Advokatska kancelarija Bjelica se nalazi u Pančevu, industrijskom centru južnobanatskog okruga, na 12 kilometara od Beograda. Od osnivanja, 1991. godine pa do danas pruža profesionalne.. [read more]
Bakery 1 Maj AD is a chain of bakeries engaged in the production of bread and pastries. . [read more]
Bakery Industry Pancevo produces bread, fresh pastries, cakes, and other bakery products. . [read more]
Since being established in 2017, Balkan Guide Sport has been known for an unparalleled commitment to clients satisfaction. It's this standard of excellence that has provided the impetus for us.. [read more]
For the past twelve months, we have invested knowledge, time and love into the project, and our children have reciprocated many times – with their joy over the opportunity to play football. [read more]
BrankiStudio is a full-service interdisciplinary studio. We deliver creative, strategic & innovative solutions to help brands transform potential ideas into an amazing experience. [read more]
BDW je priča za sve one koji idu u korak sa vlastitim mislima i željama, koji grade jedinstven stil i ne plaše se da pričaju jasno i otvoreno. Kroz tekstove o kulturi, modi, enterijeru,.. [read more]
BDW Digital exists to help business owners of all stripes uncover modern marketing weaknesses and put a new emphasis on strategic people-first marketing. [read more]
Locirani na fruškoj gori sa pogledom na grad pružamo jedinstven doživljaj u prirodi sa svim pogodnostima koje pruža kako priroda tako i uslovi našeg objekta koji su prilagodjeni svakom našem klijentu. [read more]
In the summer of 2020, Pollino Agrar had been acquired by Biogroup doo. Founded in 2012 subsidiary company in Jazak, municipality of Irig, which begins the upgrading of modern apple seedlings on.. [read more]
Boutique Winery Fragaria is a winery of the family of Slobodan Vujic and is located in Aleksandrovac, Zupa. The vineyards are located in the meadow of Lukarevina and have been in the family for.. [read more]
With pleasure we are proud that for eleven full years fulfilling your wishes and requirements in respect of the implementation of projects planning, remodeling or construction. [read more]
We offer you a unique service of being your statistical video analyst. The way we work is very simple:1. You send us your video2. You choose what you want us to analyze for you3. [read more]
Young and developing mechanical design agency from the city of Kraljevo in Serbia. Agency's current focus lays on development of heavy machinery (mostly agricultural), but our design.. [read more]
Balkan Business Forum is a special event dedicated to entrepreneurship, creativity and innovative thinking. We create brave new spaces for anyone wanting more from business and from life. [read more]
Basco Agency is a short-term serviced apartment rental company. A family owned business founded in 2008. We are specialized in short-term serviced apartment rentals and are one of the pioneers.. [read more]
Blockcept DOO is a company, located at Belgrade 11050. [read more]
Social network design / Branding / Illustration. [read more]
We are a French digital agency based in Paris and Belgrade with a team of 13 creative designers and developers. We deliver full cycle digital solutions from conception and design to.. [read more]
Zasnovan na snažnom uverenju u dostupno obrazovanje, Božidarac Digital s ponosom dovodi obrazovanje u sve krajeve sveta putem našeg onlajn programa. Ove godine krenuli smo da pravimo.. [read more]
Hardware and software development, mobile, desktop, embedded. Automation, automatization, industrial and military systems. We can make anything from your instant messenger application to hardware.. [read more]
Belgrade Urban Distillery is located in the center of Belgrade, where the first „KAFANA" ( Tavern) and the first Brewery were opened. We are producing RAKIJA respecting the traditional.. [read more]
Innovative device for baby temperature monitoring supported by Innovation Forum. [read more]
Hey, I'm Preetam Savio With an innate love for Music, I started working behind the scenes on radio since the age of 15. Being mentored under professionals in the #uae I developed hands-on skills.. [read more]
BEAUTY INDUSTRY is a company, located at 16 Улица Уроша Мартиновића, Belgrade 11070. [read more]
Guided by the goal of becoming market leaders, the team of young people has managed to combine their energy and knowledge with the quality and experience of renowned manufacturers that it represents. [read more]
BEOHIDRO DOO has developed and implemented projects in water and wastewater sector, solid waste and renewable energy sector in the Balkan region since 2006. [read more]
Factory and store of furniture and toys made of wood for children. . [read more]
Za kratko vreme, uspeli smo da osvojimo jednu od vodećih pozicija na poštanskom tržištu Srbije. Na stotine dostavnih vozila najvišeg kvaliteta, savremena oprema za praćenje pošiljki i.. [read more]
PRVA DIGITALNA UČIONICA. Obuka fizičkih i pravnih lica kojima je potrebno stručno osposobljavanje i usavršavanje iz oblasti zaštite i bezbednosti. . [read more]
Sredstva za zastitu bilja i visoko prinosni hibridi kukuruza i uljane repice za sve proizvodne uslove. TRI OSLONCA NAŠEG BRENDARadeći zajedno sa vama, nastojimo da osiguramo vaš uspeh.. [read more]
BG Nautica je kompanija osnovana 2021. godine sa željom da se ujedine sve lepote koje naše reke pružaju. Sport, edukacija i na kraju naravno i sama relaksacija na rekama. [read more]
Benifarm is a medical firm that offers market research, pharmacovigilance, and pharmaceutical marketing solutions for businesses. . [read more]
bzrPRO je aplikacija za upravljanje poslovima bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu. Aplikacija je namenjena malim i srednjimpreduzećima te velikim kompanijama koje žele da imaju ažuran i uređen.. [read more]
Beogradska konferencija pravnika - BEKOP je nevladina organizacija koja se bavi organizovanjem konferencija, predavanja, treninga i obuka za studente prava i mlade pravnike. [read more]
Badminton club, Vojvodina, Serbia. [read more]