Effective Altruism Serbia is a company, located at Belgrade, Serbia. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Mi verujemo da, kada činimo dobro, moramo koristiti dokaze i razum kao vodilje. Trudimo se da uzmemo u obzir sve mogućnosti i akcije, i ponašamo se na način koji će stvoriti najveći pozitivni uticaj. We believe that when doing good, we should use evidence and reason to guide us - we aim to consider all causes and actions, and then act in the way that brings about the greatest positive impact.Efektivni Altruizam Srbija je mreža ljudi koji su spremni da pomognu jedni drugima u našem radu, na putu ka boljem svetu. Naši članovi mogu imati razne filozofska, religijska. ili lična verovanja - ali ih sve ujedinjuje želja da budu maksimalno efektivni u dobročinstvu.Effective Altruism Serbia is a network of people who are willing to help one another along this road and collectively work towards a better world. Our members are from all walks of life and have a wide range of personal beliefs – what unites us is our desire to be as effective as possible in how we do good.U podržavanju Vaših altruističnih ciljeva, mi: To support your altruistic goals, we:- Organizujemo događaje i radionice, usmerene ka učenju novih veština, razumevanju novih vrsta problema i njihovih rešenja, omogućavajući Vam da napravite najbolje altruistične odluke.- Host a variety of events and workshops designed to teach new skills, improve understanding of causes and their solutions, and ultimately enable you make the best altruistic decisions.- Pružamo podršku kroz Važe lično moralno putovanja, kroz prijateljstvo i druženje sa sličnim ljudima.- Offer support throughout your personal moral journey, and friendship with like-minded people.
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Jopie, at 01 January 2020