Kako smo počeli?Počeli smo sa radom 1993. godine, kao preduzeće koje se prvo, na teritoriji grada Čačka, specijalizovalo za prodaju pločastih materijala za izradu nameštaja. [read more]
We understand the Millennial mindset. Employees who align with company's purpose perfom better. This mindset is not exclusive to the Millennial generation but has come to the forefront of.. [read more]
M|A|R|K Hotel Belgrade is a hotel built following the latest hospitality trends. Hotel captivates with it's modern style, clean lines and interior teeming with warm atmosphere. [read more]
Marija Savić NLP Trainer is a company, located at 54 Улица Вељка Дугошевића, Belgrade 11060. [read more]
Our team programs are meticulously designed to provide systematic manager training, tailored to individual and company needs while ensuring minimal disruption to the workflow. [read more]
Method Energy is a company that gathers teams with industrial installations expertise, covering construction, piping, electrical network design, and installations as well. [read more]
Dizajn i stampa kustomizovanih maskica za mobilne telefone - po zelji korisnika!. [read more]
Kompanija MCO osnovana je 2010 godine od strane specijalista i profesionalaca u opremanju toaleta profesionalnom sanitarnom galanterijom. Od samog osnivanja nasa kompanija je postala.. [read more]
Mindware Solutions is a company, located at Belgrade. [read more]
Više od deceniju iskustva u proizvodnji i servisiranju aparata za zavarivanje. Servisiramo aparate svih domaćih i inostranih proizvođača. . [read more]
Naša inovacija je WiFi billboard, servis sa svim aspektima modernog marketinga. Ovaj servis stvara novi prostor za reklamiranje na postojećim WiFi mrežama ugostiteljskih objekata, tržnih.. [read more]
📻 Media Masters: Unlocking Radio Excellence. Your Trusted Partner in Radio Broadcasting and Station Development🌐 Serving Worldwide Clients in 37 Countries and CountingWith a founder.. [read more]
MySpot is a company, located at 10 Улица Чика-Стевина, Novi Sad, Vojvodina 21101. [read more]
Mentor Education is an LCC company based in Belgrade, Serbia. It promotes, organises and manages internships and educational programs for students, teaching staff, young workers and.. [read more]
The event planning and educational team. It's our Momentum to make your unique Momentum. . [read more]
U doba nestašice hrane i klimatskih promena, mali i mladi proizvođači prepoznati su kao rešenje problema. Njihov doprinos poljoprivredi je neprocenjiv. [read more]
. . [read more]
Post-production studio specialized for video editing and VFX. . [read more]
Empower your team with myCrew. [read more]
Megal Systems Export is a company, located at Novi Sad, Vojvodina. [read more]
In a world driven by constant change and innovation, effective marketing and communication have never been more essential. That's where we come in. MARCOM is your marketing superhero, armed with.. [read more]
Welcome to the official profile of the Association of Citizens Meta Terra!We are a small, non-profit organization based in Kanjiža, Serbia. Our main objectives are to contribute to:•.. [read more]
We are creating videos for your business. Production of videos for social media. . [read more]
METEOR je fabrika dekorativnih svetiljki i stubova čiji se proizvodi izdvajaju po svojoj funkcionalnosti, dizajnu i kvalitetu. Fabrika, od svog osnivanja 1960. [read more]
Mammoth is a web and digital agency offering web and product design with a focus on solving problems and creating premium designs. . [read more]
"MC LABOR" d. o. o iz Novog Beograda je osnovan 2005. godine i od svog osnivanja je orijentisan na trgovinu laboratorijskom i procesnom opremom koja je namenjena praćenju različitih.. [read more]
Ministarstvo državne uprave i lokalne samouprave. [read more]
MENORA CO is a company, located at Belgrade. [read more]
Mimir is a consulting company focused on SaaS industry and sales teams within it. Our purpose is to create and polish your sales process and teams so you can have a robust and reliable system. [read more]
moveinCloud è una Cloud Software Company internazionale fondata sulla convinzione che le Persone ed una solida Cultura dell' Innovazione costituiscano i fattori chiave per il successo di un'Azienda. [read more]
We are a team of young, professional & creative people gathered around the idea of creation. We create conditions for better results in the field of political sciences, organizational sciences.. [read more]
Moj standard predstavlja spoj mladih i ambicioznih ljudi koji su spremni da svojim konsultantskim uslugama pomognu Vašem preduzeću u ostvarenju svih ciljeva. [read more]
The Best Hosting from Serbia. [read more]
MENTORs Group posluje od 1988. godine. U početku kao MENTOR Management Consulting Agencija, a kasnije kao preduzeće / privredno društvo MENTOR. Sadašnju organizacionu formu uspostavljamo 2011. [read more]
Your trusted partner for optimal execution of your development project. We are a team of Project Management experts with extensive experience on large development projects in the region and.. [read more]
1. ZAŠTO?Mi verujemo da ćeš na ovoj radionici dobiti znanje koje ćeš primeniti u svom poslu i sa kojim ćeš dostići ciljeve koje postaviš pred sebe. Sigurni smo da ćeš i ti želeti da.. [read more]