Centar za marginu je nestranačko, nevladino i neprofitno udruženje građana i građanki, osnovano radi ostvarivanja ciljeva u oblasti zaštite ljudskih prava i unapređenja.. [read more]
I am graduated painter, and by nature I can't handle the 9 to 5 job lifestyle. My goal is to help people to get their own Freedom Lifestyle, and so in this page is starting point for some of you. [read more]
BACKSTAGE dance store is one and only specialized DANCE STORE in Belgrade / Serbia. Run by professionals, it's a perfect place for professional dancers, future dancers and their parents,.. [read more]
Hobby center for creativity development. We started as a simple school for people who enjoy the art as hobbyists, and today we offer our services to people and companies, such as wall.. [read more]
BG Elite FotoProfesionalna fotografska radnja u samom centru Beograda – TC „Trg Republike"Laboratorija je opremljena najmodernijom linijom za izradu fotografija Noritsu 37HD koja otvara.. [read more]
BART SPACE is an art agency focused primarily on contemporary art from South East European established, emerging and newly discovered artists. With expertise that spans over a decade, we employ.. [read more]
The main characteristic of the company is a consistent publishing policy based on permanent cultural and democratic values and constantly endeavoring to supply readers with impartial and.. [read more]
Two main Academy departments:1 Department for Church Arts2 Department for Conservation and RestorationSome of the courses offered are:Byzantine Icon and Fresco, Theology of the Icon, Studio.. [read more]
Library of industrial-grunge assets for 3D Artists. [read more]
Arte Media osnovana je 2006. godine sa idejom promocije likovnih umetnosti. Svoje poslovanje zasnivamo na savremenim praksama i saznanjima o menadžmentu. [read more]
AIDE is a content marketing consultancy for art, design and cultural industries. We work with a group of dedicated specialists experienced in SEO, content writing, content editing, design,.. [read more]
Art a Porter - Umetnost za vas is an art gallery, located at 84 Булевар Зорана Ђинђића, Belgrade 11070. [read more]
Center for history, theory and management of arts - ARTIS is independent, non-governmental and non-profit research and educational organization founded by art historians Tamara Ognjević and.. [read more]
High-End Fashion Photography And Retouching. [read more]
Art Video Exchange (AVE) is an international exchange program and initiative between curators developed to organize exhibition opportunities for video artists worldwide. [read more]
Nezavisna umetnička radionica. Primenjena umetnost - Tehnika Intarzije Gotovi i radovi. Izrada po porudzbini: namestaj, portreti, ikone, grbovi,. . . [read more]
“Mozes li mi pozajmiti jedan do dva ideala?” Ulrik Brendel (“Rosmersholm”) “Can you spare me ideal or two” Ulrik Brendel (“Rosmersholm”). [read more]
Изненадите пријатеље, драге особе јединственим поклоном за посебне прилике. . [read more]
Pored velike ponude mađioničarskih trikova po neverovatnim cenama tu su i objašnjenja i sve što vas zanima iz sveta magije. [read more]
MUZEJ UMETNOSTI Gorski Kabadaja, otvoren 24. 4. 2019. Skulpture, slike, grafike Slobodan ulaz. [read more]
Le théâtre dramatique de Belgrade, en abrégé BDP, est un théâtre situé à Belgrade, la capitale de la Serbie. Il se trouve dans le quartier de Crveni krst, dans la municipalité de Vračar. [read more]
Ručni radovi pravljeni s ljubavlju. Ukoliko Vam se nešto dopadne možete naručiti putem Inboxa, ili na tel: 062/8907-170. . [read more]
Rođendaonica predstavlja poseban segment Akademije 28 namenjen deci od predškolskog do tinejđerskog uzrasta. Proslave dečijih rođendana organizujemo u pozorištu, u bioskopu i uz.. [read more]
Promocija kreativnih radionica. [read more]
BLOK Galerija is an art gallery, located at Jurija Gagarina 221, 11000 Novi Beograd. They can be contacted via phone at +381116151675 for more detailed information. [read more]
Obradujte sebe i Vama drage osobe unikatnim poklonom za razne prilike. [read more]
RomArt Na ovoj stranici ćemo prije svega prezentovati svojih ruku djela, ali i druge autore iz svijeta slikarstva, kulture, književnosti, filozofije i muzike. [read more]
Ljimun is an art gallery, located at Нови Сад, Војводина, Србија, 21000 Novi Sad. [read more]
ArtCorner je projekat umetničkih fotografa Zorane Jevtić i Dragane Udovičić, nastao sa idejom izlagačkog koncepta koji promoviše savremene umetničke forme i programe. [read more]
U knjižari galeriji ARTE možete pronaći izdanja IK Arte, slike i umetnine članova Arte grupe, družiti se, pronaći prigodan poklon. . . . [read more]
Theatre on Terazije is a Broadway-style theatre in the Terazije area of Belgrade, Serbia. It is the only theatre in Serbia which exclusively produces musicals and has produced the Serbian.. [read more]
Terazije'deki Tiyatro, Sırbistan'ın başkenti Belgrad'ın Terazije bölgesinde bulunan Broadway tarzı tiyatro. Sırbistan'da özellikle müzikal gösterimleri yapan tek tiyatrodur. [read more]
12. Festival profesionalnih pozorišta za decu i mlade Lazarevac, 1-8. novembar 2019. . [read more]
Reprodukcije na platnu su hit u svetu, prikladne su za brzo i povoljno opremanje hotela, kafića i restorana, poslovnog i kućnog prostora - kao slike za stan ili kao vrlo originalan poklon za.. [read more]
House of Jevrem Grujic/ Dom Jevrema Grujica is a museum, located at Улица Светогорска, 11103 Belgrade. They can be contacted via phone at +381114073612 for more detailed information. [read more]
Umetnicka radionica u kojoj nastaju razlicite forme avangardnog izraza, orginalne ideje pretocene u slike, vitraze i razne upotrebne predmete. . . [read more]