A mighty medieval fortress, a symbol of Ljubljana is an interesting tourist point just a glance away from the lively city centre. . [read more]
Lutkovni muzej in stalna razstava na Ljubljanskem gradu / Museum of Puppetry and Permanent Exhibition at the Ljubljana Castle. [read more]
S svojo odprtostjo in dostopnostjo, z informacijami in interpretacijami je nepogrešljiv vir spoznavanja preteklosti in razumevanja sedanjosti Ljubljane in širšega slovenskega prostora. [read more]
Odkrijte skrivnosti antičnega mesta na krožni poti po rimski Emoni! Discover the ancient town’s mysteries along a circular trail of Roman Ljubljana!. [read more]
prvi slovenski center znanosti The First Slovenian Science Centre. [read more]
Welcome to the National Museum of Slovenia!. [read more]
Narodna galerija je osrednja nacionalna ustanova za starejšo umetnost v Sloveniji, ki hrani največjo zbirko likovnih del na slovenskem ozemlju od visokega srednjega veka do 20. [read more]
Cekin Mansion is a mansion on the northern edge of Tivoli Park in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. It is located next to Tivoli Hall in the Šiška District. [read more]
ICON of Ljubljana COMING BACK all NEW , Historic hotel , since 1909. [read more]
Društvo ICOM - Mednarodni muzejski svet - Slovenski odbor. [read more]
Poslanstvo Računalniškega muzeja je ohranjanje računalniške in tehnološke dediščine in izobraževanje širše javnosti o zgodovini računalništva. . [read more]
Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije je osrednja slovenska ustanova, ki zbira, hrani, preučuje in razstavlja premično in živo dediščino s področja zgodovine slovenskega etničnega prostora od začetka 20. [read more]
The activities of the Slovenian Cinematheque are carried out by four departments: the programme, archive, museum and the research and publishing department, which also takes care of the library.. [read more]
The Slovenian Railway Museum, or Railway Museum of Slovenian railways, in Ljubljana, Slovenia, located on Parmova ulica 35, is the national museum for Slovenia's railway history. [read more]
Muzej o ljudeh, za ljudi s slovenskimi zbirkami in zbirkami kultur sveta. A museum with Slovene collections and collections of of world cultures. . [read more]
Naslov/Address: Polenšak 6 b SI-2257 Polenšak EU-Slovenija. [read more]
Pokrajinski muzej Celje svoje zbirke predstavlja v Stari grofiji in Knežjem dvoru. . [read more]
There are different rooms for exhibition: artistic & informative. Take a leisure steps to enjoy the environment. There are a few ways to the castle on a small hill. [read more]
Very interesting museum. . . must see!. [read more]
Staro zdanje muzeja koje vjerno odiše filmskim velikanima. Na spratu muzeja prostor je posvećen Iti Rini prvoj slovenačkoj filmskoj zvijezdi. Ulaz za odrasle je 4 evra. [read more]
Try local beers at Hop producers and brewery Museum. Interesting leap into the local past history. . Lepa predstavitev, priporočam. Tehnična dediščina dobila pravi pomen, priporočam obisk. [read more]
Celje je prezrto slovensko mesto saj je edino knježje mesto iz katerga izhaja slovenska aristokracoja saj je bila Barbara Celjska kraljica Ogrske Poljske in Češke. [read more]
Hidden partisan hospital from World War 2. . Bellissimo luogo storico e naturale. Un viti in meno per lo stato di abbandono. Рекомендую к посещению. [read more]
Sečoveljske soline so še vedno v funkciji, ponašajo se celo z izjemno kakovostno soljo in solnim cvrtom, toda hkrati so nekakšen muzej na prostem, v katerem deluje tudi center dobrega.. [read more]
Nagyon szép hely jó volt ott lenni,ugyan felújítás alatt van de így is sok látnivaló volt,ha elkészül nagyon szép lesz!. Zanimivo za sprostitev. Zelo mirno mesto. [read more]
Odlična šola smučanja DR7. . Lepa narava in mineralna voda. [read more]
V vasi Vrsno pod Krnom je bil leta 1844 rojen pesnik Simon Gregorčič. Sprva je bila v hiši urejena spominska soba, leta 1966 pa je bila celotna hiša urejena v spominski muzej. [read more]
Nice walk through nature,with loads of 1ww trenches and bunkers. There's also couple view points with beautifull vista over the valley and mountains above. [read more]
Open air museum,dedicated to the fist world war. Stunning view point over Soca valley,with beautifull mountains(Julian alps) towards north. Towards south,north Italy(Friul Venezia Julia) and gulf.. [read more]
Museo della tradizione casearia della zona. Attrezzi e foto che raccontano la vita dei casari e pastori, metodi di produzione e gli spostamenti da e verso l'alta montagna con gli animali.. [read more]
Amazing place with all the history of local places - it really connects you with town. It's a must to visit before you go anywhere else ;). Amazing history stuff. [read more]
It's one of the best historical museum I've visited in Europe. It has very well illustrated stories and the live demo on the top floor about the battle front in Soca valley is absolutely stunning. [read more]
Simpatičen muzej primeren za otroke. Odlično vodstvo po razstavi!. Za vse, ki vas zanima pošta in telekomunikacije je obisk muzeja nujen. . [read more]
A splendid range of art works housed in a modern galley, many painted by Slovenians. Excellent facilities, bright and airy. After perusing the art works, relax a little more with a coffee in the.. [read more]
Vojni muzej Solkan 1915-1917 is a museum, located at Soška cesta 31, 5250 Solkan. [read more]
Small but a very nice museum. It shows the reality of Gorica before Slovenia joined the EU in 2004. . [read more]