Name:Stora GrindhammarPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Stora FröslundaPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:Östra EnebyPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Stora EkstuganPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Stora ÖdesbystuganPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:LimmerviksstuganPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Stora BrunnaPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Lilla NytorpPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Västra KolbergaPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Övre GrindstuganPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Lilla BjörkaPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:PlomtorpPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:HushällanPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:JöntorpPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:GillbergatorpPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:Röda ByggetPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Stora UtåkerPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:MunktorpsstuganPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:MålvikstorpPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:GäringslundPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Stora AnderbäckPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:DagstuganPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Lilla KubbetorpPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:TuvekärrsstuganPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Lilla TorskhultPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Stora BjörshultPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:PyrmontPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:TäpplingePlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:HagnäsetPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:Nedre GärtrePlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:EllfallaPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Stora LadebyPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:Stora KällstuganPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Lilla MyrgrytPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:KikurenPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:LagstuganPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]