Oblazinjeno pohištvo po vaših željah in dimenzijah. . [read more]
Visoki Rokav är ett berg i Martuljek-gruppen i Juliska alperna i nordvästra Slovenien. Med sina 2 646 meter är det ett av de högre bergen bergskedjan. [read more]
Boljše da vam toča stolče gorico, kot pa da mi pridemo v vašo klet. . [read more]
Skakalnica Ljubno, located at Ljubno ob Savinji. [read more]
Pridelava kvalitetnega briškega sadja - češnje, breskve, marelice, hruške, fige in kaki. . [read more]
Rokodelska družina Grčar se že vrsto let ukvarjamo s srednjeveškimi stvarmi - oblekami, prireditvami, izdelki, običaji,. . . Crafts family Grčar are dealing with medieval stuff for many years.. [read more]
Gol d. o. o. je specializirana trgovina za team sport opremo. Smo zastopniki za Nike, Adidas, Puma, Errea in Max. . [read more]
Lavender house is nestled in the hills of Haloze. A true walkers paradise. Free Wifi All pets welcome. [read more]
Frizerski salon Nela, Hrenova 10, 1292 Ig is a bar, located at Hrenova ulica 10, 1292 Ig. They can be contacted via phone at 040592833 for more detailed information. [read more]
Prodaja in servis računalniške opreme. Pooblaščeni prodajalec za blagovno znamko Telekom. . [read more]
Prodaja računalnikov, računalniške opreme, tablic. . . Svetovanje, servisiranje. Ni da ni :). [read more]
Avtokozmetika, zunanje, notranje čiščenje vozil, globinsko čiščenje, Car Detailing, Poliranje vozil, obnova žarometov, čiščenje in nega usnja, čiščenje in poliranje.. [read more]
InLine Hokejski Center, located at Vrhniška cesta, 1354 Horjul. [read more]
Trški dnevi so največja poletna turistična prireditev julija v Suhi krajini. The Market Days represent the biggest tourist event in Žužemberk region!. [read more]
Clothing brand Reinkarmika represents: ⚬Upcycling Fashion #upcycle ⚬Vintage & 2nd Hand #vintage ⚬Intuitive astrology reading #astro Universe & Love & Freedom We want to make.. [read more]
Scherbina è un paese della Slovenia, frazione del comune di Comeno. Geografia fisicaLa località è situata sul Carso a 341,1 metri s. l. m. e a 6,8 chilometri dal confine italiano. [read more]
zelišča za čaje in kopeli ter začimbe, 100% naravna glina za obkladke in za uživanje, masažna olja, aromatizirani čaji, eterična olja. [read more]
Bolje GOLOB na strehi, kakor vrabec v roki. www. stresniki-golob. si. [read more]
Golobcek Bed&Pizza is situated in the center of Vransko only a kilometer away from the main highway line Ljubljana - Maribor. . [read more]
Slovenski neodvisni filmski distributer. http://www. fivia. si. [read more]
Koblek is a small settlement in the Municipality of Vojnik in eastern Slovenia. The area was traditionally part of Styria. It is now included in the Savinja Statistical Region. [read more]
Male Dole is a settlement in the Municipality of Vojnik in eastern Slovenia. The area is part of the traditional region of Styria. It is now included with the rest of the municipality in the.. [read more]
Kvalitetna ponudba hrane ter prijazno in ustrežljivo osebje poskrbijo, da boste odšli zadovoljni in se vedno znova vračali k nam. . [read more]
Konjsko is a settlement in the Municipality of Vojnik in eastern Slovenia. It lies in the hills west of Vojnik. The area was traditionally part of the Styria region and is now included in the.. [read more]
Homec is a settlement in the Municipality of Vojnik in eastern Slovenia. The area was traditionally part of Styria. It is now included with the rest of the municipality in the Savinja.. [read more]
Wir züchten aus ganzem Herzen LIPIZZANER und bieten LIPIZZANER zum Vekauf an. . . Sie sind jederzeit herzlichst willkommen uns und unsere Lipis zu besuchen. [read more]
informiranje o dogajanju v društvu, vabila na dogodke. [read more]
Črmlja is a settlement in the Municipality of Trnovska Vas in northeastern Slovenia. It lies in a valley of a minor right tributary of the Pesnica River west of Trnovska Vas. [read more]
Polaganje cementnih tlakov in zaglajevanje betonov. [read more]
Vzgoja okrasnega drevja “VREČAR”. [read more]
Biš is a village in the Municipality of Trnovska Vas in northeastern Slovenia. It lies on the regional road from Lenart to Ptuj. The area was part of the traditional region of Styria. [read more]
Trnovski Vrh is a settlement in the Slovene Hills (Slovenske gorice) in the Municipality of Trnovska Vas in northeastern Slovenia. The area was part of the traditional region of Styria. [read more]
Prodaja motocross opreme Just1, Fox. . . kot tudi servis motorjev. . [read more]
Prodajalna čevljev in galanterije. . [read more]
Bar Vijolica, Nika Jezernik s. p. Arclin 65, 3201 Vojnik. [read more]