
Uncle Six Herbal Tea 六叔涼茶


For Priority, Affordability, and Quality! 健康优先、价格优惠、材料优良!

Tags : #HealthFoodStore

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Unsatisfied with the quality of herbal tea in the market, Uncle Six started brewing in 2007 to provide for his friends in needs. Over the years, Uncle Six has improvised his recipes while keeping the quality topnotch and the price affordable. Today, Uncle Six Herbal Tea breathes new life into medicinal herbal tea, turning traditional unpalatable drinks into healthy, tasty beverage. Come savour it for yourself! Click on "Shop" now or leave us a message. Let us know your health concerns and we will try our best to provide suitable remedies :)

因身边多位友人受"三高"所困却求药无方,六叔于2007年决定悬壶济世。10年以来,六叔凉茶秉持“三优”的理念,在钻研提升凉茶成效的同时,保持顶级的质量和最优惠的价格。六叔凉茶对“良药苦口”重新定义,推出了一系列”可口良药“,欢迎各位亲自品尝!有任何疑难杂症,也欢迎惠顾洽询 :)