LAKEAUTO032 is a Volkswagen car dealer that provides sales and car service. . [read more]
Privatno preduzeće koje se bavi izradom i projektovanjem elektro ormana. . [read more]
Our mission is to develop and nurture unique products and initiatives across the agricultural, technological and retail landscapes that reduce or eliminate harmful chemicals, solve.. [read more]
Regionalni inovacioni startap centar Impuls je projekat podržan od strane Kabineta ministra bez portfelja zaduženog za inovacije i tehnološki razvoj Vlade Republike Srbije, a u.. [read more]
Na jednoj od najlepših planina Šumadije prema arheološkim istraživanjima ruda se vadila su se još u 4. veku pre nove ere. Rudnik je imao izuzetan istorijski značaj i za srednjovekovnu.. [read more]
Full Stack Web Software Development Services, for mid-scale (150+ million documents per MongoDB collection). > https://qoolpage. com. . [read more]
Quantox akademija je nastala kao deo Quantox Technology-a koji postoji već 16 godina u Srbiji. Quantox kompanija je uvek bila okrenuta edukaciji i razvoju talenata. [read more]
STAX Technologies is Emerging European manufacturer of packaging machines focused on the continuous development of its technological innovations dedicated predominantly to the world of tissue.. [read more]
Riitech Solutions is young startup company founded in 2017, based in Cacak, Serbia. We are developing web and mobile applications. Our team is formed of people with degrees in software and.. [read more]
From 1997. Pamin d. o. o. supplying various clients all over the world. As family owned company located in Serbia, we are deticated to provide tailored-made solution for your needs. [read more]
Porodična kompanija Polo osnovana sad već davne 1991. god. sa sedištem u Čačku, Srbiji. Prve delatnosti kompanije bile su proizvodnja sirćeta i distribucija esencije (sirćetne kiseline),.. [read more]
Tvoj način da platiš manje!Privilegije, olakšice, popusti i povlastice za mlade u Srbiji!Mi smo mlad, ambiciozan i perspektivan tim. Imali smo želju da pomognemo mladim ljudima koju.. [read more]
OKTA Solution is a company that deals with the design, development, and implementation of information systems. The company activities focus on product development, consulting,.. [read more]
PowerUp Digital - We Make Everything BetterWeb DevelopmentWeb DesignGraphic DesignSoftware DevelopmentAndroid DevelopmentiOS DevelopmentGame DevelopmentOutsorcing. [read more]
Founded in 1996, in Serbia, P…. S…. fashion is a prestigious brand dedicated to design, manufacturing and sale of women's clothing, accessories and jewelry. [read more]
Pčelica Publishing House is a company, located at 4 Улица Колубарска, Čačak 32102. They can be contacted via phone at +381 32 348 252 for more detailed information. [read more]
We are a Google trusted agency, experienced in creating interactive and immersive Google Streetview and Custom 360 Virtual Tours. We help business optimize, differentiate, and convey their.. [read more]
Proxima is dynamic and competent company specialized in supplying and maintenance of IT equipment, representing and offering IT, business and consulting services. [read more]
We began our story on September 5th, 1991. A rented space in Sinđelićeva street in Čačak was the place where we started developing our craft. Four years later, "Pons" bakery was moved to.. [read more]
We are team of web experts, developers, marketers, photographers and strategists who help to provide solutions. We design with clean coding, create web pages and build the best experiences for.. [read more]
Architecture and Interior design. . [read more]
Juno Clothier. [read more]
Young modern-style distillery. [read more]
Wholesale and retail, Phone and computer service. Radio streaming, web hosting, web design. [read more]
"Gimnazion" is driven by people that are entusiastic about child care, education and tourism. Our main goal is to give children opportunity to develop all their potentials to the highest.. [read more]
ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT:GM CONVERTING company was founded in 2005. It was engaged in the production of machines for the flexo industry and supporting structures for machines (extruders). [read more]
Helping companies to find the right IT partner in 3 simple steps:1. The Information GatheringFirst we delve deep into your business processes to understand your pain points and objectives. [read more]
Hotel Royal Residence 4 * is a newly built modern hotel in Čačak. We offer a luxurious ambience, where each aspect of the hotel is designed with special attention to detail and functionality,.. [read more]
We educate future engineers, teachers and managers, preparing them for successful future through the application of acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills. [read more]
Fragment is a start up company that is developing eco-friendly countertops, table tops and bars made from recycled glass. Fragment team's basic idea is to use raw materials that are.. [read more]
Foka Ltd. has been presentin the market since 2000. In a highly competitive market, by constantly investing in cutting-edge technology and product development according to specific.. [read more]
ELSAT LED je prva srpska fabrika LED ekrana. Ima dvadeset dvoje stalno zaposlenih, od toga sedam inženjera, koji rade u sopstvenom prostoru i bavi se projektovanjem, proizvodnjom montažom.. [read more]
Naša rešenja zasnivamo na savremenim tehnologijama i praćenju aktuelnih marketinških trendova. Osnovni princip u poslovnju kojim se vodi naš kreativni tim je razvoj optimalnih programerskih.. [read more]
Fabrika opruga is a manufacturer and supplier of spring products. [read more]
Eko farma Moravka se bavi uzgojem autohtone sorte svinje moravke kao i proizvodnjom suhomesnatih proizvoda na tradicionalan način uz primesu mediteranskih začina. [read more]
Erde Product doo is a company, located at Улица Милутина Мандића, Čačak 32104. [read more]