
Grabovica is a village in the municipality of Gornji Milanovac, Serbia. The name derivates from the word grab ("hornbeam"). According to the 2011 census, the village had a population of 456 people.Geography, Climate and EcosystemGrabovica is located 6 km from Gornji Milanovac. This village is dispersed settlement Rural type.Main hamlets (or official they are called Cadastral community) in the village are: Arnautići (meaning: Place of Inhabitants from Old Serbia territory), Čokanja (meaning: Hill), Parac (meaning: Nearness by town), Rapaj Brdo (meaning: Turnip tump ) and Votnjaci (meaning: Orchards). Highest peaks in Grabovica are: Klik 721 m (2,365 ft), Veliki Vrh 691 m (2,267 ft), Mali Vrh 623 m (2,044 ft) and Parac 602 m (1975 ft).Grabovica, like Gornji Milanovac has Humid continental climate.Hottest month of the year is July and August, while the coldest are January and February. Absolute maximum in air temperature range is 38.8C on July 6, 1950 and absolute minimum is -30.4C on February 17, 1956. The average annual precipitation height are in the range of 788 mm (31.02 in). The most precipitation falls in period April–June and the least in October–February. Average snow cover keeps here in period of 160–190 days. Minimum mean wind speed is 1.7 - 2.6 m/s (3.11-5.05 knots) and maximum 13.8 - 20.7 m/s (26.83-40.24 knots). These maximum speed occurs here with southeastern, southwestern and southern winds. Annual average daily global sun radiation energy on a horizontal surface on territory of municipality Gornji Milanovac is between 3.8-4.0 kWh/m. Average recorded emission of CO2 is 0.52 tons. Relative humidity is 85% average in winter periods and 78.5 average in summer periods.

Tags : #LandmarkHistoricalPlace, #HotelLodging, #Landmark&HistoricalPlace, #Hotel&Lodging

Location :
32300 Gornji Milanovac

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