Naša firma je osnovana 1989. godine u Kragujevcu. Svoje poslovanje smo započeli kao mala zanatska radnja koja se vremenom razvijala, da bi danas bila registrovana kao proizvodno.. [read more]
First impressions matter, so your website should look great and perform perfect. Meet your full-service digital marketing agency, providing data-driven marketing strategies and creative.. [read more]
The Faculty of Philology and Arts (FILUM) comprises three schools: School of Philology, School of Music and School of Applied Arts. The School of Philology is comprised of the following.. [read more]
Company TRIGANO PRIKOLICE d. o. o. started to work 01. 09. 2016. , with head office and production in Kragujevac, as a representative of the French group Trigano. [read more]
TIM-ING centar d. o. o. is world-renowned company that produces specialized machines for bending Aluminium and PVC joinery profiles. We produce most advanced Bending machine for Aluminium and.. [read more]
Preduzeće Tritonex, deo Prvako grupe, je privatno preduzeće koje se bavi proizvodnjom, veleprodajom, izvozom, maloprodajom i distribucijom građevinskog materijala nastalo 2017. [read more]
We provide a wide spectrum of services related to the ESL industry in China, Japan and Philippines. Our services include:-Recruitment-Consulting-Both online and offline training for teachers.. [read more]
TechWebUX doo provide web development and consultancy (WordPress and Magento 2), graphic and print design, and office document/spreadsheet development. [read more]
Teamwork provides content writing and localisation services for the iGaming industry. We have worked with leading iGaming companies such as Blexr, Websa, Game Lounge, Starscape, Finixio, FunFair,.. [read more]
Technosector is a company founded in 2010 as part of Technomedia d. o. o. and partners. We are an engineering company with three main divisions:1. Security system design2. [read more]
Consulting firm "Tenders" Ltd. was created with the idea of working for the interests of the bidders. With the entry into force of the new Law on Public Procurement, we began to collaborate with.. [read more]
Tech Tailors is a company founded by engineers from different backgrounds, experts in the software industry. Experience, dedication and confidence are combined into one team, a team of experts.. [read more]
tsuki is an industrial design studio dedicated to creating products that people want to use. We provide a wide range of services starting from user and market research, all the way through.. [read more]
TechnoSigma je softverska kompanija koja se bavi razvojem aplikacija za potrebe klijenata. . [read more]
Welcome to SCHWAN SUGAR FREE, your number one source for all SUGAR-FREE product. We're dedicated to providing you the best of hazelnut - chocolate spreads , chocolate , sweeteners in powder.. [read more]
Da li i tebe puca NOSTALGIJA? Premotavamo traku u doba hitova 2000ih uz koje smo odrasli. . [read more]
MEGGLE Serbia is a member of the MEGGLE South East Europe (SEE) Regional Cluster with headquarters in Germany. . [read more]
CONSTRUCTION PROJECT / MANUFACTURE / INSTALLATIONSteel structures / Prefabricated halls / Prefabricated garages / Modular construction / Pools / Service welding / CNC Plasma cutting /.. [read more]
With 20+ years of business experience, we enjoy creating Visual/Corporate Identity, Logos, Business Cards, Catalogs, Roll-up Banners, Newspaper Ads, Posters, Billboards, Calendars, Leaflets,.. [read more]
Firma Manganorobot d. o. o. osnovana je 2016. godine u Srbiji, kao deo uspešne Manganorobot grupacije, u želji da napredna rešenja za automatizaciju industrijskih postrojenja ponudi malim.. [read more]
Matijašević Vinogradi's vineyard in the wine-producing region of Šumadija encompasses 15 hectares of land in Orašac, Kopljare, and Banja. One of the largest in Šumadija, the vineyard's.. [read more]
Modus Vision is a company, located at 32 Улица Даничићева, Kragujevac 34115. [read more]
Precizno i dosledno pratimo potrebe naših korisnika i stručnim kadrom implementiramo najsavremenija rešenja u industrijsku praksu. . [read more]
MM Editing agency is a skilled group of copywriters, creative thinkers, and SEO specialists offering a full-fledged content management service in different industries – online gaming, sports,.. [read more]
Mold Solutions is a supplier specialized in deliveries of Plastic Injection Tooling. We support our clients in finding optimal solutions for their business and manufacturing goals. [read more]
Management consulting in the field of quality control and application of quality tools. [read more]
MIND Group is focused on pursuing the ultimate objective of fully satisfying its clients through custom-made solutions in various industries. Our end in view is creating an innovative.. [read more]
We, at Milanović inženjering, take a great joy in working and growing with you, continuously developing ourselves and becoming better in all aspects of our business over the past decades. [read more]
MIA Consulting is a young agency that deals with writing and implementing projects and developing organizations. Working in a pleasant atmosphere and with relaxed and flexible working.. [read more]
Cleantech company working with biodegradable technology within Textile and Medical Industry. . [read more]
Stomatološka ordinaciija "Dentalis" pruža tretmane iz različitih oblasti stomatologije. Na vrlo profesionalan način koristeći najnovije metode i pristupe pružićemo vam usluge iz:-Dečje.. [read more]
Sena Spirits is a producer of strong alcoholic drinks and spirits that contain high percentage of alcohol. At Sena Spirits, we are proud to run a single distiller that enables us to have full.. [read more]
MV-METAL is a mechanical & process design services company founded in year 2008 specialized in mechanical design and product development using marketing leading and state of the art design software's. [read more]
MORANGOTPC Šumadija, Miloja Pavlovića 9/11Kragujevac ,Srbijawww. morango. rs+381 34 355 122+381 63 8 101 535U salonu Morango možete naći venčanice poznate spanske firme "Pronovias",.. [read more]
Lion8 je IT kompanija osnovana 2019. godine u Kragujevcu, a bavi se kreiranjem i unapređivanjem softverskih rešenja. Iako još uvek mlada, Lion8 kompanija se već izdvaja i prepoznaje po.. [read more]
SoftLux was founded by the company from Switzerland as an engineering bureau for logistics and software. We are flexible and dynamic, service oriented company specializing in top quality.. [read more]