Medicoengineering is a renowned Slovenian company with a long-standing tradition of cooperation with hospitals and medical experts. The company started operating over 40 years ago as part of.. [read more]
Our main focus right now is building a new community for our handmade wooden products, made from waste wood. We believe that with our products we can brighten the moment for everyone, whether it is.. [read more]
Where man builds, MAVRO builds on sustainability. Whether it is a building, a construction, a means of transport or a façade, MAVRO keeps it in honour. [read more]
IT consultancy. [read more]
Media fist agency. We help you establish a digital footprint and social media presence. We focus on creative and quality work. #marketing #digitalagency #ecommerce #advertising #branding.. [read more]
Architectural services. [read more]
Metamorfoza Studio is wellness and fitness place for wholesome transformation by Blanka Slana. . [read more]
I provide the following services to my clients:▸ Perform Cybersecurity IT systems audit. ▸ Help and advice in ensuring the improvement of client cyber security posture. [read more]
MEZGEC d. o. o. is a leading family-owned and operated company with over 40 years of experience designing, developing, and manufacturing high-quality upholstered products. [read more]
Digitalni marketing Postavitev marketinške strategijeVodenje socialnih omrežij Postavitev osnovne grafične podobe Marketinško svetovanje. [read more]
MAGNAJA, located at Ljubljana. [read more]
Pri Mazej Development vam izdelamo predstavitveno spletno stran, spletno trgovino ali mobilno aplikacijo po meri v kombinaciji z dobro SEO optimizacijo. [read more]
Designed and built for the art industry, Minimaa is a space for an art exhibition, community, education, and business. . [read more]
We are specialised in waste management project, making profitability studies, management of the projects, building projects. . [read more]
Proizvodnja žičnih transportnih trakov in ostalih izdelkov iz žice. . [read more]
Podjetje Mimos d. o. o. je majhno podjetje, ki je na trgu prisotno vse od leta 2009. Glavna dejavnost podjetja je zastopanje evropsko priznanih proizvajalcev merilne opreme za industrijske namene.. [read more]
Our teams specialise in internal finishing works such as gypsum partitions and ceilings, tiling and stone work to all types of flooring from wood parquet to carpet and PVC epoxy flooring. [read more]
We are a recognizable and commercially successful provider of flanges in the European market and beyond. Locally, we act as a reliable partner for various services of mechanical metal processing.. [read more]
Mischievous, sleepy and curious piglets & other decorative pillows and baby clothing. Handmade in Slovenia. 🇸🇮. [read more]
Mič Styling Rimska, located at Ljubljana. [read more]
Ks Bodonci, located at Bodonci, 9265 Bodonci. They can be contacted via phone at +386 2 545 11 06 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Mineral & Gradnja, located at Ljubljana. [read more]
MARE OPTIMUM d. o. o. , located at Izola 6310. They can be contacted via phone at +386041508233 for more detailed information. . [read more]
MedienGaarage, Stefan Gaar, located at Jesenice 4270. [read more]
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) has made a significant contribution to European Research Area and free movement of people and knowledge by promoting the mobility of excellent.. [read more]
Mareatour and Mareatour Premium - Slovenian travel agency specialized in custom teambuildings, biking tours, events and much more. We excel in organizing small private group tours for more.. [read more]
Moja jezera, located at Ljubljana. [read more]
M PROJECTS is a boutique consulting firm advising selected companies and other organizations to successfully secure EU funding for their projects and business ideas. [read more]
MJK je kineziološki center v Celju, katerega vizija je nuditi kvalitetno in strokovno pomoč posameznikom, ki si želijo izboljšati telesno pripravljenost, zdravje ali sanirati športne.. [read more]
Supplier for 3M, Nitto Denko and Dynabrade products. . . . [read more]
Dejavnost podjetja je predvsem strojegradnja, in sicer projektiranje, načrtovanje, izdelava in montaža namenskih strojev predvsem za avtomatizacijo delovnih procesov. [read more]
MG Motor avtomobili navdihujejo strast do vožnje in svobodo na cesti, hkrati pa zagotavljajo varnost in praktičnost. MG Motor je pri okrepitvi in izboljšavi svojih modelov uporabil.. [read more]
Odkar je kitajski Maxus (skupina SAIC Motor) leta 2019 prestopil v Evropo, je zrasel v enega največjih gigantov evropske avtomobilske industrije. V Evropi je Maxus že osvojil številne.. [read more]
Podjetje Mojster Jaka se ukvarja z izdelavo in prodajo unikatnih lesenih izdelkov za vsakdanjo rabo kot so sklede, svečniki, vaze, verižice, uhani, prstani in še mnogo drugega. [read more]
Wir sind ein Unternehmen mit eine lange Tradition. Unsere Erfahrung und unser Wissen ermöglichen es uns, unseren Kunden immer zu dienen. Wir haben alle notwendigen Voraussetzungen für.. [read more]
Razvoj in prodaja blagajniških sistemov Microgramm & MicroCocktail za gostinstvo in vse ostale storitvene dejavnosti (frizerstvo, kozmetika, trgovina,. [read more]