I went to it on a crowded Thursday, and although I came close to nine, I expected a little, but they said it opens at seven and a half. I sat and waited for an hour and left and did not do anything.
Today I went to see that it opens at 8 in the morning.. It is normal if you get nervous because of your age or if you blow your nose because there is a special section for women and a special section for men to sit in.
May God bless her life, her health, and her knowledge. I wish this knowledge could be inherited. I wish her daughter could be with her and learn from her, God willing. Blessed be God. ((That is the grace of God. He gives it to whom He wills, and God is of great bounty))..
Whoever comes to her should bring a carton of cold water or two
One for the harem and the other for the men
He will earn the reward and believe the words of the Messenger of God, may the best prayers and peace be upon him. Treat your patients with charity
Because the area does not have any grocery stores
May God heal all your sick Muslims
I visited her this afternoon. She opened the door before 4 p.m
Of course, there is no connection to the site that will take you to the door
She comes to stop at the door, and when she starts, she opens the door
God willing, may God bless her and may God give her health and wellness
Of course, it is best to have her checked and she will tell you what is wrong
And she gives you a recipe from Attar or Koi
Of course, women and men are waiting, and everyone enters as normal
Her capabilities are limited, but they are a reason after God
The sanctity does not fall short and does not ask for anything. What I give it, it takes
Frankly, she deserves someone to honor her
We went to see her mother, she had a stroke a year ago
We ironed it at Rabih Al-Bishri in Asfan, and today we went to Talat Al-Daya. It was ironed for the sake of God, and it did not take anything from you. It was placed in a can of water and the mother drank from it.
The midwife is out, may God grant her good health, and she is always there.
مت تكون موجودة في رمضان ان من خارج المدينة
لا اعلم عنها الكثير يمدحها. الله يجزاها كل خير
الله يحفظها ....بس ماتعالج القولون انا جيتها
الموقع غير صحيح ويقع جنوب الموقع هذا
الله ينفع بيها وبعلمها
الشافي الله
عجوز مبروكة الكثير شفي على يدها بعد الله عز وجل
انا احب هذا الموقع لي اني اتواجد دائما في هاذا المكان