
Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

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5 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    22 April 2018

    THIS IS MAINLY A REVIEW OF THE FOOD...not the museum

    During our stay at the nearby Acajou hotel my girlfriend and I visited "Praslin Museum" to have a look at the museum. The museum itself consists of a botanical and picture-based part. Small but relevant, and with a good host - Steve.

    Praslin isn't floated with good restaurants so we asked Steve for advice.
    To our surprise, he told us that besides running a museum, he also runs a guesthouse with dining. We decided to come back for dining the day after, said hello to a couple of guests and where met by Steve and his wife Janine. A very very friendly couple.

    A bit sceptical about the food, we found our table, and then...it turned out that Steve really was a very good cook!

    For starters we shared a plate of deepfried slices of fish. A nice tasting and snack-dimensioned dish.
    While enjoying our starter Steve prepared the maincourse: Jobfish with creole sauce, Papaya-salad, and a fruitsalad based on "starfruit", Mango and Papaya. It tasted incredibly good and there were food enough for three or four persons.
    Everything was fresh, well-balanced on the sour/spicy scale and Janine - waitress and Steves wife - is a real charmer.

    I can't recommend this place enough. It is very good - and by far the best place outside of Acajou (with it's professional staff and talented chef) we ate on Praslin. No doubt about that!

  • Anynomous
    03 November 2017

    Absolut keine Empfehlung. Ein paar flughunde in einem engen Käfig und 3 landschildkröten. Dazu Pflanzen die man in jedem Garten hier sieht. Wer dafür 350 Rupien Eintritt zahlt ist selber schuld. U

  • Anynomous
    23 September 2017

    Very small place. Does not worth the time if going only to visit it, but if you are in the area anyway give it a try.

  • Anynomous
    12 August 2017

    kleines aber feines Outdoor-Museum über die Geschichte der Seychellen: Der Besuch war Teil eines gebuchten Ausfluges. Kann man sich mal ansehen, muss man aber nicht.

  • Anynomous
    15 March 2017

    Дорого 350 рупий с человека - это около 1 600 руб.

    Смотреть не на что: курицы, морские свинки, кролики, черепахи, что-то типа летучих лисиц + местные растения (всего по чуть-чуть). "Гид" расскажет про всё это, покажет старые фото Праслена, расскажет немного истории и на этом всё. Заняло минут 20.

    Не советую.