SME doo je kompanija sa preko 10 godina iskustva i uspešnog rada u oblastima: MEDIJSKI KONSALTING I MARKETINŠKO LOBIRANJEDinamičan razvoj medija i digitalnih tehnologija zahtevaju.. [read more]
For more then 25 years Speed doo is one of the most prominet Oil traders in Serbia. Having its own 8 million-ton depot at Novi Sad, two self-propelled tankers and a couple of gas stations, Speed.. [read more]
Verujemo u staru izreku da je u vinu istina, ali smo sigurni da i sva druga pića kriju tajne i iskustva koje samo čekamo da otkrijemo. Space platforma je napravljena sa ciljem da svakoj.. [read more]
Smart AI Solutions is a company, located at Belgrade. [read more]
Speccon | Member of Primestore Group is a company, located at 9 Улица Јеврема Грујића, Belgrade 11040. [read more]
Prvi lanac specijalizovanih prodavnica krofni, kronata i kapkejksa u Srbiji🍩🧁. [read more]
Cash management solutions - smart safes are securing and automating retailers' cash operations. With Smart Safe Service optimize your cash processing operations without any investments and have.. [read more]
Shoppster je inovativna e-commerce platforma u potpunosti okrenuta kupcu, kreirana na temelju superiorne tehnologije i najsavremenije IT logistike. Svakodnevno se trudimo da u punoj meri.. [read more]
Science Technology Park Belgrade is supporting entrepreneurs, startups and growing tech companies in innovation development and commercialization by providing need-based set of infrastructure.. [read more]
Super Wine has developed a technology that is safe and organic. . [read more]
Scouting players. [read more]
Srbijaspace - Portal Za Nekretnine is a company, located at Аутопут за Загреб, Belgrade 11070. [read more]
Sumadijaput offers construction and reconstruction services for highways, airports and runways. . [read more]
SAVAworkspace coworking prostor se nalazi Novom Beogradu i to baš uz reku, što omogućava neverovatan pogled i produktivnu radnu atmosferu. Za one koji dolaze svojim automobilom imamo.. [read more]
Berry fruit manufacture and storage. [read more]
SheFilms is a creatively driven production house based in Belgrade, Serbia. She aspires to work with clients from all over the world and create innovative video material for the global market. [read more]
Skyteck was established in 2017, and has grown rapidly to become aleading provider of online trading solutions for individual and institutional clients. [read more]
START-ASAP has customized solutions for every business. We use best practices in digital marketing. In this way, we ensure that your products, services, or the message you want the world to.. [read more]
Smart Plus Cybersecurity is based in Serbia and primarily specializes in the areas of Identity and Access Management and business enablement through cybersecurity procedures. [read more]
SMASH BURGERS is a restaurant, located at 50 Улица Таковска, Belgrade 11108. They can be contacted via phone at +381605555556 for more detailed information. [read more]
Sevoi Grupa d. o. o. je konsultanska kompanija koja deluje u sinergiji nekoliko regionalnih konsultanskih kompanija specijalizovanih u sledećim oblastima:- Implementacija sistema prema normi.. [read more]
Serbia Creates is a new way of positioning Serbia locally and internationally in ways that affirm the country's contemporary characteristics of creativity, innovation, and originality. [read more]
We're committed to summarize excellence and inspiring confidence in our Members. We operate a dynamic business, focused on meeting the changing needs of our Clients. [read more]
Moja farma je medijska kuća osnovana sa ciljem da se podigne ukupna slika o stanju i perspektivi poljoprivredne proizvodnje u Srbiji i regionu. Moto naše kompanije je Informacija,.. [read more]
The Ministry of Defence of Republic of Serbia is the governmental department responsible for defending the Republic of Serbia from internal and external military threats. [read more]
MediaJobs is Serbian media agency based in Belgrade. We deal with integrated planning of all communications channels. Our role is carry forward the story of our client's services to the right.. [read more]
Mashtronics is mechanical and electrical engineering company, specialized for the production machine for wire processing. Main product are: wire mesh welding machine, wire straightening and.. [read more]
Metazone delivers high-tech system integration services in the digital and Metaverse space. We develop and implement technology solutions that help clients undergo their Digital Transformation,.. [read more]
Situated in the iconic ‘Geozavod' edifice in the very heart of Belgrade's old town, Salon 1905 offers a truly one-of-a-kind fine dining experience. The turn-of-the-century landmark building is.. [read more]
Moja obuka Ltd provides practical, interactive trainings and consulting services following modern business and development in the fields of human resources, business administration and.. [read more]
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MPL Agency je full service marketinška agencija koja realizuje sve zahteve savremene i integrirane tržišne komunikacije. MPL Agency u saradnji s timom stručnjaka nudi vam inovativna,.. [read more]
Master Media is a creative agency for digital marketing composed of people with similar interests, desires, points of view but also with different knowledge in the field of marketing,.. [read more]
When we opened in 2008 Exchange office Alta we had only one goal: to offer people the best service. We have been improving over time , accepted critics and suggestions. [read more]
"MOVEM&Co. " Limited Liability Company is privately owned family company, located in Belgrade. For more than 10 years, the company is the franchise partner of HUGO BOSS AG, as well as.. [read more]
MIS konto is an accounting, taxation and business advisory firm, operating in Belgrade, Serbia, offering expert advice and support to both local and international clients. [read more]