
In Your Pocket is Europe's most trusted and widely-used, locally-produced series of city and regional guides, and we have Slovenia covered from from the Panonnian Plains to the Bay of Piran and everything in between.

Tags : #MediaNewsCompany, #TouristInformationCenter, #Media/newsCompany

Location :
Slovenska cesta 17, 1000 Ljubljana


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In Your Pocket is Europe's leading provider of urban information, supplying locally produced, practical information for over 200+ destinations all over the region, available at the travel portal www.inyourpocket.com and in more than 70 publication guide books, published in 25+ countries. In Your Pocket's lively, honest style has received consistent praise from, among others, Le Monde, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Guardian, the Sunday Times, the BBC, Rough Guides and Lonely Planet. We are, indeed, the best :)