veľká Lomnica. [read more]
Aeromúzeum is a museum, located at Tomčányiovská 35, 036 01 Martin. [read more]
Tekovské múzeum v Leviciach is a museum, located at Svätého Michala 2431/40, 934 01 Levice. They can be contacted via phone at +421 36/631 21 12 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hvezdáreň A Planetárium M. r. štefánika is a museum, located at Sládkovičova 41, 920 01 Hlohovec. [read more]
Slovenské Banské Múzeum-Nový Zámok is a museum, located at Novozámocká 149/22, 96901 Banská Štiavnica. They can be contacted via phone at +421 45/691 15 43 for more detailed information. [read more]
Slovenské Národné Múzeum-Múzeum Slovenskej Dediny is a museum, located at 03601 Martin. They can be contacted via phone at +421 43/423 94 91 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hornonitriansky Banský Skanzen is a museum, located at 972 05 Sebedražie. [read more]
Malokarpatské Múzeum Ferdiša Kostku is a museum, located at Ferdiša Kostku, 900 31 Stupava. They can be contacted via phone at +421 2/659 348 82 for more detailed information. [read more]
Krajská Hvezdáreň A Planetárium Maximiliána Hella is a museum, located at Dukelských hrdinov 21, 965 01 Žiar nad Hronom. [read more]
Imre Madacha Kastelya is a museum, located at Hájska 1, 991 02 Dolná Strehová. [read more]
Snm-Múzeum Kultúry Chorvátov Na Slovensku is a museum, located at Istrijská, 841 07 Bratislava. They can be contacted via phone at +421 2/204 931 02 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hangár X-Interaktívne Letecké Múzeum is a museum, located at Legionárska 160, 911 01 Trenčín. [read more]
Podunajské Múzeum v Komárne-Bašta VI. -Rímske Lapidárium is a museum, located at Okružná cesta, 945 01 Komárno. They can be contacted via phone at +421 35/773 14 76 for more detailed information. [read more]