ECOLIT d. o. o. je domaće biotehnološko preduzeće sa sedištem u Kolarima, nadomak Smedereva. . Cilj našeg poslovanja je da svojim sofisticiranim proizvodima i stručno-savetodavnim.. [read more]
IT Consulting Agency. [read more]
Ukoliko tražite brzu i pedantnu uslugu- na pravom ste mestu. Čak i prostore od 1000+ kvadrata možemo očistiti za par sati - pre svega zbog naše velike ekipe, a zatim i zbog najnovijih.. [read more]
Agroplast Team is a private family company, founded in 1999. in Ub, where the company headquarters are. Its main activity is wholesale and retail of fertilizers, and other various agricultural goods. [read more]
Flight School, Pilot training organization and Flight Club based in Trstenik, Serbia since 1950. . [read more]
We have opportunity to import Turkish high quality textile goods from Turkey to Serbia. The aim of company for our valuable customers is to provide best service to anywhere in Serbia. [read more]
Ancient Lakota is a company, located at Novi Bečej, Vojvodina. [read more]
Small company providing web development services. . [read more]
Fashion & Beauty Blogger www. dunjastyle. blogspot. comEnquiries: dunjastyle@yahoo. com. [read more]
Duo Bit Beograd is a company, located at Belgrade. [read more]
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, with extensive experience in Animal Behavior Modification. Therapy of different types of Aggressive Behavior, Fear related problems (fear of thunder,.. [read more]
Jedino što je istinski bitno je dobar osećaj. . [read more]
We are a newly formed platform solely dedicated to high pedigree Dobermans. We have a strong team of individuals ready to do anything it takes to deliver you the puppy you deserve. [read more]
Dacić Prom Doo je preduzeće koje u građevinarstvu posluje preko 20 godine. Zahvaljujući kvalitetu poslovanja naše preduzeće se pozicioniralo kao lider u ovoj oblasti, prevazilazeći sve.. [read more]
At Ditronik, our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. DItronik enables transformation and flow for the era of an developed industry and.. [read more]
Datera Technologies is a company, located at Novi Sad, Vojvodina. [read more]
Delta Exim DOO je kompanija koja se bavi B2B trgovinom građevinskim materijalom. Raspolažemo dugogodišnjim iskustvom i brojnim kontaktima zahvaljujući kojima nudimo povoljne uslove. [read more]
Computer Programming Company. [read more]
Design Sprint je 4 dnevni proces otkrivanja novih koncepata, testiranja velikih ideja i pravljenje ili unapređivanje proizvoda, web sajtova, mobilnih aplikacija, usluga ili procesa. [read more]
DEM d. o. o. je preduzeće čija je delatnost proizvodnja, servis i prodaja medicinske opreme i sredstava. Firma je osnovana još 1995. godine u Novom Sadu i od tada pa do danas, naš rad je.. [read more]
HD/2K/4K TV Graphics rental for all types of live/recorded productions. Custom Windows Playout application development, integration, licensing and distribution. [read more]
Housing rental, luxury homes, Novi Sad, Petrovaradin. [read more]
DiMark solutions is digital marketing agency that helps businesses to transform and improve with innovative and advanced marketing strategies. . [read more]
From idea to solution, whether it's a web presentation, complex business software, or mobile app, we use our knowledge, engineering skills, and creativity to create and launch your product! Our.. [read more]
DOTS GALLERY in Belgrade supports artistic exploration and invention of novel art forms which bring about new social and esthetic values. One of the goals of the DOTS GALLERY is the strengthening.. [read more]
Drop Table is a company, located at Novi Sad, Vojvodina. [read more]
Servis industrijskih pakerica i opreme za pakovanje. Servis streč mašina, baterijskih i ručnih alata, automatskih i poluautomatskih pakerica, montaža automatskih linija. [read more]
International freight management solutions by road, air and sea. [read more]
Pregledi na magnetnoj rezonanci obavljaju se na najsavremenijem aparatu od 1. 5 Tesla Simens-simfony, kojim se, zahvaljujući superiornom softveru i posebnom kompletu zavojnica za svaki.. [read more]
Demate is your five-member dedicated digital marketing team, guided by the idea that the quality of the people is as important as the service they offer. [read more]
Agencija za digitalni marketing. [read more]
We are a team of lawyers from Serbia focusing on all areas of commercial law. Our work is organized around specialized practice areas and across all industry sectors. [read more]
DoMi Eko Solar Ltd. is the first factory of solar panels and equipment in Serbia. DoMi Eko Solar d. o. o. je prva fabrika solarnih panela i opreme u Srbiji. [read more]
Mi pružamo jedinstven, isplativ dizajn koji odgovara vašim potrebama. Od uobičajenih natpisa, do proizvoda nesvakidašnjeg izgleda u mogućnosti smo da proizvedemo baš ono što je vama potrebno. [read more]
Dada factory is a small company engaged in production of toys. This factory is represented by group of young people who recreate children's fantasies through the design of wooden toys. [read more]