The Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization (EHO) is a non-for-profit citizens' association that continues the work of the Ecumenical Humanitarian Service, from Novi Sad, founded on 19th February.. [read more]
Fotografska agencija i usluge slikanja putem aparata. [read more]
As a company with expertise in MLOps, Data Science and Big Data we are committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that help our clients achieve their business objectives. [read more]
We have prepared a box full of marketing tools that will help your business strive. An efficient, unique and creative online strategy can do wonders. Find new ways to reach out to your.. [read more]
American Institute allied with Thornton Academy is a private high school located in Novi Sad. We are allied with a private high school Thornton Academy from Saco, Maine, USA. [read more]
Auto Thaler aus Rum is a company, located at Ruma, Vojvodina. [read more]
Web Design. [read more]
Webagentur Eco Online Innsbruck, die Tiroler Webagentur für Tourismus, Wirtschaft in den Bereichen Typo3 Internetauftirtt, Webdesign, Shopware und Oxid Webshops,.. [read more]
Automator Group specijalizovana je za oblast profesionalnog trajnog obeležavanja. Prisutna je u svim privrednim granama, posebno tamo gde preduzeća moraju da obezbede potvrđenu sledljivost.. [read more]
Mi pomažemo transportnoj, logističkoj, građevinskoj industriji, komunalnim preduzećima i ostalimpreduzećima sa putničkim, teretnim, radnim i priključnim vozilima kao i fizičkim licima.. [read more]
Architectural Bureau Ad Astra was founded by Jovana Stojković in March 2022. The office is currently engaged in the design of residential buildings, villas, and commercial buildings, as well.. [read more]
We create tailor made adventures by listening to you and what you want. Apart from team building adventure experiences, you can also rely on us for the organization of corporate, MICE and.. [read more]
Prodaja ulja, maziva i poljoprivrednih rezervnih delovaTrgovina poljoprivredne mehanizacije i merkantilnih žitarica. [read more]
Video production Novi Sad. [read more]
Advokatska kancelarija Tatjane Prodić Novi Sad osnovana je s ciljem pružanja sveobuhvatne pravne pomoći, uvek prilagođena potrebama klijenata za postizanje njihovih željenih ciljeva. [read more]
Agromarket Machinery doo je do 2021 bila sastavni deo Titan Machinery Inc. Iz SAD. Najveći partner CNH grupacije i jedan od najvećih distributera poljoprivredne mehanizacije. [read more]
CEOS GROUP DOO is a company, located at Subotica, Vojvodina. [read more]
Stef Co produces and sells alfalfa flour for the health industry. . [read more]
In addition to handling motor insurance claims under the Green Card System, the Fourth Motor Insurance Directive and national vehicle claims and transport claims, we also provide legal services.. [read more]
Predire Paris is a leading brand in skincare products and anti-aging technology. To ensure the highest possible quality, all of our products are formulated and tested in France. [read more]
Podrum Palic 1896 is a company, located at Subotica, Vojvodina. [read more]
It is time to put every kind of pollution on the map. Help fight pollution in your community. Report pollution story. Add pictures, videos and information and help map environmental pollution. [read more]
Pest control company. [read more]
Ancient Lakota is a company, located at Novi Bečej, Vojvodina. [read more]
Small company providing web development services. . [read more]
Datera Technologies is a company, located at Novi Sad, Vojvodina. [read more]
Delta Exim DOO je kompanija koja se bavi B2B trgovinom građevinskim materijalom. Raspolažemo dugogodišnjim iskustvom i brojnim kontaktima zahvaljujući kojima nudimo povoljne uslove. [read more]
Design Sprint je 4 dnevni proces otkrivanja novih koncepata, testiranja velikih ideja i pravljenje ili unapređivanje proizvoda, web sajtova, mobilnih aplikacija, usluga ili procesa. [read more]
DEM d. o. o. je preduzeće čija je delatnost proizvodnja, servis i prodaja medicinske opreme i sredstava. Firma je osnovana još 1995. godine u Novom Sadu i od tada pa do danas, naš rad je.. [read more]
Housing rental, luxury homes, Novi Sad, Petrovaradin. [read more]
DiMark solutions is digital marketing agency that helps businesses to transform and improve with innovative and advanced marketing strategies. . [read more]
Drop Table is a company, located at Novi Sad, Vojvodina. [read more]
Duri Vital GmbH is a company, located at Senta, Vojvodina. [read more]
No fiat money, no personal information. Just connect your wallet and secure your connection. [read more]
Naša kompanija se bavi pružanjem IT usluga fizičkim i pravnim licima, malim i srednjim preduzećima, udruženjima i obrazovnim ustanovama od 2007 godine. [read more]
EKOTERM is a company, located at 38 Улица Бранка Ћопића, Sremska Mitrovica, Vojvodina 22000. [read more]