Najlepsa planina Srbije! Ne znam koji deo bih izdvojila jer je cela bozanstvena! Pod obavezno obilazak Drine i Tare, prelepe dve reke sa fantasticnom bojom, divlje, ciste. [read more]
Korektno rade svoj posao. . [read more]
Завичајни музеј Хомоља is a museum, located at Zagubica. They can be contacted via phone at +381 60 2726164 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Sanac iz I Srpskog ustanka is a museum, located at 214, Делиград. [read more]
Pet zvezdica za ideju, dok je realizacija mogla da bude mozda malo bolja. Mislim da je autor trebao malo vise paznje da posveti detaljima. Svakako, na ovim prostorima je ovo mesto jedinatveno i.. [read more]
Savrseno mesto i vidikovac. [read more]
Galerija TARSKI is an art gallery, located at Kaluđerske bare bb, Planina Tara 31257. They can be contacted via phone at +381 63 413303 for more detailed information. [read more]
Showing life in the vilages in rural Serbia end of 19th and begining of 20th century. This is a rare colection of houses, antiques and models depicting the life in the old days quite autenticaly. [read more]
Teatar Vožd is a museum, located at Mišar. [read more]
Zanimljivo, treba posetiti. . [read more]
Tronoša is a museum, located at Korenita. They can be contacted via phone at +381 15 846003 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Museum of Languages and Scripts is a museum, located at Прилаз саборишту, Tršić. They can be contacted via phone at +381 15 868310 for more detailed information. [read more]
Прелеп комплекс посвећен Вуку, лепо уређено, било би лепо да је више оваквих објеката у Србији о којима.. [read more]
Great guide. Women is also found soo many old items 1500 to 3000 old. . a lot of items from toman times. . . . . Super edukativno moze se mnogo stasta nauciti. [read more]
Super place, very modern, better than before. Attractive. Good restaurant before building, etno Lepenski Vir, recommend grilled cheese. Area is very beauty. [read more]