Gimatic produces pneumatic components for handling like Grippers, Rotary actuators, Linear actuators and "Pick and Place". We exist and wish to grow even further thanks to our customers. [read more]
FiloPsy unites therapists and the general public, through our therapy directory and by disseminating mental health news and promoting ethical therapy. [read more]
Fiscomm is an accredited cloud solution that offers simple and fiscalization automatization for ecommerce businesses in Serbia. Fiscomm is easily connected to WooCommerce and MerchantPro stores.. [read more]
Grid studio doo is print service provider with full service capabilities. In our work we use new technology in digital and ofset printing. Our equipment and experience staff offer very best.. [read more]
Go4Star is an international company providing the *NUMBER service. *NUMBER is new and innovative service based on dialing star followed by any number, brand name, product or service. [read more]
Founded in 2013 as a platform for discussing education and an incubator for independent initiatives in the area of education. Our goal was to create a space for free exchange of ideas.. [read more]
Fontana JM Construction is a company, located at 36a Улица Јурија Гагарина, Belgrade 11073. [read more]
SDT Group je zvanični zastupnik za Fogmaker®️. Od 1995. proizvodi i prodaje sisteme za gašenje požara u motornom prostoru. 🔥🚫Sa 75. 000 instalacija u više od 50 zemalja postao je.. [read more]
Furtherance is a private matchmaking platform that helps startup founders like yourself find the right fit for your current challenges. The other side of the platform consists of a private network.. [read more]
Fon Digital je organizacija nastala s ciljem da kroz edukativne i humanitarne projekte utice na dalji razvoj i oblikovanje karijera mladih u oblasti savremenih tehnologija. [read more]
Hello everyone. Starting up something new. Focus business analytics is here for your data, reports, interactive reports, and automation for business processes. [read more]
Nakon 15 godina rada u velikim sistemima teretana i fitnes centara, odlučili smo da napravimo naš centar i direktno u praksi primenimo naša znanja o telu i treningu. [read more]
Ghostwriter Serbia nudi profesionalne usluge pisanja za vebsajtove kao i SEO usluge. Ukoliko želite da predstavite sebe, svoje ideje ili svoju kompanije putem elektronskih ili štampanih.. [read more]
We are a startup that boosts the talent of independent local artists from the intimacy of patios and music festivals all around the world through our community platform, while connecting fans.. [read more]
Filit Solutions is a leading Salesforce consulting company with expertise in implementing and optimizing the Salesforce platform for businesses of all sizes. [read more]
Every CEO, manager or head of department who's building her/his team to contribute to the growth of the company knows that success is built by people. [read more]
Digital transformation & IT Consultancy. [read more]
Fun Box is studio specialized in photorealistic content for game cinematics, animated movies and virtual production in Unreal Engine. . [read more]
🏫Fakultet političkih nauka (FPN) Univerziteta u Beogradu predstavlja jednu od vodećih institucija u oblasti visokog obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji i regionu Jugoistočne Evrope. [read more]
FIRST LEGO League je globalni program koji deci predstavlja nauku, tehnologiju, inženjerstvo i matematiku (STEM) kroz zabavno i uzbudljivo praktično učenje sa upotrebom didaktičkih materijala.. [read more]
eFloor Casino Management System is designed for gaming venues from slot clubs to big casinos. Our range of modules include cashless, TiTo, multilevel jackpot, accounting and player tracking.. [read more]
Global Engineering Technologies is a company, located at 5 Улица Палмира Тољатија, Belgrade 11070. They can be contacted via phone at +381114049820 for more detailed information. [read more]
GORDON D. o. o. is a company, located at Belgrade. [read more]
Team of educational consultants aiming to provide the best education for all age levels. Bachelors, Postgraduate, Foundation programs, Summer camps, Language schools. [read more]
The company is created and supported by Predrag Nikolic - banking and IT industry expert with over 30 years of experience. We are future-oriented company with strong background, vast skillset.. [read more]
Security services. [read more]
Global Village je portal namenjen ljubiteljima seoskog turizma i odmora u prirodi. Na njemu se nalaze svi elementi potrebni za kreiranje Vašeg odmora: ugostiteljski objekti, lokaliteti koje.. [read more]
Gama Digital Centar je štamparija osnovana 2013. godine. Specijalizovana za digitalnu štampu B2 formata, sve vrste sito štampe kao i štampe velikih formata. [read more]
GEOM Lab is ISO/IEC 17025:2006 certified geotechnical testing based in Belgrade. We specialize in the geotechnical testing of soils and provide a complete solution from site sampling,.. [read more]
Video portreti ljudi koji su ostavili zalog za buducnost. . Ljudi koji zive delo, a ne pricu o delu. . Ljudi koji su trag, a ne mrlja. . Gradjansko Novinarstvo je izvod iz knjige besmrtnih. [read more]
Gembird, A4TECH, Microlab, Tenda, Deepcool, Teamgroup. [read more]
Golux Technologies is a Serbian, Europe based company which has recruited the bestexperienced developers and is run by experienced director who have establishedhimself in the international.. [read more]
The aim of the company is to directly promote renewable energy sources (RES), according to the principles of sustainable development, through maximum utilization of the available matter and energy. [read more]
Go Sushi Serbia is a restaurant, located at Belgrade. [read more]
Grasslamp is a creative agency that manufactures desktop gardens that provide fresh microgreens and tranquil LED lighting in one device. It grows plants in the garden located in the lower portion.. [read more]
Gameriously is brand that covers everything gaming industry has to offer. Starting with web portal, covering news, reviews, interviews, esport events and teams, trough channels like youtube.. [read more]