First mexican street food in city of Nis. Est. 2020. -during COVID-19 time. Designed and open, according to the idea of Andrija Radičković, young man, with vision. [read more]
Studio "KUBIRON" is characterized by quality and precision in work, respect of deadlines, delivery of projects in the agreed term without delay and readiness for cooperation and creation.. [read more]
UPK za razvoj socijalnog preduzetništva i društveno odgovornog poslovanja B2B je zajednica privrednih društava, preduzetnika, poljoprvrednih gazdinstava i brojnih udruženja iz nevladinog.. [read more]
Ovlašćeni zastupnik i serviser KIA vozila na teritoriji jugoistočne Srbije!. [read more]
KRIVICA. RS is an attempt that through the form of a web portal to bring closer to the general lay public not only the area of criminal law and protection of human rights in general, but also.. [read more]
Koalicija je neprofitnog karaktera i nastala je kao izraz potrebe da se na jugu Srbije povežu i animiraju postojeći stručni kapaciteti i stave u funkciju izgradnje novih kapaciteta –.. [read more]
KANCELARIJA. ONLINE is intended for entrepreneurs, owners and directors of micro and medium enterprises who need someone to fill in for them or to help them with daily administrative tasks in.. [read more]
Consulting services. [read more]
JustStart is a consulting company that operates on the principles of a solidarity economy and works on developing its own innovation-based projects as well as providing projects and.. [read more]
Make your business more profitable and provide the highest quality services. Partner with a trusted vendor and let's do amazing things together!. [read more]
Internet Sajtovi is a company, located at Bulevar Svetog cara Konstantina Road, Niš. [read more]
🔹Invite guests and track RSVP status🔹Plan event details using our checklist🔹Stop sending updates separately, use announcements!🔹Enjoy all photos in one place. [read more]
Serving premium quality gyros meat and gyros meat special dishes. . [read more]
Pružanje usluga digitalnog marketinga; konsalting u marketingu. Izrada poslovnih portala, video prezentacija. . [read more]
Gournet is a place where you can find your favourite restaurants, cafes, pubs, and much more! Join our community to explore all the features this platform offers!Gournet je mesto gde ćete.. [read more]
The Facta Universitatis, Series: Law and Politics (FU Law Pol) is an open-access, semiannually, a peer-reviewed international journal published by the University of Niš (Republic of Serbia). [read more]
The Faculty of Economics in Niš is an institution of higher education within the University of Niš which by performing its activities combines educational, scientific and research work as a part.. [read more]
Филозофски факултет Универзитета у Нишу је научна установа на којој се обављају основне, мастер и.. [read more]
НИС Петрол Житковац Улица Ратка Јовића, located at Улица Ратка Јовића 22, Алексинац, 18220. They can be contacted via phone at +381 18 887104 for more detailed information. [read more]
DARKROOM is an architectural visualization company, specialized in high-end renderings, animation and VR solutions. . [read more]
Dobro došli u školu glume i dramski studio. Otvoreni smo za sve polaznike od 5 do 30 godina. Radimo u Nišu i Novom Sadu. Najsavremeniji program, usklađen sa programom najpriznatijih akademija. [read more]
Chonky Loaf is an indie game studio specializing in pixel-art games for the PC and Console market. We are actively working on the Everholm project. An in-house isometric pixel-art cozy yet.. [read more]
City Smart je medijska kompanija koja uspešno posluje od 1995. godine. Svoj rad započinje kao urbana radio stanica dosledna vrednostima građanskog društva. [read more]
Introducing the next generation of the city-wide connectivity. City&Me is a digital response to the citizen's needs to communicate, be active and act sustainably in their communities. [read more]
Career Days Niš is a company, located at Улица Александра Медведева, Niš 18106. [read more]
At the very beginning of the 21st century (4 May 2004), the members of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics were highly motivated to contribute to the development of mathematical sciences.. [read more]
Izrada CV-a i motivacionog pisma. Uklapamo Vaše ciljeve i zahteve Vašeg budućeg poslodavca. . [read more]
Naša firma osnovana je pre više od dvadeset godina i tada se bavila isključivo arhitekturom. Kroz rad na različitim arhitektonskim projektima, jedan deo našeg tima specijalizovao se za.. [read more]
"Centar za devojke" je organizacija osnovana na inicijativu dve volonterke "SOS telefona za žene i decu žrtve nasilja". . [read more]
CHN servis i održavanje kompjutera i kompjuterske opreme. Održavanje umreženih kompjutera u Vašoj kancelariji i poslovnom prostoru. . [read more]
Clark Studio is creative design company located in Nis, Serbia. We are engaged in the area of UX/UI, Graphic design, Web design, Web shops, also Corporate design, Product design and other.. [read more]
Center for Business and Innovation Support Ltd. Nis is consulting firm that brings together the experts in different area of business. It was founded with the aim to provide professional.. [read more]
Dear ladies and gentlemen, we are a company that brings together engineers, architects and designers. In cooperation with customers, we achieve the desired design with appropriate static.. [read more]
Welcome to the world of PRO!What we do:PROjectsPROposalsPROpositionsPROcurementsPROmotionsPROgrammingPROblem solvingWe are: PROfessionalPROactivePROductivePROmptPROminentPROficientPROfoundFor you.. [read more]
Hello! My name is Ana Zivkovic. I am from Serbia. I graduated Philology in English at the Faculty of Legal and Business studies; 2015. Since than I have volunteered at a private school for.. [read more]
Biološko društvo "Dr Sava Petrović" (BDDSP) radi na unapređenju obrazovne i naučno-istraživačke delatnosti u oblasti biologije i ekologije, popularizaciji naučno-istraživačkog rada.. [read more]