. . [read more]
VizHorizon is a company that provides modeling and rendering services in the field of Architectural Visualisation. Our young and ambitious team consists of architects and CGI artists who create.. [read more]
VivifyScrum tool is a single page application for agile project management and team collaboration. Scrum and Kanban compatible. Used by web development teams but also by all other agile teams as.. [read more]
The company "VELTOOL" from Novi Sad has been on the market of Serbia since 2005. We have positioned ourselves as a stable firm, a reliable supplier and a reliable partner for all our customers. [read more]
Vital is one of the bigest and oldest oil and vegetable fats on the Balkans. It is a synonym for tradition and quality in this region. After privatiozation, on October 2005. [read more]
We are an IT services company passionate about partnering with clients across the globe to help them achieve exceptional business outcomes. We deliver by providing the highest quality.. [read more]
Where ideas come to life!We are a web application development company consisting of 100 cross-functional specialists with a long track record of numerous successfully realised visions for.. [read more]
Veterinarska Stanica Stara Pazova is a company, located at Stara Pazova, Vojvodina. [read more]
WHO ARE WE?Vigor team members do more than one thing well; We encourage hybrid talents and build teams around diverse set of expertise. We are a dynamic, successful and individual.. [read more]
Škola programiranja Vivify Academy u Novom Sadu otvorena je za sve koji žele da savladaju osnove web programiranja. Programer se ne postaje preko noći, potrebno je vreme, posvećenost i dobro vođenje. [read more]
Visual Art Programming Team is a web and desktop application development company based in Novi Sad, Serbia. Our goal is to make free and easy-to-use apps for a wide range of users. [read more]
Vocational school in Subotica (Serbia) that educate:- Nursery teachers- Sport trainers- Nutritionists- Nurses. [read more]
Innovative information technologies company specialized in IT systems engineering and software development. IT operations department covers whole computer servers and network lifecycle. [read more]
FOKUSIRANI NA USPEH, TO JE NAŠA STRASTDa bi se napravio dobar bicikl mora se uraditi više od jednostavnogsklapanja nasumičnih delova. Mi ulažemo mnogo vremena u fazurazvoja. [read more]
VTG Company is a company, located at 1 Pristanišna, Senta, Vojvodina. [read more]
Vezor Energo je firma koja pruža domaćem tržištu usluge projektovanja i izvođenja fizičke infrastrukture sistema besprekidnog napajanja. Naša primarna delatnost jeste.. [read more]
VENNORA is a company operating in the field of distribution of all kinds of agricultural products, grains, components for cattle nutrition and agricultural raw materials. [read more]
Zvonko Bogdan Winery started its way in 2008 when it headed for a clear aim to produce top-quality wines that bear the stamp of the region from which they come, by combining the specificity.. [read more]
Vojvodina Blood Transfusion Institute is a medical institution that's been operating since 1953. Our activities today are based in Southern-Backa region as well as entire Vojvodina. [read more]
Viva Dance je osnovala Gordana Oreščanin sa svojim kolegama na Fakultetu za fizičko vaspitanje i fizičku kulturu Univerziteta u Novovm Sadu 1993. godine. [read more]
Vojvodanska banka a. d is a company, located at 80 Булевар Ослобођења, Novi Sad, Vojvodina 21101. They can be contacted via phone at +3810800232322 for more detailed information. [read more]
Verteez is a full-service web design & SEO company dedicated to the success of its clients. Our solutions are engineered to provide growth where it matters most: clients & revenue. [read more]
Specijalizovani Kabinet za kozmetičke tretmane za žene i muškarce, Vita Elos, vam nudi stručnost, efikasnost, visok kvalitet usluga po pristupačnim cenama. [read more]
VPD Gornji Banat is a company, located at 54 Улица Краља Петра I Карађорђевића, Kikinda, Vojvodina 23300. [read more]
Veterinarski Zavod Subotica is the leader on the veterinary biological and pharmaceutical market of Serbia and in the whole Balkan peninsula. Taking up a large portion of the total market share.. [read more]
Vitalikum is an authorized distributor and importer of dietary supplements for the brands BioTechUSA and Grenade, and since 2015 also a manufacturer of the eponymous brand Vitalikum. [read more]
Online shop vitamina, dijetetskih suplemenata i zdrave hrane. . [read more]
Developing and maintaining home automation systems. Our home automation solutions refer to the use of computer and information technology to control home appliances and features. [read more]
The Public Enterprise for Forest Management "Vojvodinašume" is organised into three organisational levels:- Company Directorate- Sections of the Company- forest holdings and the section of.. [read more]
Vigor Media & Design is a company, located at 23Д Улица Народног фронта, Novi Sad, Vojvodina 21102. [read more]
Ragbi Klub Vojvodina je osnovan 2001 godine u Novom Sadu. Od početka je zamišljen kao amaterski klub koji okuplja ljude raznih profesija i profila sa zajedničkom ljubavlju prema ovom, za.. [read more]
Vinarija Kovačević je proizvodnju vina započela 2001. godine. Preuzevši vinariju od svog oca Miroslav Kovačević kao treća generacija vinara počinje da stvara vrhunska vina. [read more]
Vega IT Gamma Team consists of experienced software development professionals working mostly with companies located in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium. [read more]
Туристичка организација Војводине:- креирање програма у области туризма у циљу повећања туристичке.. [read more]
VLADAM is a fully automated, consumer-oriented AI-based cryptocurrency trading platform. VLADAM combines deep reinforcement learning, agent technology and multiple market analysis.. [read more]