SMATSA Aviation Academy and the city of Vršac have a long and reputable history of training pilots and air traffic controllers. First flight in Vršac took place on August 11th, 1912 with.. [read more]
Srednja škola '' Dr Đorđe Natošević '' osnovana je 1997. godine kao stručna škola. Osnovana je sa ciljem da obezbedi kadar za tadašnje potrebe privrede Inđije. [read more]
Professional table tennis club. . [read more]
Када причамо о потреби и значају постојања Савеза студената за време студија морамо се мало и вратити у прошлост, „Јер ако не знамо одакле смо кренули, како можемо знати куда идемо?". [read more]
Савез студената Универзитета у Новом Саду представља кровну организацију за мрежу Савеза.. [read more]
✌️I help you achieve your goal, whether it is weight loss or muscle mass development📩Send a message for FREE advice@fitness_club_totalgym 🏋️. [read more]
sooper. fit is online expert in developing personalized nutrition & training plans adapted to your individual goals, specific lifestyle schedule and activity level, whether you are beginner.. [read more]
Osnovani 1. Februara 1991. godine, specializovali smo se za proizvodnju kočnih gumica, gumica kvačila i gumica servo uređaja za putnička i terenska vozila, autobuse, privredne.. [read more]
Seilbahn - Landschaft - Technik GesmbH ist Ihr richtiger Partner für Planung, Konstruktion, Bau, Abnahme, Betrieb und Service für Ihre Seilbahnanlagen und Lawinenschutzeinrichtungen. [read more]
Porodična radionica za proizvodnju i maloprodaju šivenog dečijeg nameštaja kao i opterećenja za vežbanje. Igor T. . [read more]
Počeli smo kao porodična firma iz Pančeva koja je imala velike ciljeve ispred sebe i sledila viziju svog osnivača. Danas ponosno ističemo da smo kompanija koja je između ostalih.. [read more]
Software Laboratory Professional is a group for application development on Internet, Windows, Android, iOS and Linux platform. . [read more]
Silver sab-prirodna dezinfekcija - brz i bezbedan način dezinfekcije dečijih igračaka, klima uređaja i svih tvrdih površina- antibakterijsko i antivirusno dejstvo- 100% prirodno, na bazi.. [read more]
Schmarl - Ihr KFZ Meisterbetrieb für Airbrush & Design-Lackierungen der Spezialist in Österreich. Werbedesign, Fahrzeugveredelung, Sonderanfertigungen, uvm. [read more]
Agencija SI PROFIT pruža celokupan spektar knjigovodstvenih i računovodstvenih usluga, kao i usluge poslovnog konsaltinga. Kao što znate, knjigovodstvo i računovodstvo predstavljaju.. [read more]
Seb-Agrar is a company, located at Senta, Vojvodina. [read more]
Strategic Technologies je tu da vam pomogne da pronađete svoj kreativni glas. Uvek favorizujemo brendove i trudimo se da ih dovedemo u centar pažnje. Mi koristimo Vaše jedinstvene prednosti.. [read more]
American Football Association of Vojvodina is voluntary, non-governmental, nonprofit sports organisation based in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. . [read more]
S-SOLUTIONS is a company, located at 147 Улица Народног фронта, Temerin, Vojvodina 21235. [read more]
Is it hard for you to find a worker whom you cant trust, who has been tested and who will not let you down? The "Siguran Majstor" is here for you. Our goal is to connect you with proven experts.. [read more]
Očna klinika Bulevar bavi se dijagnostikom i lečenjem oftalmoloških bolesti kod dece i odraslih. Zahvaljujući vrhunskoj tehnologiji i stručnošću naših lekara pružamo kompletnu oftalmološku uslugu. [read more]
SPEKTAR COP DOO is a company, located at 221 Панчевачки пут, Vojvodina 11212. [read more]
SEG AGES TF "Mihajlo Pupin" Student Section is a company, located at Zrenjanin, Vojvodina 23101. [read more]
We have integrated the most important sectors for successful business operations within an organization. Through detailed expertise and analysis, we identify areas in which your business.. [read more]
Modik's production and manufacturing elements exist and have been present in Serbia for over 25 years. Beginning from the craft workshop, to the modern technological facilities, Modik has built.. [read more]
Privately held company focused on Confluence and JIRA plugins. Also we do some Android work. . [read more]
Brand Strategies. [read more]
A serbia based consulting agency with freelance certified advisors for insurance and financial investments through insurance. . [read more]
Serbian Supply Chain Professionals' Association is a non-profit, non-governmental association of professionals in the Supply Chain area. The founders of the association are supply chain.. [read more]
SINHRO Hub, as a platform for the development of generations of entrepreneurial people, is a meeting place for exceptional individuals, innovative startups, talented pupils, creative.. [read more]
Savremeni trendovi u psihologiji is a company, located at Novi Sad, Vojvodina. [read more]
Severtrans is a company, located at Улица Филипа Кљајића, Sombor, Vojvodina 25101. [read more]
SmartInIT kursevi programiranja razvijeni su kroz dugogodišnju saradnju iskusnih profesora i asistenata sa Fakulteta tehničkih nauka i iskusnih PanonIT inženjera koji znaju potrebe privrede. [read more]
Company specialized for oral hygiene devices for home use, professional dentist equipment, teeth whitening. Projecting, engineerings and furnishing of dental practices in Serbia. [read more]
Firma SYNERGY Consult d. o. o. je osnovana 2006. godine s ciljem sticanja informacija u oblasti poslovanja i međunarodne trgovine na teritoriji zapadnog Balkana (Srbija, Hrvatska, Crna Gora, Bosna.. [read more]
Spiridon is a company based in Belgrade, Serbia. We specialize in providing the expertise and know-how to create the perfect tubes for your needs. . [read more]