Nova Consulting provides its clients with market research and planning, copywriting, and interim business development officer services. We work with executive teams and founders to accelerate.. [read more]
Here, we'll give readers access to the most recent analyses of the Middle East. . [read more]
Mount Invest is a family-owned operated by father-and-son joint venture specializing in the construction of high-quality residential buildings. With a combined experience in construction.. [read more]
MissionMaterials Research Society of Serbia is an organisation of researchers working in the area of materials science and engineering in Serbia that promotes connecting national and.. [read more]
Minem is creative agency working globally from Serbia. Minem Design is found in 2019, from the beginning of 2022 we started working globally and currently has 20 presentation specialists. [read more]
MIJATOVIC | LEGAL is a modern full-service law firm operating in the Western Balkans, providing legal services in relation to all aspects of business and commercial law in Serbia. [read more]
English into Serbian written translation, localization, or subtitling services in these areas:IT & Software > User interface (UI) – User assistance (UA) – Web sites – Documentation – Apps.. [read more]
Milovanović & Milovanović is a fast growing company with strong expertise in Finance, Accounting, Controlling, Tax and Advisory. Founded by people who have over 20 years of experience.. [read more]
We believe that everyone should enjoy free and fun to play games. Maja Software was founded in 2019 with the goal of creating fun games for everyone to enjoy. [read more]
Mleko i Mleko je nova kompanija koja se bavi prodajom svežeg mleka koje dolazi direktno sa domaćih farmi. Verujemo da je dostupnost svežeg, kvalitetnog mleka po najvišim standardima.. [read more]
First chauffeur service in Serbia working only with electric vehicles. . [read more]
Over 30 years, MONTPROJEKT has grown from a small, but successful, and the company with the vision, into the one of the leading companies in the construction of electric power facilities and.. [read more]
Mind Inn is a private psychotherapy practice where we do things a little differently. I encourage creativity in my clients and help them harness their imagination in overcoming personal challenges. [read more]
MNS Centar je firma koja se bavi izradom izveštaja o bezbednosti kozmetičkih proizvoda, izradom dosijea (PIF), formulisanjem i edukacijama iz oblasti kozmetike. [read more]
Prodaja pirotehničkih sredstava, organizacija scenskih efekata, kao i prodaja lovačke i sportske opreme. . [read more]
Law office Marković, based in Belgrade, specializes in providing legal assistance in the field of labor and commercial law, intellectual property rights, and competition protection. [read more]
Usluge Executive coaching-a su sada i tebi dostupne. Svi imamo blokade koji nas sputavaju da postignemo odredjene ciljeve. Coaching služi upravo da nam pomogne da odklonimo te blokade a coach da.. [read more]
Moderan I jednostavan sistem borenja I samoodbrane!. [read more]
Mi smo Mari-Mar doo knjigovodstvena agencija osnovana davne 1992. godine. Uspešno se bavimo ovim poslom već punih 30 godina. Počeli smo kao porodično preduzeće a danas smo kolektiv sa.. [read more]
MonteSail tim je posvećen pružanju usluga najvišeg kvaliteta. Poznavanje tržišta, ali i iskustvo nabavke i korišćenja plovila, učinilo nas je neophodnim partnerom na vodi i obali. [read more]
M84 STUDIO is a company, located at Belgrade 11060. [read more]
Our team of skilled engineers, extensive know-how, and experience secure optimal customer-specific solutions. We are capable to model and produce a wide range of high-quality complex.. [read more]
We are a performance-driven digital marketing agency with a focus on delivering results for our clients. Our expertise lies in performance marketing, social media management, short video.. [read more]
We are group of people recognized in regional market as top communication experts. Our team of experienced media professionals has worked with most of the largest advertisers and companies on the.. [read more]
Professional makeup artist. [read more]
Mala SEO marketing agencija iz garaže. Tu sam da vam uskočim u pomoć, kada zapnete oko kreiranja sadržaja za sajt, blog, društvene mreže, opise proizvoda za web shop, e-mail ili bilo koju.. [read more]
What is MedLES?Medles is a perfect combination of natural raw materials of honey and hazelnut and as such is unique just like each of us. Having learned the traditional values of sharing health.. [read more]
Using my skills and 30 years work experience as a Manager, in various industrial, multicultural environments in European , Swedish , French, and Serbian companies, I wish to support my.. [read more]
Thousands of international companies across 6 continents are saving considerable amounts of time and money by sourcing and buying their IT hardware and accessories through Markit's IT marketplace.. [read more]
Mono Exception. [read more]
MG Motor automobili su oni koji inspirišu strast za vožnjom i slobodom na putu dok istovremeno omogućavaju sigurnost i praktičnost. MG Motor se pri unapređivanju svojih modela koristio.. [read more]
Mars Engine is a cloud-based IDE that automates server setup and enables you to deploy your code instantly, with zero downtime. The IDE also integrates basic project management and.. [read more]
MiVi studio operates in architecture, interior design, 3d modeling and visualizations, but also conceptualizing architecture through drawing, photography and scientific works. [read more]
• COMPANY INCORPORATION • Advice on ENTITY STRUCTURE • Assistance in OPENING BANK ACCOUNTS • Consultancy on TAX OPTIMISATION • LEGAL ADVISORY and legal documentation.. [read more]
The Museum of Illusions Belgrade is part of the largest franchise museum chain, which is open in 40 cities around the world. It's exhibit is located on 3 levels and has plenty science based.. [read more]
Mint Consulting & Engineering is a company that specializes in technical and technological designing and startup consulting in the hotel and restaurant industry. [read more]