Арт-объект Стул Михаила Ивановича is a tourist attraction, located at Yaroslavl, 150000. [read more]
Остров мира Шри Чинмоя is a tourist attraction, located at Yaroslavl, 150000. [read more]
Monument 1000 Years of Yaroslavl is a tourist attraction, located at Yaroslavl, 150000. [read more]
Temple Korsun Icon of the Mother of God is a tourist attraction, located at Портовая улица, 96, Belgorod, 308010. [read more]
Храм Богородицы Всех скорбящих Радость is a tourist attraction, located at Площадь павших Борцов, Городище, 403003. [read more]
Стела Коттеджный посёлок Ясень ПАРК is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Фрунзе, Городище, 403003. [read more]
Храм Рождества Иоанна Предчети is a tourist attraction, located at Усть-Мунинское, 649104 (Усть-Муны). [read more]
Памятник И. П. Юрьеву is a tourist attraction, located at Шаумянское, 352825. [read more]
Church of the Holy Cosmas & Damian is a tourist attraction, located at Ulitsa Starshego Serzhanta Kartasheva, 85, Kaliningrad, 236013 (Northwestern Federal District). [read more]
152 мм гаубица is a tourist attraction, located at Школьная улица, Васильево, 422530. [read more]
Exhibition Hall is a tourist attraction, located at Проспект Кирова, 62, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, 652500. [read more]
Adam-Chai is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Ахинтам, Lazarevskoye, 354202. [read more]
Храм в честь Архистратиги Божия Михаила is a tourist attraction, located at Мостовой переулок, Нижнекаменский, 659631. [read more]
Chapel of the Martyr Paraskeva is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Репина, 39, Perm, 614030. [read more]
Памятная стела в честь Юдина Владимира Васильевича is a tourist attraction, located at Tobolsk, 626150. [read more]
Стела в память о, погибших в годы ВОВ is a tourist attraction, located at Комсомольская улица, Шпаковский, 356220. [read more]
Монумент Моя Сибирь is a tourist attraction, located at Технопарковая улица, Кольцово, 630559. [read more]
Стела посвящённая Герою Советского Союза летчику Серегину is a tourist attraction, located at Центральная улица, Ломинцевское, 301216. [read more]
Братская могила советских воинов, погибших в боях за Соломино is a tourist attraction, located at Привольная улица, Тавровское, 308504. [read more]
Russian Orthodox Old Believers' Church is a tourist attraction, located at Советская улица, 14, Kirov, 610926. [read more]
Средневековый замок is a tourist attraction, located at Саянская улица, Angarsk, 665816. [read more]
Стела ТЭЦ-11 is a tourist attraction, located at Усолье-Сибирское, 665460. [read more]
Памятник Герою Советского Союза В. П. Садакову is a tourist attraction, located at Деревня Чучи, Киров, 610912. [read more]
Памятный знак 250 лет села Тулиновка is a tourist attraction, located at Советская улица, Тулиновский, 392511. [read more]
Обелиск На Границе Европа-Азия is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Ленина, 355, Полевской, 623376. [read more]
Церковь Святых Равноапостольных Кирилла и Мефодия Учителей Словенских is a tourist attraction, located at Строительная улица, 2B, Элитовский, 663011. [read more]
Декоративное Сооружение Карта нефтяных Открытий is a tourist attraction, located at Улица 50 лет Октября, Краснокамск, 617066. [read more]
Monument-Obelisk To the Residents of the Russian Lipyagi Village Who Died During is a tourist attraction, located at Ульяновская улица, Novokuybyshevsk, 446209. [read more]
Chapel of Our Lady of the Life-Giving Spring is a tourist attraction, located at Колхозная улица, 33, Odintsovo, 143025. [read more]
Sculpture Yardwoman Petrovna is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Бехтерева, Lipetsk, 398013. [read more]
Скульптура Сокола-Символа Старой Ладоги is a tourist attraction, located at Варяжская улица, 9, Староладожск��е, 187412. [read more]
Декоративное сооружение Осел и овцы is a tourist attraction, located at 23-й километр Московское шоссе, Samara, 443028. [read more]
Надпись Я люблю Самару is a tourist attraction, located at 23-й километр Московское шоссе, Самара, 443028. [read more]
Декоративное сооружение Корова и телёнок is a tourist attraction, located at 23-й километр Московское шоссе, Samara, 443028. [read more]
Южные Ворота Казанско-Богородицкого Женского Монастыря is a tourist attraction, located at Улица Максима Горького, Елабуга, 423604. [read more]
Часовня Петра и Павла на Петропавловском кладбище is a tourist attraction, located at Елабуга, 423600. [read more]