Sindikalna Organizacija Gradske Biblioteke U Novom Sadu is a library, located at Ulica Dunavska, Novi Sad, 21208. They can be contacted via phone at +381 21 451233 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ljubiša R. Djenic Biblioteka is a library, located at Ulica Zlatiborska, Čajetina, 31310. They can be contacted via phone at +381 31 831380 for more detailed information. [read more]
Radoje Domanovic Biblioteka is a library, located at Ulica Kraljice Marije, Topola, 34310. They can be contacted via phone at +381 34 811306 for more detailed information. [read more]
Muhamed Abdagic Biblioteka is a library, located at Ulica Svetozara Markovića, Sjenica, 36310. They can be contacted via phone at +381 20 71976 for more detailed information. [read more]
Градска библиотека у Новом Саду - одељење Коста Трифковић is a library, located at Улица Браће Могин 2, Нови Сад, 21113. They.. [read more]
Библиотека Горњи град is a library, located at Улица Цара Душана 123, Београд, 11186. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 2619780 for more detailed information. [read more]
Библиотека Борча is a library, located at Улица Косте Манојловића bb, Београд, 11211. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 3242418 for more detailed information. [read more]
Narodna Biblioteka Kursumlija is a library, located at Ulica Palih boraca, Kuršumlija, 18430. [read more]
Библиотека Деспот Стефан Лазаревић is a library, located at Улица Краља Петра I 175, Младеновац, 11400. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 8230200 for more detailed information. [read more]
Историјски архив Нови Сад is a library, located at Улица Тврђава 7, Нови Сад, 21132. They can be contacted via phone at +381 21 6432214 for more detailed information. [read more]
Народна библиотека Илија М. Петровић is a library, located at Улица Дринска 2, Пожаревац, 12000. They can be contacted via phone at +381 12 221957 for more detailed information. [read more]
Историјски архив Шумадије Крагујевац is a library, located at Улица Крагујевачког Октобра 13, Крагујевац, 34111. They can be contacted via phone at +381 34 336251 for more detailed information. [read more]
Slovo Opštinska Bibklioteka is a library, located at Njegoševa, Lapovo, 34220. They can be contacted via phone at +381 34 853928 for more detailed information. [read more]
Народна библиотека Бела Црква is a library, located at Улица 1. Октобра 57, Бела Црква, 26340. They can be contacted via phone at +381 13 851311 for more detailed information. [read more]
Историјски архив Бела Црква is a library, located at Улица 1. Октобра 40, Бела Црква, 26340. They can be contacted via phone at +381 13 851283 for more detailed information. [read more]
Историјски архив Топлице Прокупље is a library, located at Улица Пасјачка 2, Прокупље, 18400. They can be contacted via phone at +381 27 329546 for more detailed information. [read more]
Библиотека Маријана Грегоран is a library, located at Улица Салвадора Аљендеа 18, Београд, 11060. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 2756988 for more detailed information. [read more]
Библиотека Дунавски венац is a library, located at Зрењанински Пут 44, Београд, 11210. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 3242418 for more detailed information. [read more]
Библиотека Владимир Назор is a library, located at Улица Косте Нађа 1, Нови Сад, 21132. They can be contacted via phone at +381 21 6433486 for more detailed information. [read more]
Историјски архив Неготин - Одељење у Бору is a library, located at Улица Војске Југославије 18, Бор, 19210. They can be contacted via phone at +381 30 421365 for more detailed information. [read more]
Народна библиотека Кикинда is a library, located at Трг Српских Добровољаца 57, Кикинда, 23300. They can be contacted via phone at +381 230 21458 for more detailed information. [read more]
Библиотека Исидора Секулић is a library, located at Улица Богдана Жерајића 24/A, Београд, 11090. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 3581246 for more detailed information. [read more]
Градска библиотека у Новом Саду - одељење Жарко Зрењанин Уча is a library, located at Улица Душана Даниловића 12,.. [read more]
Библиотека Степа Степановић is a library, located at Улица Војводе Степе 522, Београд, 11010. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 2475545 for more detailed information. [read more]
Градска библиотека у Новом Саду - одељење Данило Киш is a library, located at Улица Народног Фронта 47, Нови Сад, 21102. They.. [read more]
Градска библиотека Владислав Петковић Дис - Хаџића кућа is a library, located at Улица Господар Јованова 6, Чачак, 32102... [read more]
Међуопштински историјски архив Чачак is a library, located at Улица Господар Јованова 2, Чачак, 32102. They can be contacted via phone at +381 32 342860 for more detailed information. [read more]
Библиотека Блажо Шћепановић is a library, located at Улица Учитељска 60, Београд, 11050. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 4894001 for more detailed information. [read more]
Библиотека Милорад Панић Суреп is a library, located at Улица Устаничка 66, Београд, 11050. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 2449463 for more detailed information. [read more]
Библиотека Аница Савић Ребац is a library, located at Трг Републике 2, Нови Сад, 21101. They can be contacted via phone at +381 21 6611251 for more detailed information. [read more]
Градска библиотека у Новом Саду - завичајна збирка Арса Пајевић is a library, located at Улица Цара Душана 27, Нови.. [read more]
Библиотека Перо Слијепчевић is a library, located at Улица Јурија Гагарина 96, Београд, 11070. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 1776482 for more detailed information. [read more]
Библиотека Душан Матић is a library, located at Улица Славољуба Вуксановића 1, Београд, 11090. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 3592875 for more detailed information. [read more]
Архив Војводине is a library, located at Улица Дунавска 35, Нови Сад, 21101. They can be contacted via phone at +381 21 4891800 for more detailed information. [read more]
Библиотека Милентије Поповић is a library, located at Булевар Милутина Миланковића 34, Београд, 11070. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 2136256 for more detailed information. [read more]
Библиотека Стара Карабурма is a library, located at Улица Вишњичка 50, Београд, 11060. They can be contacted via phone at +381 11 2761244 for more detailed information. [read more]