ABC School of English Novi Sad is a company, located at 2 Улица Таковска, Gornji Milanovac 32300. [read more]
Чачак Булевар ослободилаца Чачка, located at Булевар ослободилаца Чачка, Чачак, 32102. [read more]
Аман Море 181, located at Чачак, 32212 (Прељина). They can be contacted via phone at +381 62 8881179 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Design and software company. We are a team of professionals striving to develop innovative software solutions for our clients around the world. . [read more]
Dr Vojislav Vuckovic is a school, located at Ulica Cara Dušana, Čačak, 32102. They can be contacted via phone at +381 32 222282 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основни суд Чачак is a courthouse, located at Улица Цара Душана 8, Чачак, 32102. They can be contacted via phone at +381 32 222242 for more detailed information. [read more]
Auto-Kuća Isailović: Sigurnost, stručnost i iskustvo od preko 30 godina. Naše osnovne delatnosti su auto-servis i šlep-služba na teritoriji cele Srbije, kao i prodajA automobila i auto-delova. [read more]
Metalac Advance se bavi obradom metala i pravljenjem procesne opreme već 41 godinu. Od projektovanja do isporuke, naš tim stručnjaka pruža personalizovanu uslugu. [read more]
The goal of Inboxter Agency is to offer its clients a strategic approach to email marketing, employing data-driven insights and industry best practices to develop campaigns that produce the.. [read more]
As the leading manufacturers of motor vehicle systems, over 5,000 of our employees throughout the world, we are constantly working on improving the comfort, safety, and dynamics of our products. [read more]
Од Више техничке школе до Високе школе техничких струковних студија ЧачакВиша техничка школа у Чачку.. [read more]
Production of plastic -(PP,PET) containers ,jars and bottles for food and pharmaceutical industry. . [read more]
Uniplast je regionalni lider na tržištu u proizvodnji i distribuciji farmaceutske, medicinske i kozmetičke – ambalaže. U toku 30 godina rada, samostalno smo razvili preko 150.. [read more]
Uspon DOO je preduzeće za kompjuterski inženjering, osnovano 2001. god. sa poslovnim sedištem u Čačku. Osnovna delatnost firme po osnivanju, bila je proizvodnja i distribucija računarske opreme. [read more]
Unipromet Ltd. is international private-own company specialized in manufactoring, supply and installation of road safety equipment, walls for noise protection, steel tubes and various.. [read more]
Review blog dedicated to punk rock and related subgenres. Please contact us through a direct message for further information on how to submit material for review. [read more]
‘'Takovo Berry'' is a co-operative which specializes in growing northern highbush - American blueberries and brings together growers committed to growing their plants according to the.. [read more]
We are an official partner of Erste Bank and S Leasing in providing financial services. Also for our clients we are offering Credit Advisory for Companies and Private Individuals, Financial.. [read more]
Tetragon company was established in 1992 as a family company and is engaged in producing water-based adhesives for different purposes (tissue paper industry, packaging industry, adhesives for.. [read more]
Founded by two Serbian designers - Slobodan and Dusan Jelesijevic in 2009 - represent the one of the major font foundries in this part of Europe - Balkan Peninsula. [read more]
The activity of our company is based on production and integration of conveying systems and devices for conveying tissue products (rolls, as well as folded products, such as napkin, facial tissue). [read more]
The basic concern of the company which intends to outsource its software development is the question of whether it is going to achieve the required quality. [read more]
Opusteno. rs - Portal najbolje zabave. Portal zabavno-informativnog karaktera. Pokrećemo sveže internet ideje i postavljamo nove granice. Portal Opušteno postoji od 2005-godine i.. [read more]
Orbita D. O. O. (LTD) has been established in 1991 by Mr. Rajko Garić Ph. D. Sci. with a primary goal of becoming a leading producer and exporter of top quality fruits from Serbia. [read more]
Unmanned Aerial Systems and Composite technology design, research and development. . [read more]
Želimo da ponudimo zdrave obroke po savetima nutricioniste. . [read more]
NiZ FENIX je kompanija sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom u organizovanju drumskog transporta i pružanju carinskih usluga. Pored toga, glavni smo distributeri teretnih guma Double Coin i pružamo.. [read more]
Osnovne delatnosti firme Noleko:- Proizvodnja električne energije- Trgovina električnom energijom- Izgradnja solarnih elektranaKompanija Noleko poseduje spostvenu Solarnu elektranu kapaciteta.. [read more]
Nenel Group Doo is a company, located at 1b Улица Вука Караџића, Gornji Milanovac 32300. [read more]
Naučno tehnološki park Čačak omogućava saradnju privrede, nauke i istraživanja kroz razvoj novih ideja u cilju povećanja konkurentnosti regionalne privrede. [read more]
NT Bolero doo je jedan od većih distributivnih centara na tržištu Srbije. Firma je osnovana 17. septembra 2003. godine. Posedujemo sopstveni poslovni prostor opremljen pratećom strukturom.. [read more]
Steel & Aluminium custom design and production Mass Ltd was formed in 1991 as a family company whose activity is the production of various types of ventilated facades, steel structures, premium.. [read more]
Kompanija je osnovana 1998. godine u Guči sa kancelarijama u Čačku. Davne 1998. godine firma se bavila organizacijom Tombole, nakon dve godine otvara se naša prva kladionica u Prokuplju,.. [read more]
Sne Energy is a company specialized in the production of equipment for electrical energy distribution, automatization, and control licensed by the multinational company Schneider Electric. [read more]
Mikrorem engages in the production, design, and sale of measuring and regulating equipment. . [read more]
Brand Maruška, is a Serbian luxury goods manufacturer. It has been consistently ranked as the Serbian most valuable brand in terms of luxury business gifts and best quality silk goods. [read more]