Кабинет психиатра, Саратовский городской психоневрологический диспансер is a hospital, located at Украинская улица,.. [read more]
КлиническаяБольшие ница номер 8 Хирургическое отделение is a hospital, located at Проспект Ленина, 85к15, Обнинск, 249037... [read more]
Коми республиканская психиатрическаяБольшие ница Диспансерное отделение is a hospital, located at Сысольское.. [read more]
Городищенская центральная районная больница is a hospital, located at Павших Борцов Площадь, 4, Городище, 403000. They can be contacted via phone at +7 844 685-16-73 for more detailed information. [read more]
Клиника Неврологическое отделение is a hospital, located at Улица Щорса, 64, Киров, 610014. They can be contacted via phone at +7 833 262-75-68 for more detailed information. [read more]
Клиническая больница номер 5 Центр охраны заводоровья семьи и репродукции is a hospital, located at Улица.. [read more]
Клинический противотуберкулезный диспансер номер 4 is a hospital, located at Улица Профинтерна, 21, Omsk, 644082. They can be contacted via phone at +7 381 255-17-13 for more detailed information. [read more]
Федеральное медико-биологическое агентство is a hospital, located at Проспект Ленина, 85/1, Obninsk, 249037. They can be contacted via phone at +7 484 393-62-32 for more detailed information. [read more]
Нижневартовская городская больница is a hospital, located at Ленина Улица, 9k3, Нижневартовск, 628609. They can be contacted via phone at +7 346 624-26-62 for more detailed information. [read more]
Городская больница номер 1 Дзержинска is a hospital, located at Улица Маяковского, 5, Dzerzhinsk, 606000. They can be contacted via phone at +7 831 325-08-68 for more detailed information. [read more]
Психоневрологический диспансер, Азовский филиал is a hospital, located at Улица Васильева, 89, Азов, 346780. They can be contacted via phone at +7 863 426-81-21 for more detailed information. [read more]
Родил��ный дом N 7 is a hospital, located at Улица Героя Смирнова, 71/5, Nizhny Novgorod, 603083. They can be contacted via phone at +7 831 256-73-46 for more detailed information. [read more]
Отделение больницы is a hospital, located at Улица Ленина, 150, Тимашевск, 352708. [read more]
Детская городская психоневрологическая N 32 is a hospital, located at Энергетическая улица, 8k2, Москва, 111116. They can be contacted via phone at +7 495 362-51-35 for more detailed information. [read more]
Педиатрическое Инфекционное отделение номер 4 is a hospital, located at Морская улица, 124А, Volgodonsk, 347381. They can be contacted via phone at +7 863 927-54-30 for more detailed information. [read more]
Северодвинский родильный дом Гинекологическое отделение is a hospital, located at Улица Ломоносова, 54,.. [read more]
Северодвинский госпиталь для пациентов с COVID-19 is a hospital, located at Улица Ломоносова, 54, Severodvinsk, 164504. [read more]
Кожно-венерологический диспансер города Реутов is a hospital, located at Улица Строителей, 3, Реутов, 143960. They can be contacted via phone at +7 495 528-72-92 for more detailed information. [read more]
Мурманская Детская Инфекционная Больница is a hospital, located at Героев-Североморцев проспект, 5к2, Murmansk, 183031. They can.. [read more]
Северодвинская ГДКБ Инфекционное отделение is a hospital, located at Улица Ломоносова, 49, Северодвинск, 164504. They can be contacted via phone at +7 818 458-30-02 for more detailed information. [read more]
Федеральный центр цереброваскулярной патологии и инсульта is a hospital, located at Улица Островитянова, 1c10, Moscow,.. [read more]
Белогорская Больница is a hospital, located at Набережная улица, 116, Белогорск, 676850. They can be contacted via phone at +7 416 412-33-53 for more detailed information. [read more]
Городской родильный дом Гинекологическое отделение is a hospital, located at Улица Курнатовского, 79, Чита, 672012. They can be contacted via phone at +7 302 231-79-64 for more detailed information. [read more]
КДКБ Кардиоревматологическое отделение is a hospital, located at Новобульварная улица, 20, Чита, 672027. They can be contacted via phone at +7 302 221-04-00 for more detailed information. [read more]
Волгоградский областной клинический перинатальный центр номер 1 имени Ушаковой is a hospital, located at Пушкина,.. [read more]
ГБ номер 1 Детский стационар is a hospital, located at Улица Академика Королева, 2, Октябрьский, 452616. They can be contacted via phone at +7 347 677-11-02 for more detailed information. [read more]
Камызякская центральная районная больница is a hospital, located at Максима Горького Улица, 67, Камызяк, 416300. They can be contacted via phone at +7 851 459-14-75 for more detailed information. [read more]
Родильный дом приемное отделение is a hospital, located at Улица Терешковой, 3, Камышин, 403874. They can be contacted via phone at +7 844 572-46-38 for more detailed information. [read more]
441 военный клинический госпиталь is a hospital, located at Красноармейская улица, 3, Petrozavodsk, 185035. They can be contacted via phone at +7 814 279-71-13 for more detailed information. [read more]
СОКГВВ Кабинет гипербарической оксигенации is a hospital, located at Улица 22 Партсъезда, 43, Самара, 443063. They can be contacted via phone at +7 846 951-09-67 for more detailed information. [read more]
Центральная городская больница Азова is a hospital, located at Улица Измайлова, 58, Азов, 346780. They can be contacted via phone at +7 863 424-06-53 for more detailed information. [read more]
ГБ номер 2 Кожно-венерологический диспансер is a hospital, located at Талнахская улица, 32, Norilsk, 663305. They can be contacted via phone at +7 391 938-96-48 for more detailed information. [read more]
Норильская городская больница N 2 is a hospital, located at Московская Улица, 13, Norilsk, 663305. They can be contacted via phone at +7 391 938-96-00 for more detailed information. [read more]
Психоневрологический диспансер, Неклиновский филиал is a hospital, located at Александровская улица, 149, Taganrog, 347935. They.. [read more]
Детская городская больница номер 32 is a hospital, located at Энергетическая улица, 8к2с1, Moscow, 111116. They can be contacted via phone at +7 495 362-57-83 for more detailed information. [read more]
Центр специализированной фтизипульмонологической помощи is a hospital, located at Улица Мечникова, 18А, Муром, 602267. They.. [read more]