Najbolji servis u Beogradu pa i sire, sa jako strucnim zaposlenicima, kako u podavnici tako i u servisu. Sam servis je opremljen savremenim alatima, dizalicama, dijatnostikom i komplet opremom.. [read more]
ZASTAVA ISTRABENZ LIZING is a car dealer, located at Bulevar despota Stefana 12, Beograd. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 3343393 for more detailed information. [read more]
Semi homey semi urban, great breakfast place. If u are allergic to tobacco, forget it. . although ventilation workung fine. It's just thate. locals prefer their coffee and sweets with nicotine. [read more]
Kafic koji je obelezio drugi semestar moje prve godine studija. Kafic zbog kojeg sam navikao da ujutru popujem kaficu ili caj. Drago mi je sto sve ove godine opstaje, i prvo sledece slobodno.. [read more]
Prijatan porodicni kafic!. Lokalni kafić, u kome se osećate kao kod kuće, jako ljubazno osoblje i prostupačne cene!. [read more]
Tryk is a cafe, located at Vardarska, Beograd. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 2452702 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Some unique punk rock insides which attracts the appropriate crowd. Not to mention outside sitting places whoch overlooks Belgrade botanical garden. You don't find that often ;). [read more]
Nice place for meeting friends. Reasonable prices. Good service. Great pizza. Try the Serbiana or Smart. Delicious! Local beer on tap. . The place is a bit tricky to find but the pizza is amazing. [read more]
Staff 4/5 ambient is very good, drinks are okay, a bit expencive, but would go again, beautiful women. Its a nice place for cup of coffee with your friends. [read more]
Енигма (Permanently Closed) is a cafe, located at Đušina 7, Beograd 11000. [read more]
Although smokers and non-smoker are clearly separated, it is still full of smoke because some people smoke at tables that are for non-smkers. Coffee and service are excellent. [read more]
Najdraži kafic u gradu :-)Odlican ambijent i divno osoblje :-) leti, fantastična bašta :-). Pěkné místo s příjemnou atmosférou a latino muzikou, dobrou nabídkou pití a ochotnou obsluhou. [read more]
Одлични колачи и торте, цене супер. Сваки договор се испоштује. Јако љубазни и услужни. Госпођа Љиља ми радила торту за свадбу. . Kvalitetni,ukusni kolaci i pristupacne cene. [read more]
Nice cafe with great view on St. Sava Temple. Nice food, very friendly staff. . [read more]
Friendly lady with sincere smile! Good coffe! I really like quotes all over the walls. Also this place can be good to drink something before concert or to go abroad. [read more]
Max Caffe is a cafe, located at Antifašističke borbe 19, Beograd 11070. [read more]
Great place! Recommendation for visit, trying wines, buying cute Serbian products. Please don't miss AGUARA chocolates 😍 Excelent product dedicated to wine in range of eight chocolates created.. [read more]
I visited Belgrade for 5 days as a German. By FAR, Café Dali was the most cozy, nice and friendly café I've been to in this time. Good coffee, good Wifi, very stylish, friendly,.. [read more]
Све на једном месту. Брзо, професионално и пријатно особље. Пример како се ради са муштеријама. . Све на једном месту. . Imaju sirok asortiman robe. [read more]
Don't let the photographs fool you. We stayed in this building, which you can see in Travel in My Shoes (YouTube), and rented an apartment for a few days. [read more]
Uvek volim da posetim knjizaru s dobrim knjigama. [read more]
Knjižara Alan Ford se, po mom mišljenju, održala decenijama zahvaljujući liniji stripa, iako to iz naziva ne možete naslutiti. Sasvim sigurno je najvažnija striparnica Novog Beograda, u kome.. [read more]
Hotel Moscow in miniature. Great view down to a most busy street, simple and very very cosy ambient. Service above average. Guests are of upper middle class, calm and more introvert than elsewhere. [read more]
Najbolja nega za lice is a beauty salon, located at Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 98, Beograd. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 3111199 for more detailed information. [read more]
Etre Belle is a beauty salon, located at Vuka Karadžića, Beograd 11000. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 2635919 for more detailed information. [read more]
Akademija za kozmeticare is a beauty salon, located at Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 98, Beograd. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 2606163 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kazu, lepota lici na letnje plodove koji se lako kvare i ne mogu da traju. Medjutim, ljubaznost osoblja, srdacnost i strucnost dr Anice Jevremovic ce Vas uveriti u suprotno. [read more]
Najci ficka na svetu sa najlepsim radnicama. [read more]
Mali pub, sa veoma prijatnom atmosferom i ljubaznim, druželjubljivim osobljem. Obavezno probajte crveno pivo! Cene su pristupačne. . Small cozy place great beer. [read more]
Универзал банка (Permanently Closed) is a bank, located at Milentija Popovića 5V, Beograd. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 2022665 for more detailed information. [read more]
Огромные вкусные буреки! Добро). [read more]
Ljubazno osoblje i najlepša pita sa sirom na Dorćolu!. Dobar izbor peciva I ljubaznost osoblja. . . . . Sehr schön. Top Auswahl. Meine Empfehlung. [read more]
Dobra ponuda peciva. . . . [read more]
Odlična pekara sa veoma ukusnim pecivom, picama i sendvičima, cene primerene, pristupačne. Usluga brza i ljubazna. Zvezdica manje zbog prostora za mušterije koje bi tu nešto da pojedu- mali.. [read more]
Best burek in town! Smiley staff:). Najbolja pekara u kraju. . [read more]
Modlica is a bakery, located at Kosovska 5, Beograd 11080. They can be contacted via phone at +381 63 445280 for more detailed information. . [read more]