De Vintgarkloof is een kloof gelegen ten noorden van Bled bij Gorje in de regio Gorenjska in Slovenië. De rivier Radovna stroomt over een lengte van 1,6 km tussen de steile hellingen van de Hom.. [read more]
Het Meer van Bled is een meer in de streek Gorenjska tussen de Karawanken en de Julische Alpen in het noordwesten van Slovenië bij de plaats Bled. Het meer is 2120 m lang en 1380 m breed en.. [read more]
Nismo le squash, nismo le klub in nismo le Bled, smo SQUASHklubLesceBLED, ki zdruzuje zanimivo, dinamično, vzdržljivostno igro z dobro družbo, počutjem in cilji, vse skupaj v nadvse.. [read more]
Tranceformation training. [read more]
A lovely apartment in Bled, Slovenia. See our website on this link: https://sites. google. com/view/apartment-korenina/. [read more]
Older alpine chalet with character. . [read more]
ICE POWER- hladilna terapija. Zmagovalec nad bolečino prihaja s Finske. . [read more]
kopališče, modra zastava, blejsko jezero, tobogan, bazeni, restavracija Grajska Plaza, tajske masaze. [read more]
Traditional Slovenin Evening. [read more]
Escape room ENIGMARIUM v Ljubljani je prvi in najbolj priljubljen center sob pobega v mestu. Kmalu tudi na Bledu!. [read more]
S svojimi znanji s področja komuniciranja, z več kot 20-letnimi izkušnjami sem vam lahko v pomoč pri nadaljnji gradnji vaše odličnosti na področju komuniciranja. [read more]
Anja-Vital, Barbara Polak s. p. . [read more]
The 300 odd metres of underground gallery are decorated by dripstone formations, among which calcite crystals can be seen. . [read more]
We invite all the brave swimmers to join us in Bled! http://www. bled. si/en/events/2018/02/10/1807-7th-Bled-Winter-Swimming-Cup-2018. [read more]
Convention Bureau Bled is a non-profit organisation, operation under the umbrella of the Bled Tourist Board. Its main tasks include the marketing and promotion of Bled as an inspiring and.. [read more]
Bar Planinček, Bled. Kjer je dobra volja doma! :) Bar Planinček, Bled. Home of happy mood! :). [read more]
Varno in udobno Vas popeljemo v podvodni svet. Our club is the best destination to start your scuba adventure. . [read more]
The exceptional natural features of the Bled golf course make it one of the most beautiful courses in this part of Europe. . [read more]
블레드 호는 슬로베니아 북서부 율리안알프스 산맥에 위치한 빙하호로 블레드와 접한다. 이 지역 일대는 슬로베니아의 대표적인 관광 명소로 손꼽힌다. 호수의 최대 길이는 2,120m, 최대 너비는 1,380m이며 최대 깊이는 30. 6m이다. 호수 주변은 맑고 아름다운 풍경을 자랑하며 산 주변이나 성을 포함한다. [read more]
Video guide How to come to our house. https://vimeo. com/68042883. [read more]
SPORTIDA is a news and sports photo agency from Slovenia. We cover major sporting events in Slovenia and surroundings. Our high-resolution digital images are available on-line to download.. [read more]
CEEMAN is an international association for management development in dynamic societies. [read more]
Lake Bled is a lake in the Julian Alps of the Upper Carniolan region of northwestern Slovenia, where it adjoins the town of Bled. The area is a tourist destination. [read more]
We offer little school of beekeeping - visitors can see and learn about bees in a safe place. They can taste and buy bee products. . [read more]
Arabian horse farm. [read more]
Zdravstveno vzgojni center Bled - Bohinj je namenjen krepitvi in ohranjanju zdravja vseh ljudi ter spodbujanju mladih in malo manj mladih k aktivni skrbi za lastno zdravje. [read more]
Danau Bled adalah danau glasial yang terletak di Slovenia barat laut, di kota Bled. Danau ini merupakan tujuan wisata yang populer. Danau ini memiliki panjang 2120 m dan lebar 1380 m,.. [read more]
Get kissed by the SUN, rejuvenate by lake WATER, calm down by fresh AIR and ground yourself with YOGA BLED to feel the FREEDOM within. Peace of mind. . [read more]
Everything you need to know about Bled now just one click away. Travel info, local tips, photos, stories, food, activities and more. This is Bled. Enjoy :). [read more]
ブレッド湖(Blejsko jezero、Veldeser See)はスロベニア北西部ユリアン・アルプスに位置する氷河湖で、ブレッドに隣接する。リュブリャナ空港から55km、首都リュブリャナからは35kmの場所に位置する。この地域一帯はスロベニアを代表する観光地である。ブレッド湖は長さ2,120m、幅1,380mで最も深い箇所で30. [read more]
Le lac de Bled est un lac glaciaire de Slovénie. Situé en bordure orientale des Alpes juliennes, à 55 kilomètres du centre de la capitale Ljubljana, c'est l'une des principales.. [read more]
Creating happy stories. . . . . Is what drives us to lead with service. Providing opportunities to make every adventure a unique experience. Every persons smile inspires us to go extra mile to.. [read more]
Kmetijo Dolinar Krainer boste našli na začetku majhne, idilične vasice Kupljenik, le 5 km oddaljene od Bleda in 20 km od Bohinjskega jezera. [read more]
Živjo, sem Lea. Po poklicu medicinska sestra, po duši fotografinja in certificirana medijska svetovalka. Nudim vam fotografiranje porok, parov, družin in raznih dogodkov. [read more]
BEST outdoor adventures in lake Bled area. Canyoning, caving, rafting and more!. [read more]