Name:TäpperödPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:ÖvedsgårdenPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:TolserödPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:Hoby NygårdPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:Vombs BoställePlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:KalvagårdenPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:TrusserödPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:TremannahusetPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:ÅkersfältPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:JulabackePlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:Skartofta RabyPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:RåbyvångPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:VärnetorpPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:TygelsjögårdenPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:RäftenPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:GranehemPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:AssarhusaPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:SpörrstorpPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:BogesholmPlace:NeighbourhoodA neighbourhood is a smaller named, geographically localised place within a suburb of a larger city or within a town or village. [read more]
Name:BeragårdenPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:LövdalshusPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:GetaklövPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:Vombs RabyPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:JordboenPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:SandslätthusenPlace:Isolated DwellingThe smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). . [read more]
Name:Idaröds GårdPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:BäckalundaPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:DalbyholmPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:StenhusenPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:HyllingedalPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:AlnarörPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:Nya EsarpPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:NyvångsdalPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:TullhögPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:OskarshögPlace:FarmAn individually named farm. . [read more]
Name:Broby NorreskogPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]