Power Quality Company privately owned and is founded in 2010th. Main activity of of PQ Company is consulting, projecting and constructing of passive fire protection. [read more]
Program „Pokreni se za budućnost", koji se sprovodi uz finansijsku podršku kompanije Philip Morris International više od deset godina, ima za cilj da podrži, osnaži i motiviše.. [read more]
Peaksel was founded in 2012, and today, we are a team of around 60 people. We manage a portfolio of over 200 apps and games that have been downloaded around 500M times. [read more]
Najvažniji zadaci koje informacioni sistem mora da ispuni su pouzdan rad, funkcionalnost i mogućnost prilagođavanja poslovnim promenama. Pomno slušamo zahteve vašeg biznisa i.. [read more]
Procescom is innovative technology company developing contemporary solutions and platforms for Telecom Industry players. Procescom team's main specialisation is full stack of services. [read more]
A micropreneurship marketing agency from Belgrade, Serbia. Specialized in brand development, brand deployment, publishing (web and print) and new media consulting & networking. [read more]
Jiesh is the Ecashbot. com holder and other related sites which you can access directly from Ecashbot. com portal. Ecashbot. com portal contains news, forums, directory, tools etc. [read more]
Positions Abroad is a global professional recruitment and consultancy agency specialized on selection of highly skilled professionals for the positions in IT, Engineering and Automotive industries. [read more]
Pro PR agency means: Dedication, Professionalism, Knowledge, Flexibility and Results. We are the perfect match if you need: media relations, PR events, PR support for ATL or BTL campaign,.. [read more]
Prime Software is a part of Prime Holding JSC, which has offices located in six cities in Bulgaria and one in Serbia. The company's headquarters are in Plovdiv, while Prime Software operates in Nis. [read more]
Privredna komora Vojvodine is a company, located at 9 Улица Хајдук-Вељкова, Novi Sad, Vojvodina 21101. [read more]
Putevi AD Uzice / Hotel Palisad AD is a company, located at Užice 31102. They can be contacted via phone at +381 31 512655 for more detailed information. [read more]
Virtual. Store system is universal e-commerce system designed for presentation and merchandising of any type of products. . [read more]
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), CRO and holistic digital marketing solutions. [read more]
Pixel2go is located in Belgrade (Serbia), and is specialized in Ecommerce Development. Our creative team will bring your ideas to life. We will provide you with solution for you online shop. [read more]
Bilcar Apartments, located at Ulica Bele Vode, Čajetina, 31315. [read more]
Proizvodnja poluproizvoda i proizvoda od visoko kvalitetne industrijske plastike (polietilen visoke gustine PEHD, poliamid PA i polipropilen PP. )Plovila pokretna i stacionarna, pontonski.. [read more]
Expert consulting service for pharmaceutical industry, new product development and project management. Support for the evaluation and selection of candidates for new products and pipeline.. [read more]
PIK- BEČEJ is a company, located at 8 Улица Новосадска, Bečej, Vojvodina 21220. [read more]
Regional center for microexpressions and body language "Partner Team" is the only and unique center in the Adria region with certified expertise on this topic and its implementation in.. [read more]
The "Production Pool" company is established in June 2014. After many years of experience in organization of technical event production and event management, we decided to make a "Chanel.. [read more]
We are making IT solutions for banks and insurance companies. . [read more]
Development of projects, reports, studies, programs in the field of geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical investigations. Preparation of geological and groundwater models as the basis for.. [read more]
Team\\We are a team made up of professionals from the field of film, television, marketing and design. After years of independent activity, we decided to join forces. [read more]
Permano DOO je građevinska firma koja investira i gradi stambene, stambeno-poslovne objekte u Novom Sadu. Imamo za cilj da na više atraktivnih lokacija izgradimo renomirane objekte primamljive.. [read more]
P R A V A C Serbian investigating agency Belgrade Serbiaserbian investigator Radomir M. Misaljević master of lawpravac. co. rsMihailo Pupin 169190203 Belgrade 27S e r b i a(+381 11) 6696986,.. [read more]
Government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is an executive authority of the Province. It accounts for its work to the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and its activities.. [read more]
Mi smo Prima kozmetika, porodična kompanija koja se bavi razvojem i proizvodnjom profesionalnih kozmetičkih preparata preko tri decenije. Razvili smo više od 500 originalnih receptura, koje.. [read more]
Since the year of 2000, pipeflowcalculations. com web site is offering pipe flow calculators for every day problem solving in the field of fluid dynamics. [read more]
P. U. L. S. E je sadržajan, agilni magazin, čiji je motor entuzijazam malog broja posvećenih ljudi koji generišu svoje tekstove. Pre svega, radi se o težnji za stvaranjem baze.. [read more]
Proultima (Professional Ultimate web solutions) is a Serbian based software development company specialized in Drupal web development & Drupal consulting. [read more]
Petromont is a company, located at 12 Laze Lazarevića, Novi Sad, Vojvodina 21000. [read more]
Directorate for Inland Waterways (Plovput) is a body within the Serbian Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, responsible for maintenance and development of 963 km of.. [read more]
Privredna komora Srbije-Privredna komora Beograda je poslovno stručna asocijacija 124 hilјada privrednih društava i preduzetnika sa područja glavnog grada, koja zastupa njihove interese i.. [read more]
Piramida 72 je nastala 1993. godine, u Šapcu. Počeli smo kao porodična kompanija, sa idejom i željom da potrošačima ponudimo proizvode u kategoriji lične higijene i kozmetike za.. [read more]
Nature Conservation Movement of Novi Sad- NCMNS (Pokret gorana Novog Sada) is a non-profit, non-governmental ecological organization founded in 1960. NCMNS is a memeber of Vojvodina.. [read more]