Money Fair Conference is the prime event to address the financial landscape in the Western Balkans in the context of the EU and international financial integration. [read more]
WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SERVICES:Real Estate ValuationProperty Inspection & ValuationFacility ManagementProperty ManagementAsset ManagementReal Estate Advisory. [read more]
Muzička škola "Dr Vojislav Vučković" is a company, located at 6 Улица Кондина, Belgrade 11103. [read more]
We believe in picking the one right tool for the job. Our team covers 7 experts from area of:AdministrationProject managementProduct managementMarketingContent writing.. [read more]
"The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination. [read more]
BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS, ENTREPRENEURS, BUSINESS OWNERS & INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES if you are looking for someone to help you:•Improve your public speaking skills in English•Get ready for.. [read more]
Медицински круг је невладина непрофитна организација која своје циљеве остварује у области медицине и медицинских наука. Визија Медицинског круга је да буде спрега између младости и искуства тј. [read more]
Architecture and development company based in Belgrade | SerbiaWe offer a wide range of services from project planning to interior and exterior works. [read more]
Kompanija Monte Line doo u istoj ili sličnoj formi postoji od 2003. godine. Skrojili smo tim tako da u svakoj oblasti poslovanja imamo stručne i iskusne ljude koji stoje na raspolaganju.. [read more]
Foto magneti za sve Vaše bitne događaje - na licu mesta! Stalni podsetnik na nezaboravne uspomene!📸🖼️💫🎉🌟📸🖼️. [read more]
Manonija is a company, located at 3 Улица Чумићева, Belgrade 11103. [read more]
Klinika za terapiju bola Meliora Medica nastala je sa idejom da svojim pacijentima pruži individualan, multidisciplinaran i pre svega visokostručan pristup premijum usluga u privatnom zdravstvu.. [read more]
Mirage Real Estate in an international company that buys, sells and rent properties. We also cooperate with investors, and provide a broad array of services in real estate business. [read more]
Memoduct is a repository of contemporary media art practices and research in the field of digital humanities, cyber anthropology and the history of media art. [read more]
Mar Design & Jewelry is a company, located at 5 Улица Војводе Степе, Belgrade 11010. [read more]
We have managed multiple taxicab fleets in the State of Virginia and currently provide various levels of management support to fleets that use our call center servicesWe know that not every.. [read more]
Mladi istraživači Srbije su organizacija civilnog društva koja se bavi razvojem volonterizma i promocijom njegove vrednosti, kao i projektima zaštite životne sredine i održivog razvoja. [read more]
Osnovani smo pre više od 30 godina. Toliko godina iskustva u oblastima primene industrijske automatizacije, prerade pitkih i otpadnih voda, regulacije i automatskog vođenja tehnoloških procesa.. [read more]
MPS Integration je kompanija osnovana sa ciljem pružanja podrške kompanijama saradnicima kod kojih postoji mogućnost oustsource-ovanja dela poslovanja. [read more]
Naš cilj nije samo da obučimo vašeg ljubimca, nama je cilj da vas edukujemo. Naučite kako da postanete najbolji trener vašem psu. Postanite osoba kojoj će vaš pas verovati jer jedino tako.. [read more]
Mala škola čaja is a company, located at Belgrade 11103. [read more]
Dr Gabrijela Pavlović Ćirković, specijalista fizikalne medicine i Dr Slobodan Ćirković, specijalista neuroradiolog započeli su privatnu medicinsku praksu 1995. [read more]
Malac Genijalac je internacionalni edukativni sistem namenjen zdravom razvoju dečijeg mozga. Ciljevi Malca Genijalca su podsticanje i razvijanje intelektualnih veština i sposobnosti dece počev.. [read more]
MC Euro Production. [read more]
The Mathematical Grammar School (MGS) is a unique school in Serbia, specialised for students talented in mathematics, physics and computer science, aged 13-18. [read more]
Do you live a meaningful life? Are you achieving your potential?To do so, it's not enough to only focus on your conscious attitude. You should also consider the unconscious as it affects you.. [read more]
Vislual solutions for your business. From idea to realisation,graphic design,printing,cuting and instalation. . [read more]
Nudimo vam brižljivo kreirane kurseve jezika za sve uzraste uz online ili nastavu uživo. Bilo da vam odgovara opšti ili poslovni kurs pomoći ćemo vam da brzo i lako savladate sve.. [read more]
Helping B2B businesses owners and B2B sales teams build, develop and optimize their outbound sales strategies. . [read more]
Educational travel agency sending students abroad from Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro. . . We offer individuals to attend language courses, enroll into the high schools, colleges and universities.. [read more]
IP Law Begins with an Idea. [read more]
Ukoliko imate spor i želite da isti rešite brzo i uz očuvanje odnosa sa drugom stranom ili želite da postanete medijator, kontaktirajte nas za besplatne konsultacije. [read more]
Veliko nam je zadovoljstvo da vas obradujemo i podelimo sa vama vest da je MONUMENT otvorio svoja vrata u prostoru čuvenog beogradskog zdanja Ruski Car. [read more]
MintCar d. o. o. is a registered exporter that specializes in procuring, prepping, and shipping rare and quirky collectible classic European cars. Looking for a rare or quirky 25-year-old or.. [read more]
Mercury livestream is a platform for organizing Online and Hybrid events. Our app is intended for everyone whose current situation has limited or banned normal business. [read more]
Oratorri Comunicazioni is a company, located at Belgrade. [read more]