Shinki Dojo Maribor - aikido, daitoryu in yiquan. [read more]
Bogata zbirka starih radijskih sprejemnikov pod okriljem društva ljubiteljev starih radijskih sprejemnikov TRIODA. Za ogled pokličite na telefonsko številko 041-474-657 (Vladimir Skok). [read more]
Pozdravljeni. Na strani boste našli opise in delovanje eteričnih olj podjetja BEWIT, ki se ponašajo z najvišjo, certificirano terapevtsko kakovostjo. . [read more]
Črnotiče is a settlement near Črni Kal in the City Municipality of Koper in the Littoral region of Slovenia. It includes the hamlets of Na Placu (Na placu) near St. [read more]
Črenšovci is a settlement in the Prekmurje region in northeastern Slovenia. It is the seat of the Municipality of Črenšovci. The parish church in Črenšovci is dedicated to the Holy Cross.. [read more]
Vzdrževanje športne infrastrukture in izvajanje športnih programov v Občini Brežice. [read more]
Inexhaustible Editions is a tiny bedroom label for acoustic and/or electronic improvisation, modern compostion and other strange and beautiful sounds we'd love to see released. [read more]
РАСПИСАНИЕ ЗАНЯТИЙ 2018/2019 ПОНЕДЕЛЬНИК * для детей 8-12 лет: 17:00-19:00 - ИМПРО-театр *для детей 5-7 лет: 16:00-17:00.. [read more]
team challenge in 3 disciplines: - ski hike up - bike descent on snow - mountain run individual adventurers welcome. [read more]
STCW 2010 Worldwide certified maritime and seagoing training for anyone wishing to work on commercial vessels that are over 24 metres. . [read more]
MaksFit helps you achieve your goals, let them be health or competition oriented. Your journey to the peak state of body and mind is just a click away. [read more]
Sem Olga in tukaj je Studio DOLKI - prostor za ustvarjalnost, razstavo in izobraževanje. Delam unikatne umetniške lutke, zbirateljske medvedke Teddy, nakit. [read more]
Любовь, страсть, неожиданные, иногда на грани фантастики, детективные повороты сюжета…. [read more]
Tolminski Lom is a settlement in the hills south of Most na Soči in the Municipality of Tolmin in the Littoral region of Slovenia. . [read more]
Podjetje Unistar LC ima eno daljših tradicij med podjetji s področja informacijske tehnologije v Sloveniji, saj smo na trgu prisotni že od leta 1989. . [read more]
Šentrupert is a village in the traditional Lower Carniola region in southeastern Slovenia. In the past it was the cultural and economical centre of the Mirna Valley, but after the railway.. [read more]
Izvajamo zaključna gradbena dela z umetnimi in naravnimi materjali. Prioriteta so ilovnati ometi, apnene fasade in ostala dela z naravnimi materjali. . [read more]
Oblazinjeno pohištvo po vaših željah in dimenzijah. . [read more]
Sajeta Art&Music Festival / Sotočje, Tolmin, Slovenia / WWW. SAJETA. ORG. [read more]
Numizmatiki, galeristi, faleristi, filatelisti. . . in vsi tisti, ki zbirate, hranite, odlagate našo zgodovino v predale, vitrine, stene ali kam drugam - pridružite se nam. [read more]
Miluma Trader is software solution which allows you to make profits without any background knowledge about trading with cryptocurrencies. . [read more]
Najhitreje do promocijskih daril. [read more]
My page is about creating stickers/decals, engraving. [read more]
Slope is a village east of Hrpelje in the Municipality of Hrpelje-Kozina in the Littoral region of Slovenia close to the border with Croatia. ChurchThe local church is dedicated to the Feast of.. [read more]
Feel Green Travel, located at Šobčeva cesta 25, 4248 Lesce. They can be contacted via phone at +38631203930 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Konjsko is a small settlement in the hills above the right bank of the Sava River south of Boštanj in the Municipality of Sevnica in central Slovenia. [read more]
Izberite si unikaten model svoje osebne ali poslovne vizitke. Mi izdelamo design, sami si jo lahko natisnete v poljubnem številu izvodov. . [read more]
The most epic race south of Novosibirsk. Paddle, bike and run to the ridiculous endorphin heights. Celebrating 34th edition in 2020!. [read more]
TV H2O turizem in prosti čas je prvi in edini slovenski televizijski program, ki je namenjen prostemu času. . [read more]
Libušnje is a small village in the Municipality of Kobarid in the Littoral region of Slovenia. The local church, dedicated to the Holy Spirit, was originally built in 1753, and rebuilt in the.. [read more]
Agencija za strateško komunikacijsko upravljanje in svetovanje s polnim servisom za naročnike. [read more]
Visoki Rokav är ett berg i Martuljek-gruppen i Juliska alperna i nordvästra Slovenien. Med sina 2 646 meter är det ett av de högre bergen bergskedjan. [read more]
Initiative for Transdisciplinary Performance EX-teater puts resources of music, circus and dance into the context of theatrical universe. . [read more]
Rozamunda - trgovina s konceptom ali brez. . . kakor vam je ljubše :). [read more]
Zgodba, ki bi se lahko zgodila. Zgodba, ki se nam tako ali drugače dogaja. Zgodba o ljubezni in bolezni. O vsem, kar je vmes in kar ju povezuje. G. Č. [read more]
-> MEGAMONT ->GMAIL: kovacic. megamont@gmail. com ->GSM: 041-984-974 Branko Kovačič ->GSM: 041-542-974 Žan Kovačič -> Iščemo delavce ki imajo izkušnje ali bi se želeli naučiti to delo!. [read more]