Сотрудникам милиции, погибшим при исполнении воинского долга is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Тургенева, Ussuriysk, 692522. [read more]
Указатель Расстояния До Европейских Столиц is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Иркутско-Пинской Дивизии, 2, Багратионовский, 238420. [read more]
Кирха Пройсиш Эйлау is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Багратиона, Багратионовский, 238420. [read more]
Памятный Камень Советскому Солдату-Победителю is a tourist attraction, located at Калининградская улица, Багратионовский, 238420 (A195). [read more]
Стела при въезде в Советский район города Улан-Удэ is a tourist attraction, located at M55, Ulan-Ude, 670023. [read more]
Захоронение красногвардейцев погибших при подавлении гамовского мятежа is a tourist attraction, located at Blagoveshchensk, 675005. [read more]
Стела при въезде в Прибайкальский район is a tourist attraction, located at Верхняя Березовка, Дабатуйское, 671336. [read more]
Памятник военнослужащим 131 ОМСБР 67 АК силовых структур России is a tourist attraction, located at Maykop, 385745. [read more]
Дача Левашовых is a tourist attraction, located at Blagoveshchensk, 675005. [read more]
Памятник В Честь Сражения При Прейсиш-Эйлау is a tourist attraction, located at Дружбы улица, Багратионовский, 238420. [read more]
Памятник Героям-комсомольцам отряда Карла Либкнехта is a tourist attraction, located at Железнодорожная улица, Надеждинское, 692481. [read more]
Памятник Вечной памяти землякам 1941-1945 годов посвящается is a tourist attraction, located at Новосельское, 352238. [read more]
Памятник лётчикам героически, погибшим при освобождении Кубани is a tourist attraction, located at Новосельское, 352238. [read more]
Стела при въезде в Новый Шарап is a tourist attraction, located at P380, Новошарапский, 633270. [read more]
Памятник БМП-2 is a tourist attraction, located at Maykop, 385745. [read more]
Стела при въезде в город Гусиноозерск is a tourist attraction, located at A165, Загустайское, 671182. [read more]
Стела при въезде в деревню Давыдово is a tourist attraction, located at Orekhovo-Zuyevo, 142641. [read more]
Памятный Знак Морякам-Десантникам Уходившим Из Геленджика На Малую Землю is a tourist attraction, located at Туристическая улица, Геленджик, 353465. [read more]
Памятник Летчикам Обороны Кавказа is a tourist attraction, located at Солнцедар микрорайон, Геленджик, 353467. [read more]
Винодельня Помещицы Л. Ю. Фирсовой is a tourist attraction, located at Солнечная улица, 2, Геленджик, 353466. [read more]
Козье Болото Пруд is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Красных Зорь, Ivanovo, 153021. [read more]
Nikolenkin Spring is a tourist attraction, located at 1-я Сельская улица, Ivanovo, 153011. [read more]
Uspenskiy Cultural & Historical Center is a tourist attraction, located at Лесная улица, 55А/3, Krasnoyarsk, 660011. [read more]
Church of Saints Constantine & His Mother Yelena is a tourist attraction, located at Лесная улица, 55A/4, Krasnoyarsk, 660011. [read more]
Church of St. Prince Oleg of Bryansk is a tourist attraction, located at Лесная улица, 55A, Krasnoyarsk, 660011. [read more]
Holy Dormition Monastery is a tourist attraction, located at Лесная улица, 55A, Krasnoyarsk, 660011. [read more]
Church in the Honour of Ikona Bozhiyey Materi Vsetsaritsa is a tourist attraction, located at Лесная улица, 55A/1, Krasnoyarsk, 660011. [read more]
Monument To the Czech Legionnaires is a tourist attraction, located at Троицкая улица, Krasnoyarsk, 660011. [read more]
Памятник П. Х. Витгенштейну is a tourist attraction, located at Вокзальная улица, 14, Сиверский, 188330. [read more]
Церковь Всех Святых В Земле Сибирской Просиявших is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Дорожников, 11, Стрежевой, 636785. [read more]
Колонна Императору Николаю я is a tourist attraction, located at Набережная улица, Белозерск, 161200. [read more]
Самолёт Миг-23 is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Черно-Иванова, Ахтубинск, 416500. [read more]
Памятник Донскому Бирючку is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Горького, 22, Задонск, 399200. [read more]
Памятник Пенициллину is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Горького, 27, Задонск, 399200. [read more]
Собор Сретения Иконы Божией Матери Владимирская is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Коммуны, 14, Задонск, 399200 (M4). [read more]
Колокольня С Церковью Николая Чудотворца is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Коммуны, 14, Задонск, 399200 (M4). [read more]