The Public Health is a local government office, located at Trnavská cesta 166/52, 821 02 Bratislava. They can be contacted via phone at +421 2/443 727 43 for more detailed information. [read more]
kastler-domaci-majster is an electrician, located at Koprivnická 15, 841 02 Bratislava. They can be contacted via phone at +421 903 850 934 for more detailed information. [read more]
OBEC ZÁLESIE is a city hall, located at Zálesie 64, 05904, 900 28 Zálesie. They can be contacted via phone at +421 52/489 21 43 for more detailed information. [read more]
Obecný úrad Janíky is a city hall, located at Horné Janíky 406, 930 39 Janíky. They can be contacted via phone at +421 31/569 21 79 for more detailed information. [read more]
Auf unserer Radreise 2013 entlang der Donau zum Schwarzen Meer radelten wir auch durch Čunovo. Es war das erste Dorf an der Donau nach unserer Radpause in Weiden am See. [read more]
Miestny úrad is a city hall, located at Vývojová 8, 851 10 Bratislava-Rusovce. They can be contacted via phone at +421 2/682 070 11 for more detailed information. [read more]
Carrental24. sk - Car rental service Bratislava is a car rental, located at Ivanská cesta 4343/10, 821 04 Bratislava. They can be contacted via phone at +421 2/436 383 35 for more.. [read more]
Obecný úrad (Permanently Closed) is a local government office, located at Hlavná 1190/2, 946 57 Svätý Peter. They can be contacted via phone at +421 35/768 52 83 for more detailed information. [read more]
Obecný úrad Dolný Chotár is a local government office, located at 925 41 Dolný Chotár. They can be contacted via phone at +421 31/778 03 27 for more detailed information. [read more]
Leparkolás után az első hely volt, ahol megálltam és elővettem a fényképezőgépem. A szobor talapzatánál megállva és körbenézve egy hangulatos, nyugodt kisváros képe rajzolódott ki. [read more]
Kis város, nagy értékekkel. . [read more]
Baka, town hall is a city hall, located at 262, 930 04 Baka. They can be contacted via phone at +421 31/559 47 16 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Som obyvateľom Šamorína a bývam na Jazdeckej ulici. Kedysi bola táto ulica na západnom okraji mesta tichou malou uličkou. Nikomu nevadilo, že je úzka a nie sú na nej ani chodníky. [read more]
Povoda Town Hall is a city hall, located at E575 87, 929 01 Povoda. They can be contacted via phone at +421 31/552 56 50 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mestský úrad Krásno nad Kysucou is a city hall, located at Ulica 1. mája 1255, 023 02 Krásno nad Kysucou. They can be contacted via phone at +421 41/438 52 00 for more detailed information. [read more]
Regional Environmental Office in Trenčín is a local government office, located at Hviezdoslavova 140/3, 911 01 Trenčín. They can be contacted via phone at +421 32/743 45 58 for more.. [read more]
Obecný úrad Krásna Ves is a local government office, located at Krásna Ves 142, 95653, 956 53 Krásna Ves. They can be contacted via phone at +421 38/766 91 26 for more detailed information. [read more]
Obecný úrad Veľké Bierovce is a local government office, located at 913 11 Veľké Bierovce. They can be contacted via phone at +421 32/649 63 30 for more detailed information. [read more]
Krajský stavebný úrad Trenčín is a local government office, located at Hviezdoslavova 140/3, 911 01 Trenčín. They can be contacted via phone at +421 32/741 14 91 for more detailed information. [read more]
Tax office - branch Partizánske is an accounting, located at Makarenkova 213/1, 958 01 Partizánske. [read more]
Prima plek om de grens met Oekraïne te voet of met de fiets over te steken. Geen idiote wachttijden of wantrouwige paspoortcontole. Voor klein dorp prima busverbindingen van Arriva met.. [read more]
Úrad práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny v Heľpe is a local government office, located at Krížna 812/2, 976 68 Heľpa. They can be contacted via phone at +421 48/618 61 35 for more detailed information. [read more]
OBEC LIPTOVSKÝ PETER is a local government office, located at Liptovský Peter 100, 03301, 033 01 Liptovský Peter. They can be contacted via phone at +421 44/522 24 84 for more detailed information. [read more]
Okresný úrad Poprad, katastrálny odbor is a local government office, located at Joliota Curie 730/3, 058 01 Poprad. They can be contacted via phone at +421 52/281 87 11 for more detailed information. [read more]
Obec Liptovský Michal is a local government office, located at Ružomberok 17, 034 83 Liptovský Michal. They can be contacted via phone at +421 44/439 22 27 for more detailed information. [read more]
Municipal office Demanovska Valley is a local government office, located at 031 01 Demänovská Dolina-Liptovský Mikuláš. They can be contacted via phone at +421 44/559 16 82 for more.. [read more]
Obecný úrad Liptovská Teplička is a local government office, located at Štefana Garaja, 059 40 Liptovská Teplička. They can be contacted via phone at +421 52/788 49 11 for more detailed information. [read more]
Obecný úrad Batizovce is a local government office, located at Štúrova 29/2, 059 35 Batizovce. They can be contacted via phone at +421 52/775 63 12 for more detailed information. [read more]
Spolbyt, S. r. o. Poprad is a local government office, located at Teplická 3983/4, 058 01 Poprad. They can be contacted via phone at +421 903 621 177 for more detailed information. [read more]
Obecný úrad Východná is a local government office, located at Východná 616, 03232, 032 32 Východná. They can be contacted via phone at +421 44/520 74 10 for more detailed information. [read more]
Obecný úrad Veľký Slavkov is a local government office, located at Kpt. Morávku, 059 91 Veľký Slavkov. They can be contacted via phone at +421 52/779 61 01 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ústretový pracovníci. . [read more]
Obecný úrad Štrba is a local government office, located at Hlavná, 059 38 Štrba. They can be contacted via phone at +421 52/778 14 60 for more detailed information. [read more]
Úrad práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Poprad is a local government office, located at Hraničná 13/667, 058 01 Poprad-Priemyselný obvod - západ. They can be contacted via phone at +421.. [read more]
Daňový úrad Nitra - kontaktné miesto Hurbanovo is an accounting, located at Komárňanská 73/149, 947 01 Hurbanovo. They can be contacted via phone at +421 35/760 28 82 for more detailed information. [read more]
Daňový úrad Trnava - pobočka Dunajská Streda is an accounting, located at Ul. Biskupa Kondého, 380 380/2, 929 01 Dunajská Streda. They can be contacted via phone at +421 31/557 84 03 for.. [read more]