Вполне хороший как канцелярский магазин. Книги не читаю, поэтому ничего сказать про выбор на полках не могу. . [read more]
Милый магазинчик со старыми (старинными или просто б/у) книгами :). [read more]
Отличный магазин. Цены приемлемы для Невского (хотя кажется, что вообще вся сеть на некоторые товары ставит цену гораздо выше конкурентов). Есть кафе, туалет. [read more]
Очень большой ассортимент и невысокие цены. Здорово, что в Петербурге есть такой магазин! Порадовал широкий ассортимент книг для детей и сувенирной продукции с христианской тематикой. [read more]
St. Petersburg Book House is a book store, located at Liteyniy avenue, 30, Sankt-Peterburg, 191028. They can be contacted via phone at +7 812 273-88-15 for more detailed information. [read more]
Azbuka, is a book store, located at Ulitsa Geroyev Khasana, 105, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614025. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 215-02-01 for more detailed information. [read more]
Smyshlenok, Razvivayushchaya Literatura is a book store, located at Ulitsa Raboche-Krest'yanskaya, 32, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614000. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 216-00-60 for.. [read more]
Another world is a book store, located at Ulitsa Poliny Osipenko, 53, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614039. They can be contacted via phone at +7 961 758-44-93 for more detailed information. [read more]
Хороший локальный книжный магазин. Основное преимущество в том, что он не сетевой и специализируется на книгах по бизнесу, саморазвитию и хороших качественных канцелярских товарах. [read more]
Kuznetsova O. l. is a book store, located at Komsomol'skiy Prospekt, 54, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614039. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 220-36-80 for more detailed information. [read more]
Chitay-Gorod, Set' Magazinov Ooo "Gramota" is a book store, located at Komsomol'skiy Prospekt, 31, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614000. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 290-08-11 for more.. [read more]
Pravoslaviye, Magazin Permskoy Yeparkhii Russkoy Pravoslavnoy Tserkvi is a book store, located at Komsomol'skiy Prospekt, 18, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614000. [read more]
Semyonova l. A. is a book store, located at ul. Kuybysheva, 118, корп. Г, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614000. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 246-23-21 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bukinist, Magazin is a book store, located at Komsomol'skiy Prospekt, 10, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614000. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 218-18-00 for more detailed information. [read more]
Knizhnaya Tchk is a book store, located at Ulitsa Borchaninova, 13, Универсам, цоколь, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614045. They can be contacted via phone at +7 950 443-50-48 for more detailed information. [read more]
Evrika, Knizhnyy Magazin is a book store, located at Ulitsa Sovetskoy Armii, 31, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614066. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 221-99-01 for more detailed information. [read more]
Krysina T. N. is a book store, located at Ulitsa Kompozitora Glinki, 15, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614088. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 223-56-77 for more detailed information. [read more]
Entsiklopediya, Magazin is a book store, located at Petropavlovskaya Ulitsa, 84, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614068. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 246-52-94 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kantstek, Set' Magazinov Ooo "Dom Bukhgaltera" is a book store, located at Shosse Kosmonavtov, 355, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614081. They can be contacted via phone at +7 961 754-89-75 for more.. [read more]
Melochi Zhizni Magazin (Permanently Closed) is a book store, located at Ulitsa Admirala Ushakova, 8, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614023. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 215-53-96 for more.. [read more]
Ooo Khotdogov is a book store, located at Ulitsa Stepana Razina, 32, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614088. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 243-20-01 for more detailed information. [read more]
Очень большой выбор литературы для изучения и преподавания иностранных языков. В большей степени, конечно, литература на английском языке, но есть и другие. [read more]
Bereg, Set' Magazinov Ooo "Lion-Treyd" is a book store, located at Ulitsa Ivana Franko, 38, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614056. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 267-22-27 for more.. [read more]
Pearl Light is a book store, located at Ulitsa Vil'yamsa, 43, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614030. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 274-66-53 for more detailed information. [read more]
Knigi Optom is a book store, located at Ulitsa Geroyev Khasana, 30, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614010. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 281-23-61 for more detailed information. [read more]
Отличный магазин. Нашла, что искала. [read more]
Magazin Detskoy Odezhdy I Obuvi "Anyuta" is a shoe store, located at Ulitsa Lobvinskaya, 16, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614030. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 271-72-40 for more.. [read more]
Uniqstore - современный книжный is a book store, located at Ulitsa 25 Oktyabrya, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614007. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 203-09-79 for more detailed information. [read more]
Another world, is a book store, located at Komsomol'skiy Prospekt, 54, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614039. They can be contacted via phone at +7 912 981-67-48 for more detailed information. [read more]
Periodika Servis, Optovyy Magazin is a book store, located at Ulitsa 1905 Goda, 35, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614007. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 260-74-96 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mir Znaniy, is a book store, located at Petropavlovskaya Ulitsa, 59/2, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614000. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 234-22-20 for more detailed information. [read more]
Я учу детей английскому языку, и нам всегда необходимы наглядные материалы, карточки, таблички. Коллеги подсказали, что всё это можно найти в магазине "Солнечный мир", причем по приемлемой цене. [read more]
Izobiliye is a book store, located at Komsomol'skiy Prospekt, 66, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614039. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 271-47-73 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ip Storozhev A. s. , Magazin Stroitel'noy Literatury is a book store, located at Ulitsa Lenina, 64, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614000. They can be contacted via phone at +7 912 989-06-25 for more.. [read more]
Litera, Tf, Ooo is a book store, located at Ulitsa Lenina, 50, Perm, Permskiy kray, 614990. They can be contacted via phone at +7 342 218-29-08 for more detailed information. [read more]
Nuzhnaya Kniga, Khristianskiy Magazin is a book store, located at Perm, Perm Krai, 614107. They can be contacted via phone at +7 908 262-06-22 for more detailed information. [read more]