UI/UX design studio - crafting cutting-edge design solutions, and the best user-centered design interfaces since 2017. . [read more]
Pekara Branković ima dugu porodičnu tradiciju, koja datira još iz 1885. godine. 2000. godine pekara modernizuje i proširuje svoje proizvodne i prodajne kapacitete. [read more]
Platforma "Posao za mlade" je nastala sa ciljem da mladima omogući pristup najnovijim informacijama sa tržišta rada uključujući oglase za posao i praksu, relevantne vesti iz poslovnog.. [read more]
Patrol Group je grupa mladih entuzijasta i stručnjaka na području digitalnog marketinga i programiranja. Naš tim čine kreativni i odgovorni dizajneri i programeri koji će se potruditi da.. [read more]
Obelus is a software development company that specialises in delivering custom software solutions to businesses of all sizes. Our team of experienced developers and designers use the.. [read more]
NIŠ - GOOD IDEA TO INVEST INNiš is the leader of the economic development of Southeast Serbia and stands as the community of people dedicated to its further progress. [read more]
Akademski centar znanja is a company, located at 63 Улица Првомајска, Niš 18105. They can be contacted via phone at +381 69 412 2007 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ova zajednica ima za cilj okupljanje HR profesionalaca širom zemlje sa fokusom na jugoistok Srbije kako bi imali posebno mesto na kome možemo da delimo znanje, razmenjujemo prakse, ideje i.. [read more]
Origin Point specializes in innovative product visualisation solutions for a variety of industries, including the watch industry and packages. Our advanced technology and expertise allow us to.. [read more]
Entrepreneur. [read more]
Принимающий туроператор на БалканахСобственная вилла 4* на бальнеологическом курорте Врнячка.. [read more]
Nishisha is a company that offers a service of renting hookahs and accessories with home delivery, for a certain period of time, for different types of events. [read more]
The National Coalition for Decentralisation (NCD) is a network of citizen organizations that actively advocate for increasing the degree of decentralisation of Serbia, strengthening the.. [read more]
I create marketing and portfolio websitesfor medium and small businesses, freelancers, artist, enthusiasts. . . . [read more]
Naissus Design Solutions is a company, located at Улица Насерова, Niš 18108. [read more]
Najveći oglasni portal u južnoj Srbiji. [read more]
Asocijacija studenata farmacije – Niš (NiPSA), osnovana 2009. godine, predstavlja studentsku organizaciju koja zastupa interese svih studenata, kako bi se unapredili uslovi studiranja i.. [read more]
We are a team of young people who have been promoting activism and healthy lifestyle among youth in our villages of the south of Serbia for over a decade now. [read more]
Ni Medic Pharm was founded in 2013 with the mission to improve healthcare outcomes and make positive impact on people's lives. At Ni Medic Pharm, we understand the critical role that health.. [read more]
MONISPORT - Sport Academy - Tennis - Badminton - Table tennis - Coaching. [read more]
Informativno zabavni portal Srbije. [read more]
The company itself is based around electronic music, education & design. We are running our Instagram page where you can get a lot of free daily knowledge for recording, mixing and mastering your.. [read more]
Kompanija koja već 15 godina gradi stanove i poslovni prostor. . [read more]
Pomažemo putnicima da dožive najlepše iskustvo na putovanju koje će pamtiti zauvek, bez da potroše brdo novca i bez skrivenih troškova. . [read more]
My L Consulting Agency provides consulting services in the field of Human Resources / HR and Sales. We have put our many years of experience in corporate business in the service of our.. [read more]
Projekat ‚‚Medijana Timeless" pokrenut je radi unapređenja nematerijalne kulurne baštine u prekograničnom regionu. Cilj projekta je promocije lokalnog turizma i kulture na.. [read more]
Uvoz, prodaja, servisiranje i uzlužno postavljanje automata za kafu, tople i hladne napitke i prehrambene proizvode. . [read more]
Firma za proizvodnju, projektovanje i ugradnju proizvoda od betona namenjenih za gradjevinarstvo. . [read more]
Musicorn is a company, located at 9 Улица Милорада Вељковића Шпаје, Niš 18105. [read more]
Markota Law is specialized in providing the full range of legal services to small and medium-sized IT companies. With clients from over fifty countries, we developed a unique business culture.. [read more]
MD PROJEKT INSTITUT DOO is a company, located at 2 Трг Краља Александра Ујединитеља, Niš 18105. [read more]
Megafon. co pokazaće vam kako izgleda kada odete 200 metara ispod zemlje; kako da bez sata, rukama merite vreme; ko su Romeo i Julija iz Vranja i još mnogo toga. [read more]
Created with professional principles and based on business ethics as an essential factor of every business relations, consultant agency Modus Consulting is a dynamic and open company whose.. [read more]
Obrazovno-razvojni centar Pro-Mens vlasnik SUANPAN Mentalna Aritmetika. Međunarodni program razvijanja mentalnih potencijala kod dece. SuanPan mentalna aritmetika je obrazovno razvojni program.. [read more]
Lux Villa Mitimago is a company, located at Niš 18105. [read more]
Salut, les (futurs) francophones ! Ça va ? 😊I am Stefan and I am a French teacher (with University Bachelor and Master degree in French as a Foreign Language, and a PhD student). [read more]