REM POWER Group is an international company, established in 1997. We are development and trading company for machinery and devices, that are being produced at 22 renowed factories around the.. [read more]
Traditional marketing channels of global brands have always been language specific. While the fast expansion of Social Media offered previously unimaginable possibilites and extensive global.. [read more]
An authorized retailer of top-quality design radiators from world's leading manufactures. More then 20 years of experience in sales and installation of heating elements. [read more]
Respresso, more den espresso, Rooibos espresso for modern life styleRespresso is a creative drink. The main element of Respresso is the biologically grown South African red plant rooibos which we.. [read more]
v pripravi. [read more]
Restaurant Club / Affordable gourmet experience* We combine best restaurants at low prices including the annual membership card, offering up to 20% off the common food and drink bill and.. [read more]
Andrej Marušič Institute (UP IAM) is a research institute operating within the University of Primorska. Since its foundation, UP IAM has been the backbone of development in the field of science.. [read more]
My main job is all kind of Real Estate business and I am doing it for 14 years now. I am also looking to find some investors from all over the world to invest in Slovenia or Croatia and also.. [read more]
Company that provides consumers with creamy, tasty and 100% natural peanut butter. We are all about natural, handmade and healthy. . [read more]
We design, manufacture and sell original products for underwater photographers. Experience underwater photography. . [read more]
R2DS Team can offer hardware and software design, organize production or offer consulting and revision for your hardware and software. Company was founded in 2014 by experts having.. [read more]
Remea is a software company developing solutions for charging and e-mobility. Its main product is a cloud platform to overview, manage and bill EV charging stations owned by small businesses,.. [read more]
At Radikal Plus we specialize in developing custom Business Solutions using. NET technologies. We have advanced experience in development based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM and MS Sharepoint platforms. [read more]
Rdeča Oranža is marketing agency specialised for experiental marketing. We can make your customers want what you offer. Forced recognition marketing with advertisements was used light-years ago. [read more]
Raing d. o. o. je inovativno podjetje specializirano na področju distribucije IT opreme. V množici podjetij, ki se ukvarjajo z distribucijo izstopamo s cenami, prilagodljivostjo in vse.. [read more]
RECOSI d. o. o. ,so. p. je del RECOSI. Po irskem modelu je naš cilj prodaja kakovostne obnovljene računalniške opreme, pridobljene izključno iz poslovne linije (od večjih multinacionalk). [read more]
Regulatory Consultancy and Services for medicinal, veterinary products, medical devices and food supplements. Regulatory actvities covers EU, USA, nonEU countries. [read more]
Regulus. si's primar objective is a Ruby on Rails web apps development. We are also developing Windows Desktop aplications using Microsoft Visual C++ 6. [read more]
With their 65-year long tradition, Rog bicycles represent the symbol of the Slovenian bicycle industry. The first bicycles were manufactured in Ljubljana soon after the end of the World War 2. [read more]
Replikateh ltd. is a high-tech Slovenian venture, specialized in the field of wood processing. The company provides an innovative technology for conversion of wood products into polymer.. [read more]
Riko Haus manufactures and markets ecological and energy-saving wooden prefabricated buildings. Ever since 1997, when Riko Haus started manufacturing massive wooden elements for a foreign partner,.. [read more]
Družba Roche s sedežem v Švici je podjetje s 125 letno tradicijo. Je vodilno raziskovalno usmerjeno podjetje ter največje svetovno biotehnološko podjetje z edinstvenimi zdravili na.. [read more]
Vsako vprašanje ali pravni problem, ki ga naslovite name, je zame prav poseben izziv, ki ga z veseljem rešujem. . [read more]
Ravne brand originates from 400 years of steel milling tradition. Our presses production of hydraulic, mechanical and servo presses for the steel and sheet metal forming industry have been.. [read more]
With team spirit and drive to find solutions, we design, coordinate and implement projects for you that are aimed at promoting integrated development. [read more]
Revidera je specializirana za dejavnosti revidiranja, davčnega svetovanja, računovodskega svetovanja, svetovanja na področju podjetniških financ in druge dogovorjene posle, kar mu.. [read more]
Storitve e-identifikacije in e-podpisovanja za zaupanja vredno poslovanjeElectronic identification and electronic signature for trustworthy business operationsPodjetje Rekono ponuja storitve,.. [read more]
Headquarters has been incorporated in 2018 for R&D in Slovenia. in 2020 US location has been set up for all Trade and Licensing activities. The company overall has been building and designing.. [read more]
Reach Realm is an email and retention marketing agency on a mission to make shopping online an experience not just a transaction. We believe that deep customer relationships are the key to stable.. [read more]
The REGIA GROUP d. d. company was established in 1996 as the legal successor of Avtohiša Ljubljana, a company with more than 40 years of tradition in the automotive field. [read more]
RJ INTERNATIONAL TALENT & MUSIC AGENCY, družba za management d. o. o. , located at Litija 1270. [read more]
Revelo is a data science and machine learning consultancy, based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Originating from the University of Ljubljana, we take pride in our strong roots in engineering excellence.. [read more]
Komercialna radijska postaja z visokim lokalnim (35%) in regionalnim (20%) deležem ne glede na ciljno skupino. Oddajamo od leta 1995. Bor Greiner in Dejan Vedlin sta vodilni osebnosti MoShow-a. [read more]
Rotary klub Zgornji Brnik je prostovoljno, samostojno in nepridobitno združenje fizičnih oseb, ki se združujejo zaradi spodbujanja in razvijanja spoznanja, da je pomoč drugemu častno in.. [read more]
Europe's largest marketplace network for race cars, parts and equipment covering 20 marketplaces. Sell your rally car, rally raid truck, drift car any many more. [read more]
RGA (Research Genetics and Agrochemistry) is an innovative company, active in the areas of plant genetics, biotechnology and agricultural chemistry. It was founded as a spin-off company of.. [read more]