Zaista šteta što je zapušteno. One of the most beautiful places on railway Belgrade- Bar !. [read more]
Стајалиште Рача is a train station, located at Rača 31333. [read more]
Ljubazni i vredni ljudi. [read more]
Кумбара is a bus station, located at 200, Beli Potok. [read more]
Neo Teo Com d. o. o. Kosmajska 10. [read more]
Village near Belgrade. [read more]
Best bus station on the world, I like it a lot! Toilets are clean and soft!. [read more]
Zuce is a train station, located at Zuce. [read more]
Jabučki Rit is a train station, located at Jabučki Rit, Padinska Skela. [read more]
Jajinci is a train station, located at Кружни пут, Београд. [read more]
Dunavski peron is a train station, located at Ante Bogićevića, Šepak Donji. [read more]
Padinska Skela is a train station, located at Padinska Skela. [read more]
Big specious bus stop close by to small local store and shops in the back. Bus lines -95, 96, 101, 104, 105. . [read more]
Себеш мокри is a bus station, located at Zrenjaninski put, Borča. [read more]
Косовопољска is a bus station, located at Zrenjaninski put, Borča. [read more]
Skoro ogradjena nova stanica. Samo sto je okruzena sa svih strana divlje parkiranim automobilima. . [read more]
Stanica za novije borcansko naselje Centar 5. Na ovoj stanici cesto udje dosta putnika. Linije 85, 96. . [read more]
Small station but not a busy one, not lighted properly. Bus line 104. . [read more]
Spacious stop but bit dirty from all the traffic local street crates. Bus line 95, 105L. [read more]
Samo ova stanica sama moze da napuni ceo autobus u jutarnjim casovima. . [read more]
Big bus stop, a bit dirty at times, and always crowded becouse of closeness to local market. Bus lines 95, 105L. [read more]
Комбинатова is a bus station, located at Bratstva i Јedinstva, Borča. [read more]
Блок 42 is a bus station, located at Јурија Гагарина, Београд. [read more]
Агостина Нета is a bus station, located at Јурија Гагарина, Београд. [read more]
Big bus stop, really cleaned and well maintained. lots of traffic but there is lots of lines as well. Bus lines - 95, 610, 94, 89, 73, 68. . [read more]
Station with covered seating area. Big stops but huge amount of traffic from local towers. Bus lines - 95, 610, 94, 89, 73, 68. . [read more]
Gandijeva is a bus station, located at Јурија Гагарина, Београд. [read more]
Гандијева is a bus station, located at Јурија Гагарина, Београд. [read more]
Great stop lots of space, clean, well maintained. Not much traffic. [read more]
Stajalište Nehruova is a bus station, located at Јурија Гагарина, Београд. [read more]
Lugavčina is a train station, located at 214, Лугавчина. [read more]
Osipaonica is a train station, located at 214, Осипаоница. [read more]
Ferry boat which connect Serbia and South Banat County, namely Ram-Stara Palanka and vice-versa. It is the shortest pathway to Vrsac, Timishoara. . . Fine service that seems to be a bit.. [read more]
Selo Kaona je po prirodi lepo, ali nazalost unistavano godinama, uzmimo primer zagadjena- Zagadjenja su sve ucestalija, zbog nedostatka strucnosti, zelje, truda itd, da se resi zagadjenje prirode.. [read more]
Lepo je je ovde u gradu lapovo varos. Es ist wunderschön dort. [read more]