Tech Sumo, located at Ljubljana. [read more]
Manufacturing service and trading company with disabled people. [read more]
Zanimive vsebine iz področij grafičnega oblikovanja, vsebinskega marketinga in karierne rasti. . [read more]
We integrate a complete approach to the customers needs, so they can dedicate their time to their business, without spending time in searching around on how to solve design requirements,.. [read more]
full service print house in Central Europe - in Ljubljana and Zagreb: offset - litho, digital, finisihing: from business cards to packaging, from billboards to stickers. [read more]
Iščete delo? Ali si želite spremembo v vašem poslovnem življenju brez dodatnega stresa in izpostavljenosti?Dobro je vedeti, da vam pri iskanju želene zaposlitve oziroma dela lahko pomaga.. [read more]
Trendstar d. o. o. , located at 20 Na jami, Ljubljana 1000. [read more]
Are main focus are Oracle Application Express ( APEX ) development and consulting services. . [read more]
The list of our services includes financial due diligence, M&A procedures, valuations for different purposes, controlling outsourcing and many other financial consulting services. [read more]
info@triforce. ventures. [read more]
Najboljši ICF gradbeni sistem za gradnjo pasivnih in nizkoenergijskih hiš. Best ICF building system for low and passive houses. . [read more]
Inspiracija za trgovinico, ki ima karakter lastnice izvira iz njenega otroštva. Kot majhna deklica je lastnica Suzana zelo rada brskala po podstrešju svoje babice, ki je bilo prava zakladnica reči. [read more]
GRADIMO TRDNE POTI IN VEZI. Kot mlado podjetje na gradbenem trgu združujemo energijo in inovativnost mlajšega kadra ter dolgoletne izkušnje pooblaščenih gradbenih inženirjev. [read more]
Leta 2009 je odprla svoja vrata prva in edina teozofska knjižnica v Sloveniji, Teozofska knjižnica in bralnica Alme M. Karlin. Knjižnica je bila ustanovljena kot vir in spodbuda za.. [read more]
Fides Zdravstveni Dom Cerknica, located at Cesta 4. maja, 1380 Cerknica. They can be contacted via phone at +386 1 705 01 00 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vision of the Company: Creating Leaders You wish You had. [read more]
Reliable transport in the euro-areaA partner who has been connecting your business with the world safely and within the agreed deadlines for over 15 years! We all know that transport activities.. [read more]
V moji zasebni terapevtski praksi sodelujem z odraslimi, ki so se znašli v čustveno zahtevnih osebnih in partnerskih situacijah. Čeprav se trudijo, jih ne zmorejo razrešiti povsem sami. [read more]
Tandem Design is a design studio located in Slovenia. We provide a range of services including: Industrial Design, Graphic Design, Corporate Identity, Brand Identity, Visual Identity,.. [read more]
Toplotna-crpalka. com je vodilni ponudnik hibridnih in plinskih sistemov za ogrevanje. Čista energija, nizki stroški vzdrževanja, poceni ogrevanje in popolno udobje. [read more]
Family run travel tourism agency specialised in the development of customers offer and effective advertising and sales techniques that bring best sales growth. [read more]
We offer complete tailor-made logistics solutions. High quality service provision, together with our knowledge and experience acquired, make TPG EXPRESS the top provider of logistics.. [read more]
Odlično poznavanje trga in usmerjenost v prihodnost-Stalno sledimo trgu in prisluhnemo njegovim zahtevam, saj le tam srečamo ponudbo in povpraševanje. [read more]
Timian is dedicated to quality and regulatory compliance consulting to medical device companies. Tailor-made approach allows us providing with individual and personalized solutions, when.. [read more]
Bringing Europe's Theatre to You. Third Stage offers valuable resources and tools that are essential for staying competitive and creating high-quality productions. [read more]
Helping SMEs streamline their processes so they can focus on doing what they love. Primarily focusing on organizational structure planning, goal-setting and compliance. [read more]
V tiskarni T. K. B. M. verjamemo, da je tiskarski izdelek sam po sebi le del celostne ponudbe. Kakovosten tisk se danes pričakuje od vsakega tiskarja. [read more]
TESARSTVO MEHLIN je družinska obrt s 50 letno tradicijo. Opravljamo različna tesarska dela, od preprostih lesnih nadstreškov do zahtevnih lesenih strešnih in skeletnih konstrukcij. [read more]
Smo mlado, dinamično in izkušeno podjetje, specializirano za izterjavo dolgov, svetovanje in pomoč pri izterjavi ter odkup terjatev (faktoring). Verjetno Vam primanjkuje časa za kvalitetno.. [read more]
I help early-stage founders generate growth ideas and execute strategies to scale their startups. I'm good at helping founders separate signal from noise and make better growth decisions. [read more]
Third Option is a boutique branding agency situated in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Working in the outdoor and defense industry our focus is singular. To serve the brands that serve us and to get you.. [read more]
Training in Paradise is a concept we developed in our company in order to bring amazing nature, great training conditions and top training support to fellow PADDLERS and ROWERS of all levels. [read more]
Our primary activity is hairdressing and we are in contact with many different hair structures on a daily basis. We always strive to provide our clients with high quality and holistic hair care. [read more]
Team Consulting is an educational and consulting company. It represents a TEAM of highly educated and recognized experts with many years of experience in the field of public procurement. [read more]
At Timaja we believe that design is not just about creating beautiful and appealing interfaces, but also to create a perfect user experience and solve problems. [read more]
The Blonde Bliss brand is a new way to conceive the fashion accessories world. Founded in Slovenia in 2016 by Designer Sara Zavernik, fashion and hat lover. [read more]