Основна школа Петар Николић Самаила is a primary school, located at Улица Мрсаћ bb, Краљево, 36202. They can be contacted via phone at +381 36 889446 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Вера Мишчевић is a primary school, located at Улица Краља Петра I 33, Стара Пазова, 22306. They can be contacted via phone at +381 22 361292 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Доњи Петровци is a primary school, located at Улица Бранка Јанковића 1, Рума, 22404. [read more]
Основна школа Миливој Петковић Фећко is a primary school, located at Улица Доситеја Обрадовића 133, Рума, 22431. They can be contacted via phone at +381 22 440765 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа 6. ударна војвођанска бригада is a primary school, located at Улица Главна 40, Рума, 22423. They can be contacted via phone at +381 22 450603 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Душан Јерковић Уча is a primary school, located at Улица Светог Николаја 18, Пећинци, 22310. They can be contacted via phone at +381 22 480102 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Лаза К. Лазаревић is a primary school, located at Улица Поцерска bb, Sabac, 15000. They can be contacted via phone at +381 15 385798 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Бора Лазић is a primary school, located at Улица Краља Александра I bb, Младеновац, 11406. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 8201378 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Жића Марковић is a primary school, located at Улица Доње Црниљево bb, Коцељева, 15227. They can be contacted via phone at +381 15 563058 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Мића Станојловић is a primary school, located at Улица Доситејева 3, Коцељева, 15220. They can be contacted via phone at +381 15 556390 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Братство јединство is a primary school, located at Улица Жртава Фашизма 25, Сомбор, 25270. They can be contacted via phone at +381 25 810322 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Доктор Александар Сабовљев is a primary school, located at Улица Маршала Тита bb, Зрењанин, 23203. They can be contacted via phone at +381 23 882323 for more detailed information. [read more]
Прва основна школа Краљ Петар Други is a primary school, located at Улица Димитрија Туцовића 171, Ужице, 31109. They can be contacted via phone at +381 31 522970 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Павле Илић Вељко is a primary school, located at Неготин, 19330. They can be contacted via phone at +381 19 3524050 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Данило Зеленовић is a school, located at Улица Новосадска 1, Темерин, 21214. They can be contacted via phone at +381 21 849018 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Дражевац is a primary school, located at Улица Дражевачка 146, Обреновац, 11506. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 8780114 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Аца Милосављевић is a school, located at Улица Школска 7, Београд, 11194. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 8000406 for more detailed information. [read more]
Прва основна школа is a school, located at Улица Карађорђева 122, Ваљево, 14000. They can be contacted via phone at +381 14 221255 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа 21. октобар is a primary school, located at Улица Његошева 4, Сомбор, 25101. They can be contacted via phone at +381 25 22476 for more detailed information. [read more]
Школа за основно и средње образовање Вук Караџић is a primary school, located at Апатински Пут 98, Сомбор, 25101. They can be contacted via phone at +381 25 459111 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Стефанија Михајловић is a school, located at Кладово, 19323. They can be contacted via phone at +381 19 85039 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Светозар Милетић is a school, located at Улица Милоша Црњанског 3, Тител, 21240. They can be contacted via phone at +381 21 860031 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа 12. децембар is a primary school, located at Улица Нова bb, Сјеница, 36310. They can be contacted via phone at +381 20 741185 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Браћа Недић is a primary school, located at Улица Браће Недић 32, Осечина, 14253. They can be contacted via phone at +381 14 451101 for more detailed information. [read more]
Prva Obrenovacka Skola is a primary school, located at Ulica Miloša Obrenovića, Obrenovac, 11500. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 8726069 for more detailed information. [read more]
O. Š. Posavski Partizani is a primary school, located at Ulica Kralja Aleksandra I, Obrenovac, 11500. [read more]
Osnovna Škola Stefan Nemanja is a primary school, located at Kraljevo, 36342. They can be contacted via phone at +381 36 5436450 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Васа Чарапић is a primary school, located at Улица Ђурђије Цветић 7, Београд, 11226. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 3906233 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Драгиша Михаиловић is a primary school, located at Улица Радована Мићовића bb, Крагујевац, 34108. They can be contacted via phone at +381 34 323422 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Живадинка Дивац is a primary school, located at Улица Краља Милутина bb, Крагујевац, 34113. They can be contacted via phone at +381 34 323421 for more detailed information. [read more]
Osnovna Škola Kralj Aleksandar I is a primary school, located at Ulica Aleksinačkih Rudara 22, Beograd, 11070. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 7701920 for more detailed information. [read more]
Osnovna Škola Vojvoda Živojin Mišić is a primary school, located at Ulica Doktora Milutina Ivkovića 4, Beograd, 11040. [read more]
Основна школа Стевица Јовановић is a primary school, located at Улица Браће Јовановић 75, Панчево, 26101. They can be contacted via phone at +381 13 319166 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Васа Живковић is a primary school, located at Улица Карађорђева 87, Панчево, 26101. They can be contacted via phone at +381 13 353313 for more detailed information. [read more]
Основна школа Јован Јовановић Змај Смедерево is a primary school, located at Улица 16. Октобра bb, Смедерево, 11300. They can be contacted via phone at +381 26 641290 for more detailed information. [read more]
Osnovna Škola Dositej Obradović is a primary school, located at Ulica Đure Daničića 84, Smederevo, 11300. They can be contacted via phone at +381 26 4617380 for more detailed information. [read more]